Rand Paul is an American hero who deserves the medal of freedom!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
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"I will speak until I can no longer speak. I will speak as long as it takes, until the alarm is sounded from coast to coast that our constitution is important"

if he only he was the nominee, our republic would be saved!
because he loves America, Rand Paul filibustered the nomination of John Brennan for CIA Director for THIRTEEN STRAIGHT HOURS!

i bet you can only WATCH 13 minutes of it...

It was the hair that tipped me off.

Rand Paul in Lexington: "There was one U.S. Senator who voted 'no' on Comey, and you are looking at him."
"While there is much that divides us, there is also uniquely an American hope that unites us..."
Rand Paul is using a lot of Pink Floyd references in his victory speech!
I don't have a problem with Rand Paul. He is doing his job but I heard a commercial on a radio talk show featuring his father, Ron Paul using his political influence and political reputation to sell freaking kitchen appliances. Ron Paul sells a dehydrator appliance marketed as some sort of survival device. I find Ron Paul's conduct to be offensive and unethical. Does the Paul family need the money that badly?
Rand is alright, for the most part. He seems to be a true conservative. Why he didn't get the nomination and the orange rapey cheeto did will forever remain a mystery to me.
Rand seems like the perfect bureaucratic conservative. We need guys like him but frankly he don't have the culyones to drain the swamp. Maybe that's what RINO republicans really want.
Rand Paul will vote against Guiliani or Bolton for SOS. I will vote for them!

just a tiny disagreement between 2 legends! ;)
you can thank Senator Paul that Trump didn't nominate Bolton for SOS.

Rand is alright, for the most part. He seems to be a true conservative. Why he didn't get the nomination and the orange rapey cheeto did will forever remain a mystery to me.
He was the only conservative on the stage.
Its not a mystery though. A lot of voters are fucking idiots.
I like Rand, one of the first things he did was demand to know which government idiot regulated use of the low flow toilet you have to flush 3 times. When the government starts regulating the size of a dump you can take its out of control.
"It's hard to hate Rand Paul" - New York Magazine

"Rand Paul is a one-man think tank" - Politico

"Tough talk and fearless politics have made Rand Paul a leader in the Republican Party" - Vogue

"He's rare among politicians cos he's actually driven by ideas" - Hannity

"this Rand Paul business has totally upset the power structure in Washington" - Limbaugh

"Rand Paul is an American hero who deserves the medal of freedom" - basquebromance
Rand is alright, for the most part. He seems to be a true conservative. Why he didn't get the nomination and the orange rapey cheeto did will forever remain a mystery to me.
He was the only conservative on the stage.
Its not a mystery though. A lot of voters are fucking idiots.

Right. I'm a far left liberal and even I could tell he was the only real conservative. Which makes me wonder, if Rand wasn't able to resonate with the majority of conservatives, perhaps conservatives aren't conservative anymore? I think the Republican party represents a different philosophy from real conservatism, and hasn't represented it since Reagan was president. Perhaps you can tell me what the hell happened, because I can't pinpoint the source of the change, other than the proliferation of more extremist views on radio and more recently popular outrage-porn right wing sites that have hijacked the party.

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