Race is a social construct?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
White is a thing of definition just like black, it is indeed a bit of a social construct, dont kill me now, it is not only a social construct, it is based on science but a little bit, what I mean is blackness is defined by having SSA ancestry and a bit of a SSA face or features, but you can have only a afro and pass like Rachel Dolozel who was fully white and just made herself a afro. While to be white you need to be 100% white, even if you look white but you are 10% SSA or native american you are not white to most. That is a historically grown because of the one drop rule and because whiteness is more exclusive then other races, for example you can be a happa and considered asian but you cannot be a happa and considered white, you can be maybe white passing but that means that you are not white but look white or pass as white. I think I could be under some circumstances considered white passing, not to everyone but to some, some could conclude i look white, i was told that, but also treated as if im non white but also sometimes treated as if im white or look white but i dont consider myself white, because im gypsy/roma and my family is brown, i have lighter skin then them and could easier blend in into europeans then them, but because of my dark relatives and my genetics (middle east/northindia) i dont consider myself white, maybe vaguely white passing. But definitions might change and whiteness might become less exclusive and similar to blackness where people with 30% SSA a afro and green eyes and light skin are lightskins. Maybe you can be darkskin white. That is a social construct, do you agree?
White is a thing of definition just like black, it is indeed a bit of a social construct, dont kill me now, it is not only a social construct, it is based on science but a little bit, what I mean is blackness is defined by having SSA ancestry and a bit of a SSA face or features, but you can have only a afro and pass like Rachel Dolozel who was fully white and just made herself a afro. While to be white you need to be 100% white, even if you look white but you are 10% SSA or native american you are not white to most. That is a historically grown because of the one drop rule and because whiteness is more exclusive then other races, for example you can be a happa and considered asian but you cannot be a happa and considered white, you can be maybe white passing but that means that you are not white but look white or pass as white. I think I could be under some circumstances considered white passing, not to everyone but to some, some could conclude i look white, i was told that, but also treated as if im non white but also sometimes treated as if im white or look white but i dont consider myself white, because im gypsy/roma and my family is brown, i have lighter skin then them and could easier blend in into europeans then them, but because of my dark relatives and my genetics (middle east/northindia) i dont consider myself white, maybe vaguely white passing. But definitions might change and whiteness might become less exclusive and similar to blackness where people with 30% SSA a afro and green eyes and light skin are lightskins. Maybe you can be darkskin white. That is a social construct, do you agree?
One of your more complex posts. Hope it does not overly bother you internally debating it's importance with yourself. Do your thing, dude. Live your life and make the most of that life. If your ethnicity bothers somebody else, it is and should be considered their problem.
White is a thing of definition just like black, it is indeed a bit of a social construct, dont kill me now, it is not only a social construct, it is based on science but a little bit, what I mean is blackness is defined by having SSA ancestry and a bit of a SSA face or features, but you can have only a afro and pass like Rachel Dolozel who was fully white and just made herself a afro. While to be white you need to be 100% white, even if you look white but you are 10% SSA or native american you are not white to most. That is a historically grown because of the one drop rule and because whiteness is more exclusive then other races, for example you can be a happa and considered asian but you cannot be a happa and considered white, you can be maybe white passing but that means that you are not white but look white or pass as white. I think I could be under some circumstances considered white passing, not to everyone but to some, some could conclude i look white, i was told that, but also treated as if im non white but also sometimes treated as if im white or look white but i dont consider myself white, because im gypsy/roma and my family is brown, i have lighter skin then them and could easier blend in into europeans then them, but because of my dark relatives and my genetics (middle east/northindia) i dont consider myself white, maybe vaguely white passing. But definitions might change and whiteness might become less exclusive and similar to blackness where people with 30% SSA a afro and green eyes and light skin are lightskins. Maybe you can be darkskin white. That is a social construct, do you agree?
Black men are the only race of men who can reproduce ourselves with any woman. That's why black men aren't worried about being wiped out or have any fears about popuation control the way white supremacists or in fact many whites do in general.
Black men are the only race of men who can reproduce ourselves with any woman. That's why black men aren't worried about being wiped out or have any fears about popuation control the way white supremacists or in fact many whites do in general.

You know, black people, white people are really your fault. If your distant OA African ancestors could have just left those Neanderthal women alone, we white people wouldn't be here today. So you see, you need to learn to control yourself and avoid a lot of trouble. I am just kidding. Don't have a fit and don't take everything so seriously. Life doesn't have to be a constant life and death struggle.
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