race for the white house(George Bush)


Trademark 36

helpful ideas for presidential candidates

I personally wish George W would run on a homeland concept that includes seriously changing our heathcare issues including reducing the amount of red tape every individual has to go through.Another platform I think would help is to reduce violent crimes by treating gangsters,whether it be hispanic,white,black asian,arab or whatever race like they are literally terrorists in America because that is excactly what they are.We certainly have other very serious issues,but I think these would be a great start.I would like to hear other opinions and views and find a way to submit these ideas to Mr Bush.thanx for lending an ear and I hope to hear some response,
Get rid of ALL the illegal aliens, and close the boarders.
I dont think thats the answer because not one of us had a choice where we were born or what color we are.I have nothing against those who want to make their lives better,however we cant allow ourselves to get overcrowded and those who are allowed into the country should prove their worth and that they can be good kind productive members of their community and then we should export the idiots who are not decent people or decent members of society and let them live in a society of boneheads like themselves.
Originally posted by Big D
Get rid of ALL the illegal aliens, and close the boarders.

Sure glad the US didn't do that in 1865 when my fathers' family moved from Spain to St. Augustine, FL.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Sure glad the US didn't do that in 1865 when my fathers' family moved from Spain to St. Augustine, FL.
Figures, the way you change your identity on here, that you would be the offspring of illegal aliens.
Originally posted by Big D
Figures, the way you change your identity on here, that you would be the offspring of illegal aliens.

Who said anything about illegal?
My dad's family came over from Spain in the 1800's and my mothers from England/Germany in the 1600's.

One legal mutt I am.
Need to streamline the operations of government agencies with stricter oversight and accountability (FBI, CIA, INS, borders, etc.)
I have been shocked and stunned at the number of people in responsible positions in the government who don't seem to know what is going on in their own agencies. How widespread is this problem? Makes me wonder if things in Washington, D.C. have deteriorated to the point that everyone there spends all their time and efforts on politics. They need to get back to taking care of the Nation's business--their main reason for being there.
Originally posted by Big D
Get rid of ALL the illegal aliens, and close the boarders.

I sorta like this idea. bring back the orderly process of registering illegals and putting them on the road to citizenship or don't let them in.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Who said anything about illegal?
My dad's family came over from Spain in the 1800's and my mothers from England/Germany in the 1600's.

One legal mutt I am.
Comming from Spain, is that where you got the name Chippewa from?
I think that homeland security should be Bushs' primary issue as there are so many people that still won't believe we are even at war. He also needs to point out the economic losses suffered as a result of the terrosists attacks and thier promises for more. This is money that has to be spent for our security but certainly would be helpful in other areas of the budget. I hesitate to hope for the federal government to intervene in health care other than for the elderly. The idividual and the state would a be more cost effective and focused on the local problems. Living in Texas I see the results of unchecked borders and illegal alliens receiving the same or even more benefits than a Texas citizen. Immigration is fine but make them go through the process! I see Bush wavering on this issue to pander to the hispanic vote.
Originally posted by Big D
Comming from Spain, is that where you got the name Chippewa from?

Chippewa sounds native american not Spanish to me. But I wouldn't expect you to have much understanding of different cultures...
Originally posted by nycflasher
Chippewa sounds native american not Spanish to me. But I wouldn't expect you to have much understanding of different cultures...
Or all your different personalitys.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Better start with English, then you can move on to Spanish.:rolleyes:
When are you going to bring out Chippewa your other p-e-r-s-o-n-a-l-i-t-y, I like her better.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
I guess you don't care to follow DK's request.
I posted that before DK posted his request, do you ride with the seat on or off?
Originally posted by Big D
I posted that before DK posted his request, do you ride with the seat on or off?
No you did not. DK's thread was posted at 11:43am central time, your post was at 12:41pm central time.

Do you know how to read a clock?
Originally posted by MtnBiker
No you did not. DK's thread was posted at 11:43am central time, your post wat at 12:41pm central time.

Do you know how to read a clock?
My Bad, I did'nt see DK's post.

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