Question about terrorists' rights

Mar 18, 2004
There was an assassination attempt in the final stages of planning for when Bush visits Turkey at the end of June. The terrorists were captured, they were Ansar al-Islam operatives (tied to al-Qaeda, formerly based and sponsored by Iraq). They may get 7 to 10 years.

My question is... why aren't terrorists put away forever? So in 10 years, these terrorists get out? We'll never win the War on Terror.
Originally posted by preemptingyou03
There was an assassination attempt in the final stages of planning for when Bush visits Turkey at the end of June. The terrorists were captured, they were Ansar al-Islam operatives (tied to al-Qaeda, formerly based and sponsored by Iraq). They may get 7 to 10 years.

My question is... why aren't terrorists put away forever? So in 10 years, these terrorists get out? We'll never win the War on Terror.

Ask the terrorist loving libs and euros. Appeasing terrorism is their deal.
"Ask the terrorist loving libs and euros. Appeasing terrorism is their deal."

Do you think that the only people who lost loved ones during 9/11 were concervative?

No, that would be an insult to your great concervative intelect,
Just because Libs are anti-war-in-Iraq does not mean they are anti-war-on-Terror.

I'm a Lib and I want to see us catch Osama as much as any concervative, I just want to bomb as few third world countries as possible in order to do it.
Originally posted by deaddude
Do you think that the only people who lost loved ones during (/11 were concervative?

"What the hell does that mean?????"

I apologise for the typos they have been edited out, I accidently posted that before I finished.
Libs are against fighting the war in anything but rhetoric. Libs fancy America an Evil Empire and do not wish the U.S. to succeed in spreading our version of freedom. Some libs lost love ones, and some of those families have been suckered into thinking that Kerry gives a damn.
Originally posted by preemptingyou03
There was an assassination attempt in the final stages of planning for when Bush visits Turkey at the end of June. The terrorists were captured, they were Ansar al-Islam operatives (tied to al-Qaeda, formerly based and sponsored by Iraq). They may get 7 to 10 years.

My question is... why aren't terrorists put away forever? So in 10 years, these terrorists get out? We'll never win the War on Terror.

Where were they arrested? Not every country shares our loathing of terrorists.
Originally posted by deaddude
[BI'm a Lib and I want to see us catch Osama as much as any concervative, I just want to bomb as few third world countries as possible in order to do it. [/B]

So who do we bomb then? The terrorists arent any one nation. They gather funds from a host of nations. Do you propose we go at it the Bill clinton way; Arrest one or two terrorists for the murder of thousands and hope that deters them in the future?

This is like a tree. You cut off one limb, it will grow back. You have to attack it at the source. Take out its resources and it will wither and die.
Perhaps you don't realize, you liberal person, what exactly the liberals have done regarding terrorism. First off, we have Kerry:
Official: Kerry failed
to act on pre-9/11 tip
3rd agent to say he warned security lapses made Boston airport ripe for 'jihad' attack
Posted: March 19, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Paul Sperry
© 2004

WASHINGTON – A third federal aviation-security agent, one still with the government, has stepped forward to say he also warned Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry about security lapses at Boston's Logan International Airport before the 9-11 hijackings there.

Earlier this week, two former FAA agents said the Democratic presidential hopeful failed to take effective action after they gave him a prophetic warning that his home airport was vulnerable to multiple hijackings.

Brian Sullivan, a retired special agent from the Boston area, advised Kerry in a May 7, 2001, letter (page 1, page 2) that Logan was ripe for a "jihad" suicide operation possibly involving "a coordinated attack." He cited serious breaches at Logan security checkpoints exposed by an undercover investigation he and another former agent helped a Boston TV news station conduct.

Sullivan says he had a copy of the undercover videotape hand-delivered to Kerry's office.

It turns out the person who delivered it was a senior FAA agent in Washington who's now with the Transportation Security Administration. The agent, Bogdan Dzakovic, headed covert testing of airport security across the country before TSA took over aviation security from FAA after 9-11.

In an exclusive interview, he says he gave the tape to Jamie Wise, a Kerry staffer at the time.

After the office visit, "I received no feedback from anyone there," Dzakovic told WorldNetDaily.

Kerry boasts in campaign ads he "sounded the alarm on terrorism years before 9-11."

But he waited three months to reply to Sullivan's letter. And his July 24, 2001, letter, a copy of which was obtained by WorldNetDaily, merely offers to pass Sullivan's warning on to the Transportation Department's inspector general – even though Sullivan had made it clear in his letter that going to his old agency was a dead end. He and other agents, including Dzakovic, had complained about security lapses for years and got nowhere.

"The DOT OIG has become an ineffective overseer of the FAA," Sullivan told Kerry.

He suggested Kerry show the tape to peers on committees with FAA oversight. He even volunteered to testify before them.

Yet the correspondence stopped there. Kerry never followed up with him.

"He just did the Washington shuffle," said Sullivan, who thinks Kerry had a chance to prevent the Boston hijackings.

Another former agent, Steve Elson, who set up the TV sting at Logan, tried to follow up with Kerry, but was told by Wise he wasn't a constituent. (Elson, formerly of the elite Red Team that did covert testing, was a Houston field agent at the time.)

He came unglued, warning the staffer that if Kerry didn't act soon he'd risk the lives of planeloads of his actual constituents.

"What would the senator say if a large plane filled with holiday travelers took off from Logan at Thanksgiving for somewhere in California and went – boom – spattering men, women, children and babies all over the landscape at a couple of hundred knots?" demanded Elson, an ex-Navy SEAL.

His warning now looks like prophecy: At least 82 Kerry constituents were murdered aboard American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175.

Elson says he also dealt with Gregg Rothschild, Kerry's legislative director at the time. Attempts to reach him were unsuccessful.

Dzakovic laments the lack of attention to their warnings.

"We could have fed fish at the aquarium and accomplished just as much," he said.

Sullivan is perhaps the most frustrated. His two-page warning to Kerry four months before the Logan hijackings was eerily prescient.

"With the concept of jihad, do you think it would be difficult for a determined terrorist to get on a plane and destroy himself and all other passengers?" he wrote. "Think what the result would be of a coordinated attack which took down several domestic flights on the same day. With our current screening, this is more than possible. It is almost likely."

The toll from such an attack would be economic, as well as human, he predicted with chilling accuracy.

And the Logan security failures he highlighted in the letter included breaches at the very checkpoints the hijackers would later exploit.

The undercover investigation by Fox affiliate WFXT in Boston showed crews penetrating security checkpoints at Logan with knives and other weapons in nine of 10 tries.

Elson says the crew, led by reporter Deborah Sherman, walked through with Leatherman tools concealed in fanny packs. The Leatherman is a fancy utility knife. The 9-11 hijackers used utility knives. Sherman says she also had no luck getting Kerry to act on the video he apparently saw.

"It was always being 'reviewed' every time I called," she said. "There was no comment or action taken on the senator's part other than passing the tape along to someone else."

Sullivan – a registered independent who's also critical of Bush's handling of aviation security, both before and since 9-11 – thinks Kerry could have saved the Twin Towers, which were toppled by the Boston jetliners, and thousands of lives.

"John Kerry should have – and could have – prevented 9-11," he said.

How? "He could have taken direct action to address the concerns we had identified by visiting Logan and the MassPort authorities at Logan or the Massachusetts State Police," he said.

If that didn't work to bring about corrective action, he could have applied political pressure by having Sullivan and other agents testify before Congress, he says.

"Enhanced security would have prevented the hijackings, virtually without question," Elson agreed. If nothing else, it might have discouraged ringleader Mohamed Atta, who monitored security procedures at Logan weeks before the hijackings.

Phone calls to Kerry's campaign were not returned.

Right after 9-11, he told the Boston Globe that he'd triggered an undercover probe of Logan security by the General Accounting Office in June 2001, based on the TV report.

Only, he wrote Sullivan no such thing in his July letter, stating only that he passed his warning and the tape on to Transportation, not GAO.

And GAO, the investigative arm of Congress, did not test security at Logan. (Kerry confessed he didn't know the outcome of the probe he says he initiated.)

GAO spokesman Jeff Nelligan says there is no evidence Kerry requested anything specific with regard to Logan, although he says GAO had communications with "a number of interested members and staff, including Sen. John Kerry's office" about airport screener testing work in 2001.

He would not elaborate.

Sullivan and Elson, joined by aviation-security experts David Forbes and Andrew Thomas, want to see Kerry called before the 9-11 Commission, as well as President Bush, to answer questions about what he knew about Logan's lapses, and specifically what he did about them, before that fateful day. They also recommend GAO and Transportation officials testify to sort out discrepancies in Kerry's story.

Calls to the panel were not immediately returned.

"We don't have to wait for a tragedy to occur to act," Sullivan urged Kerry in his letter.

Paul Sperry is Washington bureau chief for WorldNetDaily and author of "Crude Politics."

The Clinton legacy, however, cannot be dismissed in any analysis of 9/11 either. The United States was struck repeatedly under his watch—and our inaction did not go unnoticed.

Despite the apparent involvement of both Iraq and al Qaeda, the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 was treated as a police matter, not as the international terrorist attack it was. The Khobar Towers U.S. military housing complex was bombed by Islamic extremists three years later, and the United States did nothing.

When al Qaeda killed more than 200 people in 1998 by blowing up two U.S. Embassies in East Africa, Clinton’s “response” was bombing empty training camps in Afghanistan and somebody else’s pharmaceutical plant in Sudan.

And when 17 servicemen were killed and 39 injured in what could only be construed as an act of war on the U.S.S. Cole in 2000, the response was an FBI investigation. No strike back, nothing. Liberals respond in pacifism. You have to understand that these people want to see us dead. Quit feeling sorry for them and start looking out for your own fellow citizens! My cousin is a Navy SEAL and he just got sent back to the Middle East AGAIN, and he is constantly writing about how the media releases to much information that is sympathetic to the enemy, and not enough that supports the troops over there. As michael savage puts it, y'all are the enemy within, who tears us down by sympathizing with the enemy.

So yeah, liberals lost loved ones too, but how many liberals who were in power cared???
Originally posted by preemptingyou03
There was an assassination attempt in the final stages of planning for when Bush visits Turkey at the end of June. The terrorists were captured, they were Ansar al-Islam operatives (tied to al-Qaeda, formerly based and sponsored by Iraq). They may get 7 to 10 years.

My question is... why aren't terrorists put away forever? So in 10 years, these terrorists get out? We'll never win the War on Terror.
I would suppose the same reason that rapists, child molesters and murderers aren't- some people think it's cruel and unusual punishment and that people can be "rehabilitated".

My opinion is that's hogwash and these people should be removed from society forever. But that's simply not the case in either this or any other country.

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