Queen Nancy


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
That would be Nancy Pelosi who is the most powerful politician in D.C. today. Her "Highness" and her hubby have and are making millions with 'lucky' investments in Silicon Valley (Big Tech). Glen Grenwald wrote a good eye-opening account.

"Pelosi and her husband, Paul, keep getting richer and richer. Much of their added wealth is due to extremely lucrative and "lucky” decisions about when to buy and sell stocks and options in the very industries and companies over which Pelosi, as House Speaker, exercises enormous and direct influence."

Well, as they say in Mayberry....Golly Gee Willikers!!! Whoda thunk?

"The sector in which the Pelosis most frequently buy and sell stocks is, by far, the Silicon Valley tech industry. Close to 75% of the Pelosis’ stock trading over the last two years has been in Big Tech: more than $33 million worth of trading. That has happened as major legislation is pending before the House, controlled by the Committees Pelosi oversees, which could radically reshape the industry and laws that govern the very companies in which she and her husband most aggressively trade."

Now don't that beat all....Some folks just have all the luck......Wake up folks, to Pelosi you're just a bunch of 'flyover' Jethros.

The real scary thing is, this is the way D.C. works and they don't think they are doing anything wrong.
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That would be Nancy Pelosi who is the most powerful politician in D.C. today. Her "Highness" and her hubby have and are making millions with 'lucky' investments in Silicon Valley (Big Tech). Glen Grenwald wrote a good eye-opening account.

"Pelosi and her husband, Paul, keep getting richer and richer. Much of their added wealth is due to extremely lucrative and "lucky” decisions about when to buy and sell stocks and options in the very industries and companies over which Pelosi, as House Speaker, exercises enormous and direct influence."

Well, as they say in Mayberry....Golly Gee Willikers!!! Whoda thunk?

"The sector in which the Pelosis most frequently buy and sell stocks is, by far, the Silicon Valley tech industry. Close to 75% of the Pelosis’ stock trading over the last two years has been in Big Tech: more than $33 million worth of trading. That has happened as major legislation is pending before the House, controlled by the Committees Pelosi oversees, which could radically reshape the industry and laws that govern the very companies in which she and her husband most aggressively trade."

Now don't that beat all....Some folks just have all the luck......Wake up folks, to Pelosi you're just a bunch of 'flyover' Jethros.

The real scary thing is, this is the way D.C. works and they don't think they are doing anything wrong.
Trump is the honest one of the bunch . Democrats are crooks.
Wake up folks, to Pelosi you're just a bunch of 'flyover' Jethros.
No doubt, but to us, she's an 80-year-old hag on her way to the grave. People like her and Schumer and McConnell aren't satisfied with wealth alone. They begin to wither as soon as they no longer wield power over others...
Trump is the honest one of the bunch . Democrats are crooks.
That's the primary reason DC hated him so much. They had to put years in to steal enough to be wealthy. He CAME there with more than they'd EVER manage to acquire and because of that, he couldn't be controlled by the media whores. (I use that word too often) I actually have a LOT more respect for working ladies than any of these politicans.
Oh, she IS ;) Even if she lives another decade, she won't have power and she'll be miserable without it. She really IS a disgusting old twat...
Triggered by powerful women
No, we're disgusted with people using their political power to get rich and, in Pelosi's case, using spousal privilege and privileged communication to skirt the law. It's really disgusting yet you yahoos are either too stupid and brainwashed to realize it or just don't give a shit because Pelosi is in your political wheelhouse.
If only you had evidence. In reality it's you feeling insecure about woman in power.
The evidence is there and blatant for those who aren't brainwashed such as yourself. Prosecuting her would be difficult because the Pelosi's would never testify against each other and would claim spousal privilege legally.
The evidence is there and blatant for those who aren't brainwashed such as yourself. Prosecuting her would be difficult because the Pelosi's would never testify against each other and would claim spousal privilege legally.
Prosecuting would be difficult without a shred of evidence of evidence. Admit it you're a Trumptard and uncomfortable with women in authority. We all know your type.
Prosecuting would be difficult without a shred of evidence of evidence. Admit it you're a Trumptard and uncomfortable with women in authority. We all know your type.
I posted an article by Glen Grenwald detailing evidence that you refuse to address and would be suspect to you, Democrats and the MSM if it were Trump and Melania. Apparently you have no retort other than a blanket denial and insults.
That would be Nancy Pelosi who is the most powerful politician in D.C. today. Her "Highness" and her hubby have and are making millions with 'lucky' investments in Silicon Valley (Big Tech). Glen Grenwald wrote a good eye-opening account.

"Pelosi and her husband, Paul, keep getting richer and richer. Much of their added wealth is due to extremely lucrative and "lucky” decisions about when to buy and sell stocks and options in the very industries and companies over which Pelosi, as House Speaker, exercises enormous and direct influence."

Well, as they say in Mayberry....Golly Gee Willikers!!! Whoda thunk?

"The sector in which the Pelosis most frequently buy and sell stocks is, by far, the Silicon Valley tech industry. Close to 75% of the Pelosis’ stock trading over the last two years has been in Big Tech: more than $33 million worth of trading. That has happened as major legislation is pending before the House, controlled by the Committees Pelosi oversees, which could radically reshape the industry and laws that govern the very companies in which she and her husband most aggressively trade."

Now don't that beat all....Some folks just have all the luck......Wake up folks, to Pelosi you're just a bunch of 'flyover' Jethros.

The real scary thing is, this is the way D.C. works and they don't think they are doing anything wrong.
Then there's the $200 million Pelosi gifted herself for the park near her house in San Francisco. :oops:
I posted an article by Glen Grenwald detailing evidence that you refuse to address and would be suspect to you, Democrats and the MSM if it were Trump and Melania. Apparently you have no retort other than a blanket denial and insults.
"Glen Grenwald" isn't he the fascist Trumper who good booted out of Germany for promoting right wing disinformation and lies. I can see why you're easily suckered. BTW you still have no evidence.
"Glen Grenwald" isn't he the fascist Trumper who good booted out of Germany for promoting right wing disinformation and lies. I can see why you're easily suckered. BTW you still have no evidence.
No, Greenwald won a Pulitzer for his work at 'The Guardian and Washington Post and won the 2013 George Polk Award. He now publishes 'Substack.' Greenwald's work on the Snowden story was featured in the documentary 'Citizenfour' which won the 2014 Academy Award. Said that the U.S. government used counter-terrorism as a pretext for clandestine surveillance as well. Greenwald is gay and has also faced death threats.

Greenwald was actually critical of the Trump administration and said: "I think the Trump White House lies more often."

So, your fantasy portrayal of who he is is nothing but a baseless lie. And no, he did not get 'booted out of Germany' that's YOUR fairy tale.

Of course you COULD have looked up his bio instead of lie like the little piss-ant troll you really are.
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