Putting Democrat PROG thought to the test - A through Z


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
The left does a lot of talking don't they? You figure anything they say and do has value, or is it more they're covering for something? If the Democrats and "progress"ives were worth a shit at all, then how come?

A. California is their flagship state right? There's an exodus taking place in California because they destroyed the State leaving the very poor and very wealthy. Yet they'll tell you how they're for the middle class, they lie.

B. They were butt-harmed because "Trump's a liar". The guy was an open book and LIKELY the most honest POTUS in history by the numbers. Did they really care about lies though? Course not, look who they appointed to replace Trump, he can't even come up with his own material and if he says something measurable it's always a lie.

C. Racism racism racism. They pretend they're social justice warriors all while their words and actions represent the exact opposite. Everything is racist to them and that alone in itself is the institution of racism. They only know how to project. How is it they can't figure out police kill more unarmed whites than anyone? How is it when a black cop kills and unarmed women it's crickets but when a cop kills a black thug who had it coming is a social justice concern? They lie.

D. They claim Iraq was "Bush's fault". Yet all of the Democrats supported it and in fact promoted that war BEFORE Bush was even POTUS.

E. They claim the housing crash was Bush's fault. They're too fucking dumb to know the deck was stacked BEFORE Bush was elected and in fact the Democrats controlled congress. These fuckers don't even know how the govt. works, and how do we know that?

F. They claimed the economic crash under COVID was Trump's fault. These people have the mentalities of spoiled children. They say this because they have no comprehension how the govt. operates as if Trump is the "DICTATOR" they claimed. They don't care it crashed throughout the world, to them it's Trump's fault DESPITE the GDP raising 40% Trump's last two quarters.

G. They claimed blood was on Trump's hands due COVID. Surely they can't explain why that is, because it's "their feelings". Meanwhile, by season more cases and deaths on Xiden's watch and suddenly they don't care.

H. They claimed Trump was incompetent. They can't explain why, just know that he is. They fell in love with incompetence apparantly, because they appointed a guy with dementia who cannot articulate a single thing despite everything provided him is staged with teleprompters.

I. They claimed Trump doesn't care about us because he didn't wear a mask. Meanwhile they appointed a POTUS who doesn't know how to wear one, reference H.

J. They claimed Trump was revulsive because he said grab a pussy. Then they appointed a guy with a history of creep as he paws young girls and women he's never met like he's entitled to it.

K. They claimed Trump was the champion of public debt. Anyone with a tiny bit of knowledge & logic knows that's not true. Look at the POTUS' before and after Trump, with Trump there was an improvement and now PROGS don't care.

L. They claimed OMG the insurrection at the Capital. Meanwhile they sponsor riots and destruction all over the country, but the one instance is what we're supposed to be concerned about? Really?

M. They claimed Trump should have been impeached over Ukraine. Then egg on their face as they appointed Xiden who had done MUCH WORSE before Trump was POTUS.

N. They claimed Trump was racist because of something he never said. Egg on their faces again, because Xiden has demonstrated a history of making racist remarks, suddenly they don't care.

O. They claimed Trump was reason for civil unrest, all while it was Democrats who created and sponsored it. Now there are mass-murders everyday as they pretend to care because of ASSAULT RIFLES as if guns shoot all by themselves. All while they're too STUPID to know knives kill more people.

P. They claim legal guns is the problem when most gun murders are illegal guns in the first place, cause & effect fully beyond them.

Q. They claim they want fair elections. Meanwhile 24/7 MSM propaganda LIES to us in support of Demonicrats. Our rotten education system feeds kids propaganda in support of Demonicrats and Marxism, our Fact-Checks lie, debate platforms established to favor Demonicrats, yet we're supposed to believe Russian Facebook steers an election? They lie.

R. They claim Trump was POTUS only to gather wealth. Meanwhile ALL I say ALL Democrats became rich ONLY because they're politicians. Look at the Clintons, look and Obama. Then they support Xiden anyway despite the fact his family has become wealthy ONLY because of Xiden's political arm.

S. They claim they're concerned about wealth disparity blah blah blah. Yet every move they make lowers the masses toward the lowest common denominator as the left always doe. Now we have wide-spread welfare in the form of free money while nobody wants to work destroying small business and creating business everywhere but the USA.

T. They claim they're for human rights and freedoms. Yet everything they've done under COVID demonstrates they're liars and just want control of everything we do. They were practicing up for this for years, from the collège system to destroying lives because they disagreed with someone's statement that interfered with their safe space rhetoric.

U. They claim they're intelligent and educated. Yet logic and critical thought has proved well beyond them, especially since Trump was elected. In fact they detest history, especially American history, so they aim to destroy it as demonstrated over and over again, as they destroy everything from books to statues. Only a leftist could be so butt-hurt by a statue & Dr. Seuss book.

V. They claimed they wanted something beyond a established politician. Soon as they got one they were trained to hate him, only to turn around and support the most established politician of all, Joe Xiden.

W. They claimed they wanted a black woman in office as if that's a legitimate MQ. So they supported the biggest skank in congress, who they didn't even like. You figure she's a good representation of the black community going forward? Why choose a spectacle to represent the black community, it's ass-backwards thinking.

X. They claimed Trump was too old and too white for POTUS. Then they supported Xiden.

Y. They claim they're for mother Earth, yet the most wasteful and disrespectful people of all lean left. As a group they're simply talk-a-lots and do not take responsibility for their own actions.

Z. They claimed the election was straight-forward after using COVID as a scare tactic to collect votes, while battle States broke their own laws to appoint Xiden, and USPS was utilized knowing the institution in itself is corrupt.
Putting Democrat PROG thought to the test - A through Z

I think you'll find that most progs are lucky to just be able to recite the alphabet! I'm finding most of them are already losing track of the real events of just 6 months to a year ago!

I agree, but if there are exceptions they'll run from the thread anyhow, because PROGS are cowards and can't fess up to they don't have control of their own heads.
PROGS are cowards and can't fess up to they don't have control of their own heads.

Apparently so, because I must have 30+ of them tell me in no uncertain terms that there is no truth to Trump's fraud charges, yet they all run like hell when I ask them to produce any evidence or documentation of just WHO debunked it all and WHEN, much less able to SHOW IT to me!
PROGS are cowards and can't fess up to they don't have control of their own heads.

Apparently so, because I must have 30+ of them tell me in no uncertain terms that there is no truth to Trump's fraud charges, yet they all run like hell when I ask them to produce any evidence or documentation of just WHO debunked it all and WHEN, much less able to SHOW IT to me!

You know how to throw a PROG right? Ask a straight-forward question.
Maybe PROGS would rather talk about "AA", where Trump caged little children because he's repulsive but Obama & Biden are A-OK?

How about "BB" where they care about sex predators only to make a spectacle of it with Kavanaugh after having learned nothing about Clarence Thomas debacle?

It's easy to see PROGS are all talk.
The left does a lot of talking don't they? You figure anything they say and do has value, or is it more they're covering for something? If the Democrats and "progress"ives were worth a shit at all, then how come?

A. California is their flagship state right? There's an exodus taking place in California because they destroyed the State leaving the very poor and very wealthy. Yet they'll tell you how they're for the middle class, they lie.

B. They were butt-harmed because "Trump's a liar". The guy was an open book and LIKELY the most honest POTUS in history by the numbers. Did they really care about lies though? Course not, look who they appointed to replace Trump, he can't even come up with his own material and if he says something measurable it's always a lie.

C. Racism racism racism. They pretend they're social justice warriors all while their words and actions represent the exact opposite. Everything is racist to them and that alone in itself is the institution of racism. They only know how to project. How is it they can't figure out police kill more unarmed whites than anyone? How is it when a black cop kills and unarmed women it's crickets but when a cop kills a black thug who had it coming is a social justice concern? They lie.

D. They claim Iraq was "Bush's fault". Yet all of the Democrats supported it and in fact promoted that war BEFORE Bush was even POTUS.

E. They claim the housing crash was Bush's fault. They're too fucking dumb to know the deck was stacked BEFORE Bush was elected and in fact the Democrats controlled congress. These fuckers don't even know how the govt. works, and how do we know that?

F. They claimed the economic crash under COVID was Trump's fault. These people have the mentalities of spoiled children. They say this because they have no comprehension how the govt. operates as if Trump is the "DICTATOR" they claimed. They don't care it crashed throughout the world, to them it's Trump's fault DESPITE the GDP raising 40% Trump's last two quarters.

G. They claimed blood was on Trump's hands due COVID. Surely they can't explain why that is, because it's "their feelings". Meanwhile, by season more cases and deaths on Xiden's watch and suddenly they don't care.

H. They claimed Trump was incompetent. They can't explain why, just know that he is. They fell in love with incompetence apparantly, because they appointed a guy with dementia who cannot articulate a single thing despite everything provided him is staged with teleprompters.

I. They claimed Trump doesn't care about us because he didn't wear a mask. Meanwhile they appointed a POTUS who doesn't know how to wear one, reference H.

J. They claimed Trump was revulsive because he said grab a pussy. Then they appointed a guy with a history of creep as he paws young girls and women he's never met like he's entitled to it.

K. They claimed Trump was the champion of public debt. Anyone with a tiny bit of knowledge & logic knows that's not true. Look at the POTUS' before and after Trump, with Trump there was an improvement and now PROGS don't care.

L. They claimed OMG the insurrection at the Capital. Meanwhile they sponsor riots and destruction all over the country, but the one instance is what we're supposed to be concerned about? Really?

M. They claimed Trump should have been impeached over Ukraine. Then egg on their face as they appointed Xiden who had done MUCH WORSE before Trump was POTUS.

N. They claimed Trump was racist because of something he never said. Egg on their faces again, because Xiden has demonstrated a history of making racist remarks, suddenly they don't care.

O. They claimed Trump was reason for civil unrest, all while it was Democrats who created and sponsored it. Now there are mass-murders everyday as they pretend to care because of ASSAULT RIFLES as if guns shoot all by themselves. All while they're too STUPID to know knives kill more people.

P. They claim legal guns is the problem when most gun murders are illegal guns in the first place, cause & effect fully beyond them.

Q. They claim they want fair elections. Meanwhile 24/7 MSM propaganda LIES to us in support of Demonicrats. Our rotten education system feeds kids propaganda in support of Demonicrats and Marxism, our Fact-Checks lie, debate platforms established to favor Demonicrats, yet we're supposed to believe Russian Facebook steers an election? They lie.

R. They claim Trump was POTUS only to gather wealth. Meanwhile ALL I say ALL Democrats became rich ONLY because they're politicians. Look at the Clintons, look and Obama. Then they support Xiden anyway despite the fact his family has become wealthy ONLY because of Xiden's political arm.

S. They claim they're concerned about wealth disparity blah blah blah. Yet every move they make lowers the masses toward the lowest common denominator as the left always doe. Now we have wide-spread welfare in the form of free money while nobody wants to work destroying small business and creating business everywhere but the USA.

T. They claim they're for human rights and freedoms. Yet everything they've done under COVID demonstrates they're liars and just want control of everything we do. They were practicing up for this for years, from the collège system to destroying lives because they disagreed with someone's statement that interfered with their safe space rhetoric.

U. They claim they're intelligent and educated. Yet logic and critical thought has proved well beyond them, especially since Trump was elected. In fact they detest history, especially American history, so they aim to destroy it as demonstrated over and over again, as they destroy everything from books to statues. Only a leftist could be so butt-hurt by a statue & Dr. Seuss book.

V. They claimed they wanted something beyond a established politician. Soon as they got one they were trained to hate him, only to turn around and support the most established politician of all, Joe Xiden.

W. They claimed they wanted a black woman in office as if that's a legitimate MQ. So they supported the biggest skank in congress, who they didn't even like. You figure she's a good representation of the black community going forward? Why choose a spectacle to represent the black community, it's ass-backwards thinking.

X. They claimed Trump was too old and too white for POTUS. Then they supported Xiden.

Y. They claim they're for mother Earth, yet the most wasteful and disrespectful people of all lean left. As a group they're simply talk-a-lots and do not take responsibility for their own actions.

Z. They claimed the election was straight-forward after using COVID as a scare tactic to collect votes, while battle States broke their own laws to appoint Xiden, and USPS was utilized knowing the institution in itself is corrupt.
Great post . The democrats lie about everything .
One of the biggest prog lies is systemic racism. Challenge them on it and you immediately are sent on the predictable circular logic loop that ends up you’re racist. It starts like this.

1-The US is systematically racist.
2- How? Can you show me racist laws or rules?
3- It’s everywhere you just have to look.
4- I don’t see it, have some examples?
5- I give you examples it’s everywhere you just have to look.
6- You didn’t give an example, saying it’s everywhere isn’t an example.
7- You don’t see it because you’re racist and are part of the systemic racism. Which then becomes argument 1 again.

You can make laps around this circle forever.
Do you feel PROGS are brave with their feet planted squarely so they're able to support their methods with words & actions, or does this thread demonstrate they're nowhere close?
A leftist Xiden appointment PROG chimed in elsewhere to suggest Trump's son is wealthy cuz his dad :abgg2q.jpg:
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A leftist Xiden appointment PROG chimed in elsewhere to suggest Trump's son is wealthy cuz his dad :abgg2q.jpg:
At least it came from his family and not numerous Ukrainian and Chinese families and untold US taxpayers as is the case with China Joe and Useless Hunter.

I thought it was interesting she brought up the character of POTUS' sons, only to support Xiden anyway.

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