Prosecutors are dangerous


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
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North Carolina
Another example of Prosecutors being more interested in winning then in the truth or justices.

The leaking of the false claim this woman wore diapers to get to Florida was bad enough, the charges brought are even more ludicrous. This guy sees political points and will go to any length to get them.

Nowak, 44, is accused of attacking Shipman with pepper spray and trying to jump into her vehicle. Police say Nowak was carrying a duffel bag with a steel mallet, 4-inch knife and a BB gun.

At Friday's hearing, Lykkebak is expected to seek to suppress a 5-hour interview Nowak gave at a police airport holding station and the search of her car at a nearby hotel

Just look at how this story sets her up. The duffel bag and items were, as far as I know, in her CAR, at a nearby airport Hotel. She wasn't "carrying" them at all. And none of those items are abnormal to have to begin with. I have had similar items in my vehicle more than once.

She assaulted her and thats about all. It happens daily all across the USA. She wasn't even very effective at that. There is NO evidence she tried to kidnap her, just as there was no evidence she planned to murder her. Pure politics by a prosecutor out to make a name for himself.
Another example of Prosecutors being more interested in winning then in the truth or justices.

The leaking of the false claim this woman wore diapers to get to Florida was bad enough, the charges brought are even more ludicrous. This guy sees political points and will go to any length to get them.

Just look at how this story sets her up. The duffel bag and items were, as far as I know, in her CAR, at a nearby airport Hotel. She wasn't "carrying" them at all. And none of those items are abnormal to have to begin with. I have had similar items in my vehicle more than once.

She assaulted her and thats about all. It happens daily all across the USA. She wasn't even very effective at that. There is NO evidence she tried to kidnap her, just as there was no evidence she planned to murder her. Pure politics by a prosecutor out to make a name for himself.

The facts don't make a very good media story. A bb gun? LMAO.
As the former prosecutor for Durham, North Carolina, I would just like to say that we prosecutors never allow politics to get in the way of the facts.
Are DA's elected?

Yes, well the top one is and he usually hires and fires all the assistants within a frame work dictated by State law and the State Constitution. And it IS a political office. Judges also are elected as well, though technically they are supposed to be above parties and impartial.
Ah, thanks RGS - well I have to agree, if they're elected then they're going to be political, it comes with the job. Just an observation, not a criticism.
The facts don't make a very good media story. A bb gun? LMAO.

….besides, she was an ASTRONAUT, fer Christssake! If this doesn't give her immunity from criminal charges in celebrity adoring 'Murka, what the fuck does? :mad: :mad:

Her celebrity status, in poor military programmed Merkin's minds, mortgaged as they are to mindless authoritarianism from cradle to grave, makes her almost as sanctified as a serviceman :bowdown: :bowdown: - blank file, of course.

It takes more than a mere joy ride on a jerry-built Seppo Kamikaze shuttle before you can be publically deified like those unbelievably brave boys who become instant John Wayne's in Murka's mind the moment they lob at Boot Camp.

However some astronauts, such as Armstrong and Co. are grudgingly promoted to NCO's by the members (PBUT!) of that supremely narcissistic inner sanctum of Muruka's Pantheon of self-appointed demi-gods, The USMB Sergeants Mess.
….besides, she was an ASTRONAUT, fer Christssake! If this doesn't give her immunity from criminal charges in celebrity adoring 'Murka, what the fuck does? :mad: :mad:

Her celebrity status, in poor military programmed Merkin's minds, mortgaged as they are to mindless authoritarianism from cradle to grave, makes her almost as sanctified as a serviceman :bowdown: :bowdown: - blank file, of course.

It takes more than a mere joy ride on a jerry-built Seppo Kamikaze shuttle before you can be publically deified like those unbelievably brave boys who become instant John Wayne's in Murka's mind the moment they lob at Boot Camp.

However some astronauts, such as Armstrong and Co. are grudgingly promoted to NCO's by the members (PBUT!) of that supremely narcissistic inner sanctum of Muruka's Pantheon of self-appointed demi-gods, The USMB Sergeants Mess.

Dude, take the meds ... really ... :cuckoo:

Oh, and all us Christians will say a prayer just for you. Feel better now, don't ya?:eusa_whistle:
Yes, well the top one is and he usually hires and fires all the assistants within a frame work dictated by State law and the State Constitution. And it IS a political office. Judges also are elected as well, though technically they are supposed to be above parties and impartial.

Sure, it varies from place to place. Some states have judges appointed; others, elected. Same for prosecutors. In New York, Robert Morgenthau has been the elected DA for Manhattan for centuries now. Federal prosecutors are appointed at high levels, and hired at low levels.
Just out of interest the senior prosecuting authority (usually called the Director of Public Prosecutions - DPP) here in most states is appointed but is an independent officer who reports to parliament and is not subject to direction by the government. Some of them (DsPP) are ornery and independent and it's great fun to watch the politicians heads exploding when the DPP doesn't respond to obvious political pressure :D
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