Proof is in the job resume


Aug 28, 2003
New York
There is a seemingly never-ending Bush administration bashing by many Hollywood personalities who use words such as "stupid," "ignorant" and "moronic" ad nauseum.

A little research determined the following educational endeavors of some of these outspoken critics of the Bush administration:

Barbara Streisand completed high school - career choices are singing and acting.

Jessica Lange, who said in Spain that she hates President George W. Bush and was ashamed to be an American, dropped out of college in her mid-freshman year - career choice of acting.

Cher dropped out of school in the ninth-grade - career choices of singing and acting.

Martin Sheen, currently playing the U.S. president "West Wing," flunked the exam to enter University of Dayton - career choice of acting.

Alec Baldwin dropped out of George Washington University after scandal - career choice of acting.

Julia Roberts completed high School - career is acting.

Susan Sarandon received a degree in drama from Catholic University of America - career of acting.

Sean Penn completed high school - career is acting.

Ed Asner completed High School - career choice of acting.

George Clooney dropped out of the University of Kentucky - career of acting and fund-raiser.

Michael Moore dropped out of freshmen year at the University of Michigan - career as a movie director.

Sarah Jessica Parker completed high school - career of acting.

Jennifer Anniston completed high school - career of acting.

Mike Farrell completed high school - career choice of acting.

Janeane Garofelo is a college dropout - career stand-up comedy and acting.

Larry Hagman attended one year at Bard College - career choice of acting.

Some of the targets of the Hollywood group above are:

President George W. Bush who earned a bachelor's degree from Yale University, master's of business administration from Harvard Business School, was an F-102 pilot, and was an oil and gas businessman. Later he became the governor of Texas and was re-election to consecutive four-year terms, a first for the state. He currently is president and commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces. His opponent in the presidential election, Al Gore, flunked divinity school.

Vice President Dick Cheney received a bachelor's degree and later a master's degree in political science.

Secretary of State Colin Powell received a bachelor's degree in geology from City College of New York, received a master's of business administration degree from George Washington University, and attended the National War College in 1976. His career has been in the U.S. military and public service, and has many honorary degree for several universities.

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld attended Princeton on scholarship, he was a U.S. Navy aviator, and has worked in public service.

Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge went to Harvard University on scholarship and graduated with honors in 1967. He was drafted into U.S. Army while in the first year of Dickerson School of Law and served with honor as infantry staff sergeant in Vietnam. After the Army stint, he earned a law degree and was in private practice and district attorney's office in Erie County, Pa. He was then elected to Congress in 1982 and re-elected six times.

National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice earned a bachelor's degree in political science from the University of Denver in 1974. She was cum laude and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She received a master's degree from Notre Dame 1975, and her doctorate from the School of International Studies at University of Denver in 1981. It is interesting to note that Ms. Rice enrolled at the University of Denver at age 15 and received her bachelor's degree at age 19. Ms. Rice has honorary doctorates and authored books and articles too numerous to cite here. Ms. Rice's career choices span American business and government and are also too numerous to cite here.

When comparing the education and experience of the Bush administration with those in Hollywood who bash the administration, I have a hard time in attaching any significance to the Hollywood crowd having any credentials to make government decisions.

Personally, I do not need Sean Penn as a diplomat to Iraq, nor do I need Michael Moore to thank France for telling us we were wrong. Not only are the credentials of the Bush administration impressive, the conduct of the individuals in their personal lives is impressive, as well. I think the pasts of individuals pretty much indicate from where the ignorance, stupidity, and alike emminates from.
Originally posted by Aquarian
I haven't been to college either, does that make my opinions invalid as well?

No, and it doesn't make theirs "invalid" either, nor does what I posted even say that. :)

Here's what it does say:

"When comparing the education and experience of the Bush administration with those in Hollywood who bash the administration, I have a hard time in attaching any significance to the Hollywood crowd having any credentials to make government decisions."

The point of the article is pointing out the irony of those calling Bush stupid.
I would say half of the people I've met who I might consider to be true geniuses didn't go to college (sorry, I'm not accusing you of being a genius, Aquarian. :D ), and on the other hand, I've net a lot of dolts that did.

I guess I can see why the constant tirade from Hollywood would be annoying for a Republican, though. Hell, it gets on my nerves! In general, I don't like it when somone takes their success and expertise in one field as a license to make public pronouncements in a completely unrelated field. On the other hand, most of these people, as public figures are asked in interviews about their political opinions, and I certainly wouldn't deny them the right to respond. And after all, we are all the experts on our political views. And Bush doesn't strke me as the brightest star in the sky...
Originally posted by Aquarian
I haven't been to college either, does that make my opinions invalid as well?
I, personally, do not believe that the college someone goes to is the measure of their intelligence. And I do believe that all these people have the right to state their beliefs, no matter how misguided they are. What I believe the comparison shows, however, is the lack of anything in these actors/musicians history- educational, in the workforce, etc.- which elevates their opinions. They are just that, opinions.

Someone can study politics and be in the business world and learn the way of compromise and compassion without having gone to college but very few possess these talents simply by being on a public stage.
I remember during the Clinton/Lewinski thing, Fox had a montage of celebrities voicing their opinions on who the winner should be. Brad Pitt said probably the coolest thing I've ever heard a celebrity say in that situation (I'm actually surprised they aired it): "I'm just an actor, I don't know anything about politics, why shoud anyone care what I think?" Smart words.

Honestly, I think the creative people in Hollywood, the "thinkers" if you will (directors, writers) maybe might be interesting to listen to on these issues, but why should I care about the opinion of someone whose main job is to look real pretty-like.

And, Moi, I agree, what college you go to does not dictate how smart you are. The only classes in college that I feel like I learned something from, so far, are the ones where the teachers tried to get the students to think for themselves. That's what I think I've learned more than anything else in college, is don't just get all your knowledge from what someone else tells you, go out and experience, and create your own knowledge. Plenty of people figure that out without going to school, plenty that do go to school never figure that out.
Originally posted by Dan
I remember during the Clinton/Lewinski thing, Fox had a montage of celebrities voicing their opinions on who the winner should be. Brad Pitt said probably the coolest thing I've ever heard a celebrity say in that situation (I'm actually surprised they aired it): "I'm just an actor, I don't know anything about politics, why shoud anyone care what I think?" Smart words.

Wow, never heard that story before. Kudos to Brad.
Errr, I'm gonna post here. Don't shoot me :D

I don't really care who says what. If I were famous, Jimnyc, you have to know I would use that fame to step up on my soapbox =)

But, these people are basically just for entertainment purposes only. They have an opinion like you or I do. And most of us can make up our own minds on what we believe in.

Lets take for example: The Dixie Chicks.. said something about being ashamed of Texas. Yeah well, so am I. So of course I didn't boycott their music or anything.

Now, on the other hand, Toby Keith - dragged the Dixie Chicks through the mud. Calling them unpatriotic, unamerican.. etc. I dissagreed with Toby Keith. Did I boycott him? Well of course not!

I can't stand Barbara Striesand, but because she is Liberal doesn't make me like her music any more.

I don't feel threatend by famous voices. We live in a world where, if we agree with what someone says, thats great. If not, well I can make up my own mind. I don't have to "follow the leader"

As for schooling, I don't really care about all of that. If I were here to argue, I'd ask for the resources on where we got all of that information. And then I'd spout out some crap about Bush going AWOL. But, isn't that pretty irrelavent at this point?
Originally posted by Keebs
Errr, I'm gonna post here. Don't shoot me :D

I don't really care who says what. If I were famous, Jimnyc, you have to know I would use that fame to step up on my soapbox =)

But, these people are basically just for entertainment purposes only. They have an opinion like you or I do. And most of us can make up our own minds on what we believe in.

Lets take for example: The Dixie Chicks.. said something about being ashamed of Texas. Yeah well, so am I. So of course I didn't boycott their music or anything.

Now, on the other hand, Toby Keith - dragged the Dixie Chicks through the mud. Calling them unpatriotic, unamerican.. etc. I dissagreed with Toby Keith. Did I boycott him? Well of course not!

I can't stand Barbara Striesand, but because she is Liberal doesn't make me like her music any more.

I don't feel threatend by famous voices. We live in a world where, if we agree with what someone says, thats great. If not, well I can make up my own mind. I don't have to "follow the leader"

As for schooling, I don't really care about all of that. If I were here to argue, I'd ask for the resources on where we got all of that information. And then I'd spout out some crap about Bush going AWOL. But, isn't that pretty irrelavent at this point?
I am a bit worried. I actually agree with you! I don't care who says what...great ideas can come from a variety of sources. Just because someone's a janitor doesn't mean they don't have ideas how to better customer relations. Great CEO's have always known that.

However, I vote with my feet and my pocket book. The Dixie Chicks said that they were ashamed the President of the United States was from Texas (their home state). As much as I believe they have EVERY right to say that, I also think that I have every right not to pay a dime which would end up in their pocket and I believe that anyone on earth can say what they want about them being unpatriotic, including Toby Keith.

Almost all of these so-called entertainers were exposed for the fools they are because their rantings are so ridiculous. If they want to continue opening their mouths, I'd encourage it. At least the majority of the world would then see how uneducated they are- and I don't mean just book learning either. As I said before, education can take many forms.
I am a bit worried. I actually agree with you! I don't care who says what

You agree with the fact that I don't care who says what? No because see, you are calling them uneducated and you promote boycotting. That wasn't at all what I was saying in my post. So, don't feel so worried about agreeing with me.

Someone is uneducated because they have an opinion? LOL I still don't see how that makes any sense at all. I don't sit around calling all the people who hated clinton "uneducated" or anything else derogatory.

We all have every right to say who or what we don't like. What in the world are we so afraid of? That someone will say something and "convert" someone to an opinion different from our own?

All I've heard you talk about is money. I don't know what your financial situation is, but I don't understand why that is the basis for every one of your arguments.

The Dixie Chicks said that they were ashamed the President of the United States was from Texas (their home state).

It's my home state too. They spoke for me, also. I'm tremendously ashamed to be from Texas. SO, when Toby Keith attacted them, he attacked me. Why should I not boycott? Cuz I don't give a damn. LOL Who the hell is he? What impact could he possibly have on anyones life, other than background music. Thats what I'm getting at.
The people on the list above have proved their uneducated not by having an opinion, but because their opinion is not based in fact and being hypocritical. Since you don't know with whom I've agreed or boycotted you have no basis for your opinion that I am afraid of anything. Indeed, if you were somewhat educated yourself you would note that I fully support their (and your) right to express their views. You seem to be the only one who is claiming that people don't have the same right because they don't agree with you or they choose not to support causes in which they don't believe.

Which brings me to my point about money. I am advocating that people, instead of trying to silence others (which would be contrary to the Constitution), should just not participate in activities which are contrary to their own beliefs. Why do you have a problem with my references to money? Keep in mind that I have the right to express my views too. And I think it's a better tact to minimize the effect of these so-called celebrities by showing that I don't agree with them rather than denying them their Constitutional right to open their mouths. Isn't it my Constitutional right NOT to support them?

If you choose to support people whom you believe espouse views harmful to society that is your right. I choose to try to make the world a better place through legitimate actions rather than sitting in my room and complaining.

I find it amusing that you seem to think the legitimate response of not spending money on activities I don't agree with is wrong. Boycotting by the government or censorship may in fact be wrong (and unConstitutional) but that clearly doesn't apply to my spending habits.
LOL Who the hell is he? What impact could he possibly have on anyones life, other than background music. Thats what I'm getting at.

I could ask the same question of the celebrities listed above. Their opinions were "uneducated", although they have the right to speak them.

Their opinions have no impact on my life, but boycotting their services will have an impact on their wallet. I'm not helping them get rich so I can hear their views, if that's what I get for my money I'll spend it elsewhere.
The people on the list above have proved their uneducated not by having an opinion, but because their opinion is not based in fact and being hypocritical.

Fact? When are opinions fact? Sooooo, if I don't agree with someone, and use my fame as a springboard up onto my soapbox, it isn't fact?

Why are we picking these celebs apart? I think you are missing my point being that I DON'T CARE. *laughs*

And I think it's a better tact to minimize the effect of these so-called celebrities by showing that I don't agree with them rather than denying them their Constitutional right to open their mouths.

Great, if you are too good to abuse them with one way, we'll abuse them another way. *shrugs* All they give me is entertainment. You can do whatever you want. All I'm saying is that I don't agree with you. Is that ok?

I choose to try to make the world a better place through legitimate actions rather than sitting in my room and complaining.

Good for you. I'm glad people aren't sitting on their lazy duffs.

Since you don't know with whom I've agreed or boycotted you have no basis for your opinion that I am afraid of anything.

Well, the fact that you advocate boycotting, in my eyes.. shows fear. I don't care if you are on my side, the other side. blah blah. Do what you want, but I'm still not going to agree with you. Just like you still aren't going to agree with me.

Why do you have a problem with my references to money?

Because, money isn't everything?

I find it amusing that you seem to think the legitimate response of not spending money on activities I don't agree with is wrong.

I'm happy to serve as your entertainment.
I could ask the same question of the celebrities listed above. Their opinions were "uneducated", although they have the right to speak them.

Am I just so out there I don't understand what you are trying to say? How is "I'm ashamed of my president" uneducated? Because they didn't finish school? Because they are famous? I don't understand this "uneducated" logic.

I'm seriously not trying to be an ass, someone explain it to me.
Originally posted by Keebs
I find it amusing that you seem to think the legitimate response of not spending money on activities I don't agree with is wrong.

I'm happy to serve as your entertainment.

You voluntarily entered this thread and now you keep claiming you don't care, that's a bit odd. You must care about some portion of it if you felt compelled to reply.

You are a source of entertainment, just like a B rated movie that lasts less than a week in theaters.
You are a source of entertainment, just like a B rated movie that lasts less than a week in theaters.

Yes, more abuse. Well, excuse me for trying to educate each other on how we disagree and why we feel that way.

Jim.. if you want me to leave, just ask me to leave.
Originally posted by Keebs
I could ask the same question of the celebrities listed above. Their opinions were "uneducated", although they have the right to speak them.

Am I just so out there I don't understand what you are trying to say? How is "I'm ashamed of my president" uneducated? Because they didn't finish school? Because they are famous? I don't understand this "uneducated" logic.

I'm seriously not trying to be an ass, someone explain it to me.

You are using different words that I stated, the wording was "stupid". You may not agree with George Bush, but he isn't "stupid". Stupid is reserved for people that lack intelligence. He's got quite a resume there for a "stupid" man.
Originally posted by Keebs
You are a source of entertainment, just like a B rated movie that lasts less than a week in theaters.

Yes, more abuse. Well, excuse me for trying to educate each other on how we disagree and why we feel that way.

Jim.. if you want me to leave, just ask me to leave.

Look, you're being condescending in 90% of your posts. Rather than replying with "I don't care" how about you just stick to topics you DO care about? It makes no sense to argue something you don't care about, unless your goal is to just be disruptive.

As far as you leaving, do what you wish, I won't lose an ounce of sleep either way.
Look, you're being condescending in 90% of your posts. Rather than replying with "I don't care" how about you just stick to topics you DO care about? It makes no sense to argue something you don't care about, unless your goal is to just be disruptive.

Condescending? To who? Because I want to discuss why we feel differently? Oh get off of it. I want to try and understand why people have different beliefs from me. SOmeone says something, and I want them to explain more.. so all of a sudden im condesending? Screw that.

Your not trying to be logical, you're trying to be abusive.

As far as you leaving, do what you wish, I won't lose an ounce of sleep either way.

Thank you for making me feel so welcome, I really apreciate that. I thought we got passed this last night. But you just sit here and be a bigotted asshole, with no explanation other than "because I can"
Unfortunately, you conviced me to leave. I don't go where I'm not wanted.

I had hoped I could maybe disscuss different views with people, but that just wasn't the case here.

Have fun, and I wish you guys luck in your adventure to make the world a worse place.

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