President Biden,‭ ‬You Have Known McConnell For A Long Time,‭ ‬Offer Him This Advise:‭


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
President Biden,‭ ‬You Have Known McConnell For A Long Time,‭ ‬Offer Him This Advise:‭

President Biden,‭ ‬your association with Moscow Mitch goes back decades.

You’ve both seen the fickle nature of right-wingers,‭ ‬and know they always return to the GOP after some charlatan steals them away with grandiose promises‭ (‬lies‭)‬.

As the realization of the grifter-in-chief’s betrayal of his insurrectionists becomes more and more widespread,‭ ‬and talk of a‭ “‬new party‭” ‬becomes the RWNJs next fantasy,‭ ‬Remind Mitch of the good old days.

As the GOP’s strong man in congress,‭ ‬he will soon realize kicking the twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump to the curb by convicting him in his Senate impeachment trial,‭ ‬which will end any‭ ‬2024‭ ‬hopes,‭ and, ‬will have the RWNJs coming back in droves.

Mitch will also realize the‭ ‬extremist wing of the‭ ‬RWNJs that remain loyal to their orange-tinted messiah will be too few to be relevant very soon.‭

President Biden,‭ ‬You Have Known McConnell For A Long Time,‭ ‬Offer Him This Advise:‭

President Biden,‭ ‬your association with Moscow Mitch goes back decades.

You’ve both seen the fickle nature of right-wingers,‭ ‬and know they always return to the GOP after some charlatan steals them away with grandiose promises‭ (‬lies‭)‬.

As the realization of the grifter-in-chief’s betrayal of his insurrectionists becomes more and more widespread,‭ ‬and talk of a‭ “‬new party‭” ‬becomes the RWNJs next fantasy,‭ ‬Remind Mitch of the good old days.

As the GOP’s strong man in congress,‭ ‬he will soon realize kicking the twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump to the curb by convicting him in his Senate impeachment trial,‭ ‬which will end any‭ ‬2024‭ ‬hopes,‭ and, ‬will have the RWNJs coming back in droves.

Mitch will also realize the‭ ‬extremist wing of the‭ ‬RWNJs that remain loyal to their orange-tinted messiah will be too few to be relevant very soon.‭

Maybe Biden should just send you to see Mitch, so you can personally pleasure him to convince him to convict President Trump. You certainly sound like you’ll do anything to get that wish.
What a stupid thread. The Op will have to defend Biden and its already started. I'll just sit here and LMAO as they try to tell us what great EO's the jack ass is writing.

I've read many already regret voting for that jack ass.
Mitch will also realize the‭ ‬extremist wing of the‭ ‬RWNJs that remain loyal to their orange-tinted messiah will be too few to be relevant very soon.
Ol' Mitch is in a tough spot, even worse than Paul Ryan was when he foolishly took the Speaker position for this zoo.

There's no doubt that he's considering your option. At some level, he knows he has to rip the scab off, and sacrifice short term pain for long term gain.

It could come down to the massive ego and short term thinking habits these people have. Does he want his fingerprints on this? Is he going to be around long enough to enjoy the benefits of being smart now?

Trumpism is now completely out of control. These zealots will throw Trump himself under the bus if they "have to". Mitch is partially to blame for that. Too bad.
Mitch will also realize the‭ ‬extremist wing of the‭ ‬RWNJs that remain loyal to their orange-tinted messiah will be too few to be relevant very soon.
Ol' Mitch is in a tough spot, even worse than Paul Ryan was when he foolishly took the Speaker position for this zoo.

There's no doubt that he's considering your option. At some level, he knows he has to rip the scab off, and sacrifice short term pain for long term gain.

It could come down to the massive ego and short term thinking habits these people have. Does he want his fingerprints on this? Is he going to be around long enough to enjoy the benefits of being smart now?

Trumpism is now completely out of control. These zealots will throw Trump himself under the bus if they "have to". Mitch is partially to blame for that. Too bad.
The RWNJs have always risen or fallen to the level of lunacy of their candidate. Compare their crazy factor while Dubya was POTUS to that of the past five years with their orange-tinted messiah controlling their every thought.

With no guidance and Biden and the Democrats to criticize, the RWNJs' crazy factor will fall to the level of the Clinton administration. Back then, it was a mutually consensual blow job that sent them over the edge. Embracing Nazism was the furthest thing from their simple minds.

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Mitch will also realize the‭ ‬extremist wing of the‭ ‬RWNJs that remain loyal to their orange-tinted messiah will be too few to be relevant very soon.
Ol' Mitch is in a tough spot, even worse than Paul Ryan was when he foolishly took the Speaker position for this zoo.

There's no doubt that he's considering your option. At some level, he knows he has to rip the scab off, and sacrifice short term pain for long term gain.

It could come down to the massive ego and short term thinking habits these people have. Does he want his fingerprints on this? Is he going to be around long enough to enjoy the benefits of being smart now?

Trumpism is now completely out of control. These zealots will throw Trump himself under the bus if they "have to". Mitch is partially to blame for that. Too bad.
The RWNJs have always risen or fell to the level of lunacy of their candidate. Compare their crazy factor while Dubya was POTUS to that of the past five years with their orange-tinted messiah controlling their every thought.

With no guidance and Biden and the Democrats to criticize, the RWNJs' crazy factor will fall to the level of the Clinton administration. Back then, it was a mutually consensual blow job that sent them over the edge. Embracing Nazism was the furthest thing from their simple minds.

Well, they're already blaming Biden for the disaster he inherited, just as they did with Obama. How they don't see how obvious this is, is a mystery.

I think their intensity dwarfs any previous time. They've now gone kinetic. Anyone who doesn't toe the line is now a target, literally. That's an all-new ball game.

McConnell is too smart not to see this. A large party of his party is now rogue and dangerous. It's probably up to him to do something about it, but.....
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Mitch will also realize the‭ ‬extremist wing of the‭ ‬RWNJs that remain loyal to their orange-tinted messiah will be too few to be relevant very soon.
Ol' Mitch is in a tough spot, even worse than Paul Ryan was when he foolishly took the Speaker position for this zoo.

There's no doubt that he's considering your option. At some level, he knows he has to rip the scab off, and sacrifice short term pain for long term gain.

It could come down to the massive ego and short term thinking habits these people have. Does he want his fingerprints on this? Is he going to be around long enough to enjoy the benefits of being smart now?

Trumpism is now completely out of control. These zealots will throw Trump himself under the bus if they "have to". Mitch is partially to blame for that. Too bad.
Mitch is a coward. He's going to keep taking the safest option for his career until the day he no longer has one. There may be a day of reckoning with the deplorable wing of the GOP but McConnell damned sure is not going to be the guy who does it.
There may be a day of reckoning with the deplorable wing of the GOP but McConnell damned sure is not going to be the guy who does it.
I think that's very possible. You don't get to a position of power like that by being brave and innovative.

He's fucked. He was fucked beginning on Escalator Day.

In the end he's going to step off the falling elevator just before it crashes. Guys like him are always fine. Look at Dick Cheney.
There may be a day of reckoning with the deplorable wing of the GOP but McConnell damned sure is not going to be the guy who does it.
I think that's very possible. You don't get to a position of power like that by being brave and innovative.

He's fucked. He was fucked beginning on Escalator Day.

In the end he's going to step off the falling elevator just before it crashes. Guys like him are always fine. Look at Dick Cheney.
Yeah, the DC cockroaches.
President Biden,‭ ‬You Have Known McConnell For A Long Time,‭ ‬Offer Him This Advise:‭

President Biden,‭ ‬your association with Moscow Mitch goes back decades.

You’ve both seen the fickle nature of right-wingers,‭ ‬and know they always return to the GOP after some charlatan steals them away with grandiose promises‭ (‬lies‭)‬.

As the realization of the grifter-in-chief’s betrayal of his insurrectionists becomes more and more widespread,‭ ‬and talk of a‭ “‬new party‭” ‬becomes the RWNJs next fantasy,‭ ‬Remind Mitch of the good old days.

As the GOP’s strong man in congress,‭ ‬he will soon realize kicking the twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump to the curb by convicting him in his Senate impeachment trial,‭ ‬which will end any‭ ‬2024‭ ‬hopes,‭ and, ‬will have the RWNJs coming back in droves.

Mitch will also realize the‭ ‬extremist wing of the‭ ‬RWNJs that remain loyal to their orange-tinted messiah will be too few to be relevant very soon.‭

That would be like me giving you advice on butt sex.
There may be a day of reckoning with the deplorable wing of the GOP but McConnell damned sure is not going to be the guy who does it.
I think that's very possible. You don't get to a position of power like that by being brave and innovative.

He's fucked. He was fucked beginning on Escalator Day.

Biden has only been President for five days. It's going to take a while for the RWNJs' crazy factor to adjust to the new (old actually) normal.

The RWNJs have been in a five-year frenzy induced by their orange-tinted messiah. An immediate turnaround cannot be expected without the help of FOX Noise. And even then, many of the RWNJs aren't prepared to forgive FOX for declaring Biden the winner in the November election.

As stated above, It's going to take a while for the RWNJs' crazy factor to adjust.

There may be a day of reckoning with the deplorable wing of the GOP but McConnell damned sure is not going to be the guy who does it.
I think that's very possible. You don't get to a position of power like that by being brave and innovative.

He's fucked. He was fucked beginning on Escalator Day.

Biden has only been President for five days. It's going to take a while for the RWNJs' crazy factor to adjust to the new (old actually) normal.

The RWNJs have been in a five-year frenzy induced by their orange-tinted messiah. An immediate turnaround cannot be expected without the help of FOX Noise. And even then, many of the RWNJs aren't prepared to forgive FOX for declaring Biden the winner in the November election.

As stated above, It's going to take a while for the RWNJs' crazy factor to adjust.

Well, that's THE problem. These people still have their informational ecosystem screaming at them 24/7/365. It's possible that this can continue to build, especially now that they feel so victimized and aggrieved. At very least, it will take a long time to settle down.

The fog lifted pretty quickly in Europe 75 years ago, but it simply CAN'T under these conditions.
There may be a day of reckoning with the deplorable wing of the GOP but McConnell damned sure is not going to be the guy who does it.
I think that's very possible. You don't get to a position of power like that by being brave and innovative.

He's fucked. He was fucked beginning on Escalator Day.

Biden has only been President for five days. It's going to take a while for the RWNJs' crazy factor to adjust to the new (old actually) normal.

The RWNJs have been in a five-year frenzy induced by their orange-tinted messiah. An immediate turnaround cannot be expected without the help of FOX Noise. And even then, many of the RWNJs aren't prepared to forgive FOX for declaring Biden the winner in the November election.

As stated above, It's going to take a while for the RWNJs' crazy factor to adjust.

Well, that's THE problem. These people still have their informational ecosystem screaming at them 24/7/365. It's possible that this can continue to build, especially now that they feel so victimized and aggrieved. At very least, it will take a long time to settle down.

The fog lifted pretty quickly in Europe 75 years ago, but it simply CAN'T under these conditions.
With their beloved messiah banned from social media, his influence will rapidly dwindle. FOX Noise and the rest cannot stagnate, their only option is to attack the Democrats at all levels. Fortunately, the RWNJs' thought processes cannot digest information at the speed necessary to keep up with wide range of FOX attacks.

This wide range of targeted Democrats will fragment the RWNJs' attention. Biden's methodical focus on specific issues, which will be absolutely necessary during his first 100 days, lacks the diversity needed to maintain the rapid fire critiques of the FOX Noise style.

Their grifter-in-chief had only one voice, and right-wing media echoed that voice for almost five years. The right-wing media have lost that one voice and will now speak with many.

There may be a day of reckoning with the deplorable wing of the GOP but McConnell damned sure is not going to be the guy who does it.
I think that's very possible. You don't get to a position of power like that by being brave and innovative.

He's fucked. He was fucked beginning on Escalator Day.

Biden has only been President for five days. It's going to take a while for the RWNJs' crazy factor to adjust to the new (old actually) normal.

The RWNJs have been in a five-year frenzy induced by their orange-tinted messiah. An immediate turnaround cannot be expected without the help of FOX Noise. And even then, many of the RWNJs aren't prepared to forgive FOX for declaring Biden the winner in the November election.

As stated above, It's going to take a while for the RWNJs' crazy factor to adjust.

Well, that's THE problem. These people still have their informational ecosystem screaming at them 24/7/365. It's possible that this can continue to build, especially now that they feel so victimized and aggrieved. At very least, it will take a long time to settle down.

The fog lifted pretty quickly in Europe 75 years ago, but it simply CAN'T under these conditions.
With their beloved messiah banned from social media, his influence will rapidly dwindle. FOX Noise and the rest cannot stagnate, their only option is to attack the Democrats at all levels. Fortunately, the RWNJs' thought processes cannot digest information at the speed necessary to keep up with wide range of FOX attacks.

This wide range of targeted Democrats will fragment the RWNJs' attention. Biden's methodical focus on specific issues, which will be absolutely necessary during his first 100 days, lacks the diversity needed to maintain the rapid fire critiques of the FOX Noise style.

Their grifter-in-chief had only one voice, and right-wing media echoed that voice for almost five years. The right-wing media have lost that one voice and will now speak with many.

Well, I hope you're right. We need two serious, viable parties. The Democrats have their OWN problems.

We The People are not served in this condition.
There may be a day of reckoning with the deplorable wing of the GOP but McConnell damned sure is not going to be the guy who does it.
I think that's very possible. You don't get to a position of power like that by being brave and innovative.

He's fucked. He was fucked beginning on Escalator Day.

Biden has only been President for five days. It's going to take a while for the RWNJs' crazy factor to adjust to the new (old actually) normal.

The RWNJs have been in a five-year frenzy induced by their orange-tinted messiah. An immediate turnaround cannot be expected without the help of FOX Noise. And even then, many of the RWNJs aren't prepared to forgive FOX for declaring Biden the winner in the November election.

As stated above, It's going to take a while for the RWNJs' crazy factor to adjust.

Well, that's THE problem. These people still have their informational ecosystem screaming at them 24/7/365. It's possible that this can continue to build, especially now that they feel so victimized and aggrieved. At very least, it will take a long time to settle down.

The fog lifted pretty quickly in Europe 75 years ago, but it simply CAN'T under these conditions.
With their beloved messiah banned from social media, his influence will rapidly dwindle. FOX Noise and the rest cannot stagnate, their only option is to attack the Democrats at all levels. Fortunately, the RWNJs' thought processes cannot digest information at the speed necessary to keep up with wide range of FOX attacks.

This wide range of targeted Democrats will fragment the RWNJs' attention. Biden's methodical focus on specific issues, which will be absolutely necessary during his first 100 days, lacks the diversity needed to maintain the rapid fire critiques of the FOX Noise style.

Their grifter-in-chief had only one voice, and right-wing media echoed that voice for almost five years. The right-wing media have lost that one voice and will now speak with many.

Well, I hope you're right. We need two serious, viable parties. The Democrats have their OWN problems.

We The People are not served in this condition.
As Lewis Black once said, "The Republicans are the party of bad ideas, the Democrats are the party of no ideas."

Perhaps, with young people like AOC elected to Congress, their ideas will change all that. If only they can get past the old farts' (of both parties) need to feed the greed of the billionaire class.


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