President Biden Has DECIDED Not To Extend The August 31 Deadline To Be out Of Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

President Biden HAS DECIDED not to extend an Aug. 31 deadline to remove all American troops from Afghanistan​

I love how the media tries to spin this disaster to make it sound like President Biden is in ANY way in control of anything.

President Biden Did NOT
'DECIDE' shit!

Biden BEGGED for more time, & the CIA rep met with the Taliban, and they told Joe to GTFO in 6 days!

'Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said Tuesday that his group will accept “no extensions” of the Aug. 31 deadline the Biden administration has imposed for the withdrawal of all American troops from Afghanistan.'

Pentagon won’t extend withdrawal deadline as terrorists threaten consequences if US remains

Pentagon won’t extend withdrawal deadline as terrorists threaten consequences if US remains

In Afghanistan it is WEDNESDAY, 25 August.
- That leaves 6 (SIX) Days to have all US citizens, Afghan Refugees, and all military personnel out of Afghanistan.

- The Pentagon declared the MILITARY will have to begin packing up and begin leaving on FRIDAY, 27 August to meet the 31 August deadline.

For anyone math or calendar-challenged, that means the United States Government, President Biden, Sect of Defense Austin, & Gen Milley have 2 (TWO) days to rescue and evacuate roughly 9,000 (NINE THOUSAND) U. S. citizens.

Remaining Americans will be beheaded, hung, or shot.
A total travesty.

Trump announced we would be leaving (he said in May). This was quite awhile ago. How is it people didn't pack up and leave then if they wanted out?
I know the news are trying to spin the story to make it sound like Biden is not so helpless, at the Mercy of the Taliban, but trying to spin the story where it sounds like Biden decided to turn down / forego any extension and stick to the 31 August deadline just makes him sound like a moron.

Just saying....

President Biden HAS DECIDED not to extend an Aug. 31 deadline to remove all American troops from Afghanistan​

I love how the media tries to spin this disaster to make it sound like President Biden is in ANY way in control of anything.

President Biden Did NOT 'DECIDE' shit!

Biden BEGGED for more time, & the CIA rep met with the Taliban, and they told Joe to GTFO in 6 days!

'Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said Tuesday that his group will accept “no extensions” of the Aug. 31 deadline the Biden administration has imposed for the withdrawal of all American troops from Afghanistan.'

Pentagon won’t extend withdrawal deadline as terrorists threaten consequences if US remains

Pentagon won’t extend withdrawal deadline as terrorists threaten consequences if US remains

In Afghanistan it is WEDNESDAY, 25 August.
- That leaves 6 (SIX) Days to have all US citizens, Afghan Refugees, and all military personnel out of Afghanistan.

- The Pentagon declared the MILITARY will have to begin packing up and begin leaving on FRIDAY, 27 August to meet the 31 August deadline.

For anyone math or calendar-challenged, that means the United States Government, President Biden, Sect of Defense Austin, & Gen Milley have 2 (TWO) days to rescue and evacuate roughly 9,000 (NINE THOUSAND) U. S. citizens.

taliban has said no Afgans will be allowed to leave any longer. americans only.

total cluster fuck from hell.
Trump announced we would be leaving (he said in May). This was quite awhile ago. How is it people didn't pack up and leave then if they wanted out?
They believed they had more time and did not expect the terrorists to overrun Kabul and cut off any means of escape.

Biden is in large part to blame for this. Despite being warned by his military, CIA, and Intel advisors this could / would happen, Biden instead told the American people it would NOT happen. Everything Biden said would NOT happened...happened.
I know the news are trying to spin the story to make it sound like Biden is not so helpless, at the Mercy of the Taliban, but trying to spin the story where it sounds like Biden decided to turn down / forego any extension and stick to the 31 August deadline just makes him sound like a moron.

Just saying....

Republicans are holding a news conference and CNN & MSNBC are NOT carrying it live.
They truly are an arm of the DNC and CIA!
They believed they had more time and did not expect the terrorists to overrun Kabul and cut off any means of escape.

Biden is in large part to blame for this. Despite being warned by his military, CIA, and Intel advisors this could / would happen, Biden instead told the American people it would NOT happen. Everything Biden said would NOT happened...happened.

So they didn't believe what Trump said? They believed we would not leave? Seems that would have been at their own peril. No?

This was going to happen regardless as to when we left. When we made Afghanistan the 51st state, would that include the right to vote?
Trump announced we would be leaving (he said in May). This was quite awhile ago. How is it people didn't pack up and leave then if they wanted out?
that's a fair question but how often do people stay behind after being told a hurricane is coming, yet we still rescue them without question if stranded. mock them some i suppose, but we do not leave people behind to die after a bad choice on their part.

we also don't know all the circumstances. how many people needed to leave? how many people couldn't leave until the final month/weeks due to circumstances beyond their control? did we have plans we failed to meet? now, for afgan nationals, we still have 7 days but the taliban has said "no you don't" for afgans. they are not living up to the agreement. again.

while on the surface i do say "fair question" - are you looking for the answers or is this the end statement on the matter from your point of view? they had a chance and didn't, tough nugies. (noogies?)

this is far too much here to dismiss with a "well you had time" mindset.

first and foremost, get out as many people as you can, however we can. lets bitch at each other later. for once, lets help first, bitch later.
Deflect? I'm stating simple facts. Seems to me that if you were an American and you were gave a heads up of months you would have left on your own. No? Why didn't they?

They were supporting our military in-country, you dipshit. You think Americans went to fucking Afghanistan on vacation? They are civilian support workers for the military, and Joe Biden is leaving them to die at the hands of the Taliban, while you cheer. Asshole.
that's a fair question but how often do people stay behind after being told a hurricane is coming, yet we still rescue them without question if stranded. mock them some i suppose, but we do not leave people behind to die after a bad choice on their part.

we also don't know all the circumstances. how many people needed to leave? how many people couldn't leave until the final month/weeks due to circumstances beyond their control? did we have plans we failed to meet? now, for afgan nationals, we still have 7 days but the taliban has said "no you don't" for afgans. they are not living up to the agreement. again.

while on the surface i do say "fair question" - are you looking for the answers or is this the end statement on the matter from your point of view? they had a chance and didn't, tough nugies. (noogies?)

this is far too much here to dismiss with a "well you had time" mindset.

first and foremost, get out as many people as you can, however we can. lets bitch at each other later. for once, lets help first, bitch later.

If you want to ask questions that's fine. The facts are these are questions that should have been addressed years and years ago.

We did something really stupid. We find that over and over that when we do something really stupid, bad things happen. Look at Benghazi. When will we learn?
They were supporting our military in-country, you dipshit. You think Americans went to fucking Afghanistan on vacation? They are civilian support workers for the military, and Joe Biden is leaving them to die at the hands of the Taliban, while you cheer. Asshole.

The head of the military, the Commander in Chief said we were leaving. Why were they not already leaving?

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