President Biden Get Involved In the Senate Stand-off!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Biden should get involved in the current gridlock between Senator Schumer and Senator McConnell in the U.S. Senate because it is holding back the Biden Administration getting results for the American people, they need their appointees confirmed so these individuals can get in their respective agency and lead them to produce positive change and the Senate Committees got to start holding robust hearings about the multitude of policy agendas the Biden Administration wants to get through Congress so America doesn't see flawed legislation coming out of Washington. Specifically what the Democrat and Republican Senate leaders need to accomplish is reaching a power sharing agreement and what the hang-up there is the Republican leader Senator McConnell wants a commitment from Senator Schumer to keep the legislative tool the filibuster in place for two years what the filibuster is in detail is a tool which allows for indefinite debate on a bill and the only way it can be overcome is if sixty Senators vote to end the debate its practical value is that it allows a political party that is in minority in the Senate to block legislative bills from passing the Senate that the political party in the majority wants passed in effect it says hey majority party if you want bills to pass you have to shape the bills so they gain bipartisan support and therefore meet the sixty vote threshold.

What President Biden should do is say publicly that for the next two years I am not signing any bill into law that passes the Senate in violation of the filibuster rule; that way McConnell doesn't need this commitment from Schumer he can cut the power sharing deal immediately. From a big picture standpoint President Biden loses very little giving away this card because President Biden already has the cards to dramatically transform America the one card he has is that the legislative mechanism of reconciliation, meaning budgetary types of bills are by definition excluded from the filibuster rule and since the Democrats control the Senate with fifty seats President Biden is going to be able to get through legislation this year that rolls back many of President Trump's tax cuts thereby raising two to three trillion dollars and he will be able to spend that money on an abundance of program to help lower and middle income Americans it will be truly transformative to America; and having the filibuster in place will force him and Democrat leaders in the House and Senate to make their legislative bill bipartisan which will be best for America because no one party has all the answers both parties have legitimate concerns. Plus, President Biden backing the filibuster is the right thing to do having the filibuster in place is best for America long-term! Having the filibuster in place forces bills to become more bipartisan in make-up which is definitely the best because it bring stability into America's laws because as sure as night follows day no one political party will be permanently in the majority and when the other party regains power America doesn't want to see contrary legislation passed into law this is too disruptive and unfair to many American's affected by the respective law. Moreover, with the decimation of the political center in America over the past thirty years especially by political office holder in Congress if the filibuster is cast aside America will see legislation with provisions putting into effect idealogue and extremists policies this will bring disaster upon disaster in America!
President Biden should get involved in the current gridlock between Senator Schumer and Senator McConnell in the U.S. Senate because it is holding back the Biden Administration getting results for the American people

It's not holding Biden back, silly. He just put thousands of American people out of work. He's doing a fine job...for China people. And China is thrilled. Biden is their "little angel".

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