Poll: One-state solution gains ground

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
Nearly 34 percent of respondents favored a binational state in all of historic Palestine over the two-state solution, which only 43.9 percent supported, the JMCC poll found.

The decline in support for the two-state solution has persisted since shortly after the start of the Palestinian uprising in September 2000, however, those who favored a binational state were only 20.6 percent in June 2009.

In 2001, 18.3 percent of respondents favored a binational state, according to JMCC polls.

Er, no...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc-7GK6F4RI]YouTube - Fatah official: Our goal has never been peace[/ame]
I posted an article about how the one state solution is becoming the goal of pali negotiations too...

but, of course, enter da joooos..

I posted an article about how the one state solution is becoming the goal of pali negotiations too...

but, of course, enter da joooos..


Stoner, shouldn't you be finding out what apartheid is, since you used the term earlier, but, are clueless of what it actually is, dummy?

Also, this is well beyond your grasp, but, Israel is a sovereign state. It would be a flagrant violation of internatonal law to disrupt Israel's sovereignty.

Thus, the matter is moot.

Dumbass. LOL

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