Police Suicide is up in France and USA; Why is that?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Why not just quit? Why kill yourself?

Makes no sense to me.

French police suicide rate climbs, French govt is flummoxed

And the 2016 deadly attack on a police couple in front of their small child at their home in Magnanville, west of Paris, dramatically impacted police officers fearful for their families, she said. Some moved, changed services or resigned to protect their loved ones.

Sebastian Roche, a research director at the National Center for Scientific research who specializes in comparing police systems, says there are simply no studies to understand the causes of the French suicides or impact studies to evaluate prevention measures, which he calls a “huge weakness” within the Interior Ministry.

He doesn’t believe that PTSD — with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder — is at the root of the problem, noting the dip in police suicides in 2015 when deadly Islamic State attacks in France began in January and culminated in November with the Paris massacres that left 130 people dead.

“All of a sudden, their mission made sense,” he said by telephone. “The population judged them as useful.”

French citizens applauded police as heroes during that stretch in 2015. That image lost its shine over time, then collapsed, as French police matched exceptionally violent yellow vest anti-government protests with harsh containment tactics that maimed some protesters.

At one point, yellow vest protesters, picking up on the suicide wave , even chanted “Kill yourselves! Kill yourselves!” at lines of police.

While suicide among police is a problem in many countries, France’s rate appears exceptionally high.

In the U.S., with a population five times that of France, 167 officers died by suicide in 2018 and 111 so far this year, according to Blue H.E.L.P., a Massachusetts-based organization devoted to preventing police suicides. A U.S. suicide prevention bill signed into law in July will also supply funds for support.

In Italy, a fellow European nation slightly less populous than France, 31 officers have killed themselves this year, according to the police support group Cerchioblu. Britain’s Office for National Statistics counts 21 to 23 police suicides a year between 2015 and 2017, but unlike in France, most British police do not have guns.

The French parliamentary reports laid out a kaleidoscope of deficiencies within the security forces that can eat away at morale and feelings of self-worth, from distant superiors fixated on numbers of arrests to the 23 million hours of unpaid overtime officers had worked as December 2018, according to the parliamentary inquiry.

A lack of equipment and dilapidated police stations and living quarters were also cited. In the Paris region, the inquiry found it “wasn’t exceptional” to find five officers sharing a cramped living space or for some to be sleeping in their cars.

The government pledged to launch a platform of psychologists operating 24/7 by June, but say now that won’t be ready until September.
I think that policemen who respect the public and see their jobs as sacred duty are slowly being replaced by mercenaries who will do whatever their authorities ask of them.

This is the sort of condition that leads to Marxist revolution

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