Please say it ain't so: Rush says he's just a PERFORMER

Does this mean this unbending Patriot is mouthing love for our troops, our President, our Vice President and our Flag just as a performer? Rush is a hero to the tens of millions of pro-Americans who love our President and Vice President. Please, Rush, say you mean what you say!

What else would he be..?? oh so wise one..

I know one thing he is....He is someone who can make the liberals, leftist and Democrats act all goofy and nutty...:D
"Don't forget that the radio show is just a performance." Rush Limbaugh

And you thought this was serious political discussion! Pure propaganda, aimed only at believers, snake oil salesman.

"All propaganda must be so popular and on such an intellectual level, that even the most stupid of those toward whom it is directed will understand it... Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way around, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise." Adolf Hitler
"Don't forget that the radio show is just a performance." Rush Limbaugh

And you thought this was serious political discussion! Pure propaganda, aimed only at believers, snake oil salesman.

"All propaganda must be so popular and on such an intellectual level, that even the most stupid of those toward whom it is directed will understand it... Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way around, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise." Adolf Hitler

Pot calling the kettle black.
it's not Rush's fault if he draws a crowd. Obviously, his words don't work on some of us so why pretend he is hypnotizing anyone? It's one more cult of personality among many. Y pluribus, unum. Hell, I read "The way things should be" or whatever he released back in the 90s. It's the same damn thing as Frankens books. Sure, I don't agree with his message or his delivery but that just means that I dont listen to him. Live and let live. If he reaches more people than you do, well, that's just democracy. Nothing forces you to read Ann Coulters latest piece of garbage either. Why blame her for the choice of her readers when she is obviously out to do two things: make money and support her personal ideology. Is that so different than anyone else?
It is "hey, watch me". He is in it for the ratings and popularity and criticism because negative notoriety is better than not being noticed at all.
This reminds me of an occasion when I was discussing how law firms in my jurisdiction operate. The discussion continued for some time about justice and reparation and doing right and all the rest of it. After a while I wound up the discussion.

"It's about money."


"Legal firms do what they do to get money."

Same for Limbaugh. He attracts a lot of listeners, the radio stations get more money from their advertisers. He's appealing to the masses because it's numbers that allow the people on the syndicated radio stations sell advertising.

Limbaugh does what he does to get money. He was astute, he worked out how a significant number of Americans think (or don't think). And he played to them, he played their prejudices like a Stradivarius. Now I don't really care if you go along with him or not because we can always discuss your ideas here but old Rushbo, the cunning little bugger, tapped that mainspring of discontent and massaged it until it spouted dollars into his lap.

Of course he's a performer. He's in it for the money.
This reminds me of an occasion when I was discussing how law firms in my jurisdiction operate. The discussion continued for some time about justice and reparation and doing right and all the rest of it. After a while I wound up the discussion.

"It's about money."


"Legal firms do what they do to get money."

Same for Limbaugh. He attracts a lot of listeners, the radio stations get more money from their advertisers. He's appealing to the masses because it's numbers that allow the people on the syndicated radio stations sell advertising.

Limbaugh does what he does to get money. He was astute, he worked out how a significant number of Americans think (or don't think). And he played to them, he played their prejudices like a Stradivarius. Now I don't really care if you go along with him or not because we can always discuss your ideas here but old Rushbo, the cunning little bugger, tapped that mainspring of discontent and massaged it until it spouted dollars into his lap.

Of course he's a performer. He's in it for the money.

Thats pretty much the end all for most things... Fallow the money!
The man is a radio host. the whole point of talk radio is to get ratings.

But that doesnt stop the left from feeling threatened by his ideas. Try to dismiss him all you want but the man is intelligent and knows how to express himself to get people to think and pay attention to him when he speaks.

What gets me is the left plays right into him. I mean hello?! The guy is using your own statements against you. Stop saying stupid things and you wont look so stupid. Dont be complete idiots and attack him by claiming he said something when all he has to do is make the transcript available to demonstrate that you are either corrupt and lying or totally incompetant.

The man's job is to comment and share ideas about what he finds absurd with society. Stop providing him with materials and you will see Rush Limbaugh end.
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