Please explain why AGW is an existential threat

Science is about discovery. What I've discovered is there is most definitely something going on with the weather. I don't know what it is but it ain't good.
You mean like when it’s cold in the winter and hot in summer?

All the rain we’re getting here in the northeast does NOT seem natural- at all!
$76 trillon.

It's for the kids!!!
That's my point, to help to encourage participation, but only when denialist's question are genuinely asking for an answer. You're not there yet, but you've put a foot in the door.

I'll dodge the disingenuous attempt by suggesting that you pay attention to the news that shows all the cars and houses floating down the river.

And you might want to call up the insurance company before they get their bags packed?
are you saying that your side isn't losing their shit over a one degree rise in temperature? Hmmmmmmmm, that might make you a denier.

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