Planned Parenthood clinics did 327,653 abortions in its fiscal year 2014

Abortion has been available for 45 years and will not go away
sure it will....all you have to do is make it illegal again......
Then you will fail and the abortion rate will remain where it is
45 years and counting.........what is taking you so long?
fucked up liberals who enjoy killing unborn children......
Who cares? Women have the right to abortion. You don't get to make their choices for them.
We get to decide the consequences of people's choices.

There is no right to abortion.

Consequences? Like WHAT?

If YOU want a woman's uterus to become property of the state, then YOU have to accept THOSE consequences.

A pregnancy requires special care and services for a woman. Are YOU willing to PAY for her prenatal care? Are you willing to PAY for her numerous doctor visits, tests, vitamins and ultrsound? Are YOU willing to PAY for her special diet and make sure she eats healthy? Are YOU willing to make sure she doesn't smoke or drink to protect the health of the embryo?

Are you willing to PAY her prenatal care and delivery costs which can range from about $9,000 to over $250,000?

Are YOU willing to PAY for her maturity leave from her job?

What if the woman has medical complications that leave her permanently disabled? Are YOU willing to PAY to support her the rest of her life?

Consequences? I really don't believe you even thought about consequences.
Always the answer from liberals. Make somebody ELSE pay for your irresponsibility. I guess it also must be my fault that people go to jail for armed robbery because I'm not willing to send them a check every week so they don't have to work.

A woman who makes her own personal choice is taking personal responsibility for HER OWN life. YOU want to DICTATE what that choice is, so now YOU are taking responsibility for what follows.

A pregnant woman, married or not, has to decide whether she should continue with her pregnancy
If she decides to keep the child, she may lose her job, have to drop out of the workforce, impact her future financial status. Many married women abort because the family can't afford another child
If you don't want her to choose abortion, you have to offer her better options
If not, then be prepared for a high abortion rate

First Trimester: LEGAL TO BE ABORTED


Right now, it is not just a choice between sex and abstinence

There is also birth control and abortion

If we want to reduce the number of abortions, we need to do more than advocate abstinence
there's an obvious and simple you say there is also birth control and abortion.....all we need to do is take away abortion......then you would only say "there is also birth control".......

The mission of Planned Parenthood is
  • to provide comprehensive reproductive and complementary health care services in settings which preserve and protect the essential privacy and rights of each individual
  • to advocate public policies which guarantee these rights and ensure access to such services
  • to provide educational programs which enhance understanding of individual and societal implications of human sexuality
  • to promote research and the advancement of technology in reproductive health care and encourage understanding of their inherent bioethical, behavioral, and social implications
. to kill 300,000 unborn children per year
A pregnant woman, married or not, has to decide whether she should continue with her pregnancy
If she decides to keep the child, she may lose her job, have to drop out of the workforce, impact her future financial status. Many married women abort because the family can't afford another child
If you don't want her to choose abortion, you have to offer her better options
If not, then be prepared for a high abortion rate
Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of responsible parenting. You should only have the children you want and can afford to support

As such, Planned parenthood has been at the forefront of sex education and open access to birth control for all

Conservative policies of abstenance, bans and shaming of pregnant women have done little in comparison
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....
She became pregnant because abstinence failed.
no dimwit....she became pregnant because she stopped fucking stupid ARE you......
And abstaining ultimately failed didn't it?
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....
She became pregnant because abstinence failed.
no dimwit....she became pregnant because she stopped fucking stupid ARE you......
And abstaining ultimately failed didn't it?
no......she obviously stopped abstaining........abstaining didn't fail.......
To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....
She became pregnant because abstinence failed.
no dimwit....she became pregnant because she stopped fucking stupid ARE you......
And abstaining ultimately failed didn't it?
no......she obviously stopped abstaining........abstaining didn't fail.......
RW is an authoritarian. Freedom of choice is a completely alien concept to him.
To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....
She became pregnant because abstinence failed.
no dimwit....she became pregnant because she stopped fucking stupid ARE you......
And abstaining ultimately failed didn't it?
no......she obviously stopped abstaining........abstaining didn't fail.......
Abstaining always works up until the point where it stops working. Sooner or later, it always fails
Planned Parenthood fought the fight
they won, civilization lost......
Not necessarily

Prior to planned parenthood, women in our society would have 10-12 children in their lifetime
Now it is down to 2-3
Planned Parenthood wants families to be able to control how many children they can afford
oh lord, don't be an idiot......that didn't change because of planned parenthood, that changed because we moved from an agricultural to an industrial society.......
Planned Parenthood fought the fight
they won, civilization lost......
Not necessarily

Prior to planned parenthood, women in our society would have 10-12 children in their lifetime
Now it is down to 2-3
Planned Parenthood wants families to be able to control how many children they can afford
The point that the 90 million or so children that have been killed would have been a part of our civilization had they not been killed, went right over your head.
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....
She became pregnant because abstinence failed.
no dimwit....she became pregnant because she stopped fucking stupid ARE you......
And abstaining ultimately failed didn't it?
no......she obviously stopped abstaining........abstaining didn't fail.......
Abstaining always works up until the point where it stops working. Sooner or later, it always fails
silence always works until someone starts talking.......then the stupid things they say prove that silence was in fact working very well.......
Planned Parenthood fought the fight
they won, civilization lost......
Not necessarily

Prior to planned parenthood, women in our society would have 10-12 children in their lifetime
Now it is down to 2-3
Planned Parenthood wants families to be able to control how many children they can afford
The point that the 90 million or so children that have been killed would have been a part of our civilization had they not been killed, went right over your head.
not to mention the fact that any society that claims a right to kill off millions of unborn children has abandoned the right to be called "civilized"......
The authoritarianism and extremism, along with contempt for the privacy rights of others is typical among religious nutters. They can't seem to keep their noses out of other peoples crotches.
really?....we aren't the ones who want to kill because they are inconvenienced.....

Rape and incest are also an inconvenience. (eye roll)

In a perfect world, no one would get pregnant until its planned. Do we live in a perfect world? have no moral standing to support the 99% of unborn child killings that don't involve rape or incest, so you only talk about the 1%.....fine, I waive any objection to abortions in the case of rape or how are you going to defend your position?.......

I'm going to defend my position by saying the Supreme Court made the right decision, and women should not have to give birth against their will.
and I am going to defend mine by pointing out that unborn children should not be killed against theirs.........

A zygote/fetus doesn't have a will of its own, because that would require conscious and unconscious reasoning. In that case, you could then ask the fetus if it wants to be born into a life of abuse and poverty. (sarcasm)
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really?....we aren't the ones who want to kill because they are inconvenienced.....

Rape and incest are also an inconvenience. (eye roll)

In a perfect world, no one would get pregnant until its planned. Do we live in a perfect world? have no moral standing to support the 99% of unborn child killings that don't involve rape or incest, so you only talk about the 1%.....fine, I waive any objection to abortions in the case of rape or how are you going to defend your position?.......

I'm going to defend my position by saying the Supreme Court made the right decision, and women should not have to give birth against their will.
and I am going to defend mine by pointing out that unborn children should not be killed against theirs.........

A zygote/fetus doesn't have a will of its own, because that would require conscious and unconscious reasoning. In that case, you could then ask the fetus if it wants to be born into a life of abuse and poverty.
A person that is sleeping doesn't have a will of its own, because that would require conscious and unconscious reasoning. In that case, you could then ask the sleeping person if it wants to remain in a life of abuse and poverty. So it should be legal to kill people who are in poverty or abuse while they are sleeping, right?
Planned Parenthood fought the fight
they won, civilization lost......
Not necessarily

Prior to planned parenthood, women in our society would have 10-12 children in their lifetime
Now it is down to 2-3
Planned Parenthood wants families to be able to control how many children they can afford
oh lord, don't be an idiot......that didn't change because of planned parenthood, that changed because we moved from an agricultural to an industrial society.......

Are you serious?

Do you think women in cities did not get pregnant? They were not abstaining you know
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Planned Parenthood fought the fight
they won, civilization lost......
Not necessarily

Prior to planned parenthood, women in our society would have 10-12 children in their lifetime
Now it is down to 2-3
Planned Parenthood wants families to be able to control how many children they can afford
The point that the 90 million or so children that have been killed would have been a part of our civilization had they not been killed, went right over your head.
Very true
And their parents realized that they were incapable of supporting those children within our civilization
So the next question is whether our civilization was prepared to step up and care for those 90 million children
Anyone who has heard the rhetoric out of conservatives for the last 45 years realizes we aren't

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