Philosophically Speaking, It's Easier To Be A Conservative Than To Be A Liberal

May 4, 2022
roykp con lib finger.jpg

nuf said
Much of the charitable giving difference is attributable to religious giving ("tithing" if you will), and Leftists believe in their hearts that THEY are "god," so financially supporting an organization that believes otherwise is not likely.

It's easy to be a Leftist because you can alter the meaning of words to suit your purposes, and make shit up to prove your point.

What is a woman? Who knows? What is "marriage"? Whatever I want it to be. What is a "family"? Same thing. There is THE truth vs. MY truth, and I can make my truth whatever I like.
Actually, it is easier to be a liberal because you can ignore reality and create your own reality as well as your own language

Conservatives, on average, give about 30% more to charitable causes than those on the Left.

Now tell us what a woman is again.

My one caveat is the current left isn't liberal, it's collectively progressive.
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It's about what the positions are called. the modern current left isn't liberal, it's actually the opposite due to it's inability to tolerate opposing views.
Funny, as a liberal I have always spoke of the progressives as left
Funny, as a liberal I have always spoke of the progressives as left

Until recently even if the left wasn't "classically" liberal it still adhered to freedom of expression and speech. The past few decades have seen a gradual shift toward a more collective view on the rights to speech and expression, which is 100% against the classic liberal view of the individual having the right to their own opinions and thoughts.
Until recently even if the left wasn't "classically" liberal it still adhered to freedom of expression and speech. The past few decades have seen a gradual shift toward a more collective view on the rights to speech and expression, which is 100% against the classic liberal view of the individual having the right to their own opinions and thoughts.
problem is people are always calling all democrats and all liberals -- the left
Much of the charitable giving difference is attributable to religious giving ("tithing" if you will), and Leftists believe in their hearts that THEY are "god," so financially supporting an organization that believes otherwise is not likely.

It's easy to be a Leftist because you can alter the meaning of words to suit your purposes, and make shit up to prove your point.

What is a woman? Who knows? What is "marriage"? Whatever I want it to be. What is a "family"? Same thing. There is THE truth vs. MY truth, and I can make my truth whatever I like.
Actually, Leftists sit around like lazy slobs trying to convince others, and themselves, to elect politicians who will force them, and the rest of us, to give more money to government on the premise that the money will go to help the poor. Then everyone tries to evade the taxes come tax time.

Then once the government gets all that money they end up giving about 9 cents on the dollar to those in need, if that.
problem is people are always calling all democrats and all liberals -- the left
True. Liberals believe in personal freedom and rights, like freedom of speech on Twitter, but end up fully supporting the Left who takes them all away and says nothing to defend others.

I can't really blame them for being scared of the Left. They are all a bunch of violent thugs after all.
True. Liberals believe in personal freedom and rights, like freedom of speech on Twitter, but end up fully supporting the Left who takes them all away and says nothing to defend others.

I can't really blame them for being scared of the Left. They are all a bunch of violent thugs after all.
Freedom on speech on Twitter?

A true Liberal supports the owners of a social media platform being able to do what they seem fit
Actually, Leftists sit around like lazy slobs trying to convince others, and themselves, to elect politicians who will force them, and the rest of us, to give more money to government on the premise that the money will go to help the poor. Then everyone tries to evade the taxes come tax time.

Then once the government gets all that money they end up giving about 9 cents on the dollar to those in need, if that.
go away. go piss on and hijack another thread you miscreant
So, are people to the left of Jim Jordan considered the left by that logic? Or can the left only be applied to a party affiliation

Left is left, right is right. It's when you start using qualifiers like "extreme" or "mainstream" that you can get into arguments.

A conservative democrat is still a leftist these days.

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