Pelosi Inverts American Justice System: Trump Has Right to ‘Prove Innocence’


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Either she is completely stupid or is pure evil. I'm leaning toward pure evil.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appeared to invert the U.S. justice system in a statement Thursday as she was reacting to news that a Manhattan grand jury had voted to indict former President Donald Trump.

Pelosi, the former House speaker, placed the burden of proof in legal cases on defendants, saying that “everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence” and that the justice system “grants [Trump] that right.”

“The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law,” Pelosi wrote on social media. “No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right.”


she must be really happy, as all libs are. be careful what you wish for, as Trump might just be re-elected in a landslide

everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right.”​
Hypocrite bitch.

Someone oughta string her up by the nipples
Pelosi is a bitter beard.... she turned a grown man into a sniveling faggot and then her face was rubbed in it.... on an international level.

Nothing says "effective politician" like people shitting in your driveway.

pelosi shit in her driveway.jpg
The transitioning of America is ongoing. Last week I had an issue with a local power-hungry law enforcement nazi over not pre jaywalking at 4 in the morning while exercising. I cannot be on the same side who would treat me like a criminal for his jollies. I see trannies with rifles daring people like him and no one doing a thing. To not have the intelligence to know that the division is a widening chasm is chilling. Florida voters can be fickle.
Either she is completely stupid or is pure evil. I'm leaning toward pure evil.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appeared to invert the U.S. justice system in a statement Thursday as she was reacting to news that a Manhattan grand jury had voted to indict former President Donald Trump.​
Pelosi, the former House speaker, placed the burden of proof in legal cases on defendants, saying that “everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence” and that the justice system “grants [Trump] that right.”​
“The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law,” Pelosi wrote on social media. “No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right.”​

Communist Exposed:

'Show me the man, and I will show you the crime.'

It just took Democrats 7 years to come up with the crime.
Either she is completely stupid or is pure evil. I'm leaning toward pure evil.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appeared to invert the U.S. justice system in a statement Thursday as she was reacting to news that a Manhattan grand jury had voted to indict former President Donald Trump.​
Pelosi, the former House speaker, placed the burden of proof in legal cases on defendants, saying that “everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence” and that the justice system “grants [Trump] that right.”​
“The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law,” Pelosi wrote on social media. “No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right.”​

I don't get it. He doesn't have the right to prove he is innocent? Does that mean if he has evidence that does so, he shouldn't show it?

Of course he can just let the prosecutors prove guilt and do nothing but that doesn't seem wise to me.
I don't get it. He doesn't have the right to prove he is innocent?

'Show me the man and I will show you the crime.'

Un-Anerican Morons like this have been brainwashed / indoctrinated to believe 'Innocent Until PROVEN GUILTY' only applies to Democrats - and even then, if proven guilty, they are above the law in the Demokrats corrupt 2-Tiered 3rd-World authoritarian Banana Republic.

All non-Democrats are deemed 'Guilty until proven innocent'.

That is hard to do when Demokrats are violating the Constitution and Rule of Law, committing perjury, manufacturing false evidence, and withholding exculpatory evidence to ensure those who oppose them, their failed policies, and socialist / fascist agendas go to jail.

Diane Feinstein was caught harboring a CCP spy on her team for decades, and she was never held accountable.

Pelosi has come right out and admitted on multiple occassions she is guilty of criminal Insider Trading but she has been protected from accountability...

So she has no room at all to talk about anyone else's guilt or innocense.

So now let the personal attacks and insults against me begin. Cat, you're up.
'Show me the man and I will show you the crime.'

Un-Anerican Morons like this have been brainwashed / indoctrinated to believe 'Innocent Until PROVEN GUILTY' only applies to Democrats - and even then, if proven guilty, they are above the law in the Demokrats corrupt 2-Tiered 3rd-World authoritarian Banana Republic.

All non-Democrats are deemed 'Guilty until proven innocent'.

That is hard to do when Demokrats are violating the Constitution and Rule of Law, committing perjury, manufacturing false evidence, and withholding exculpatory evidence to ensure those who oppose them, their failed policies, and socialist / fascist agendas go to jail.

Diane Feinstein was caught harboring a CCP spy on her team for decades, and she was never held accountable.

Pelosi has come right out and admitted on multiple occassions she is guilty of criminal Insider Trading but she has been protected from accountability...

So she has no room at all to talk about anyone else's guilt or innocense.
View attachment 771408

So now let the personal attacks and insults against me begin. Cat, you're up.
Sure. He's guilty until proven innocent (although I think that doesn't apply if you get in a big group and chant lock her up) but that doesn't mean Trump can't fascilitate the defense by providing proof of his innocence.

Why would he not take that opportunity?

Just an FYI, typically the content of my posts are related to the content of the poster I am replying too. You have been polite so why would I engage in personal attacks?
That is what the witch said and even though a slip it is Absolutely how they operate
Witch hunt to the ends of the earth, never get any hard evidence, then demand the oarty prove himself innocent and provide evidence of that
That’s what we have disintegrated to.
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80% of Manhattan votes Democrat.
Soros backed Bragg ran on a campaign promise to get Trump.


They should move the venue to Idaho. Or South Dakota. Or even Oklahoma.
Either she is completely stupid or is pure evil. I'm leaning toward pure evil.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appeared to invert the U.S. justice system in a statement Thursday as she was reacting to news that a Manhattan grand jury had voted to indict former President Donald Trump.​
Pelosi, the former House speaker, placed the burden of proof in legal cases on defendants, saying that “everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence” and that the justice system “grants [Trump] that right.”​
“The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law,” Pelosi wrote on social media. “No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right.”​

Yeah, that lying about the $130K payment is hard.

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