Patrick Moore lies about his relationship with Greenpeace to make money


Gold Member
May 10, 2014
Patrick Moore left Greenpeace in 1986, 33 years ago. Since that time his almost every single one of his activities have been antithetical to the environmental movement in general and Greenpeace in particular.

However, during the intervening years, Moore has repeatedly used the claim that he was a founder of Greenpeace to insinuate that he speaks for the organization, that his views are in line with Greenpeace's and that his experience with Greenpeace has made him an effective spokesman for the well being of the environment.

  • Upon his departure from Greenpeace, Moore founded a family salmon farming business and became direct or the Salmon Farmer's Association.
  • He joined the BC Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
  • Moore founded and chaired the BC Carbon Project
  • Board member of Forest Alliance BC, formed by the CEOs of several major forestry companies
  • Developed "Principles of Sustainable Forestry"
  • Founded Greenspirit to "promote sustainable development from a scientific environmental platform"
  • Formed Greenspirit Strategies Ltd, an environmental consulting company
  • Served as a vice-president of Waterfurnace International making and selling geothemal heat pumps
  • Appeared twice on Penn & Teller: Bullshit!: 'Environmental Hysteria' and 'Endangered Species'
  • Co-chaired Clean and Safe Energy Coalition with Christine Todd Whitman, advocating for nuclear power
  • Chose to represent the Asian logging corporation Asia Pulp and Paper accused of clear cutting rainforests
  • Acts as a policy advisor on climate and energy at The Heartland Institute
  • Moore has denied that climate change is a threat
  • Moore has suggested that global warming may be beneficial as "CO2 is a building block of life"
Spin spin spin. The history burners are busy trying to eliminate Patrick Moore.

But the wayback machine has the truth:

You don't think it's "spin" for Patrick Moore to make misrepresentative use of his association with an organization he left 33 years ago and from which has otherwise distanced himself as far and as fast as he could?

Moore makes repeated claim to have been a cofounder of Greenpeace because Greenpeace (without him) has earned an enormous amount of respect in the world and Moore wants to use that to make more money.
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Patrick Moore left Greenpeace in 1986, 33 years ago. Since that time his almost every single one of his activities have been antithetical to the environmental movement in general and Greenpeace in particular.

However, during the intervening years, Moore has repeatedly used the claim that he was a founder of Greenpeace to insinuate that he speaks for the organization, that his views are in line with Greenpeace's and that his experience with Greenpeace has made him an effective spokesman for the well being of the environment.

  • Upon his departure from Greenpeace, Moore founded a family salmon farming business and became direct or the Salmon Farmer's Association.
  • He joined the BC Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
  • Moore founded and chaired the BC Carbon Project
  • Board member of Forest Alliance BC, formed by the CEOs of several major forestry companies
  • Developed "Principles of Sustainable Forestry"
  • Founded Greenspirit to "promote sustainable development from a scientific environmental platform"
  • Formed Greenspirit Strategies Ltd, an environmental consulting company
  • Served as a vice-president of Waterfurnace International making and selling geothemal heat pumps
  • Appeared twice on Penn & Teller: Bullshit!: 'Environmental Hysteria' and 'Endangered Species'
  • Co-chaired Clean and Safe Energy Coalition with Christine Todd Whitman, advocating for nuclear power
  • Chose to represent the Asian logging corporation Asia Pulp and Paper accused of clear cutting rainforests
  • Acts as a policy advisor on climate and energy at The Heartland Institute
  • Moore has denied that climate change is a threat
  • Moore has suggested that global warming may be beneficial as "CO2 is a building block of life"
Sounds like an incredibly smart and wise man to me.
He certainly got richer than anyone that stayed in Greenpeace. And he may be smart, but using Greenpeace's reputation to enhance his own does not earn him the term of "honorable"
Patrick Moore left Greenpeace in 1986, 33 years ago. Since that time his almost every single one of his activities have been antithetical to the environmental movement in general and Greenpeace in particular.

However, during the intervening years, Moore has repeatedly used the claim that he was a founder of Greenpeace to insinuate that he speaks for the organization, that his views are in line with Greenpeace's and that his experience with Greenpeace has made him an effective spokesman for the well being of the environment.

  • Upon his departure from Greenpeace, Moore founded a family salmon farming business and became direct or the Salmon Farmer's Association.
  • He joined the BC Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
  • Moore founded and chaired the BC Carbon Project
  • Board member of Forest Alliance BC, formed by the CEOs of several major forestry companies
  • Developed "Principles of Sustainable Forestry"
  • Founded Greenspirit to "promote sustainable development from a scientific environmental platform"
  • Formed Greenspirit Strategies Ltd, an environmental consulting company
  • Served as a vice-president of Waterfurnace International making and selling geothemal heat pumps
  • Appeared twice on Penn & Teller: Bullshit!: 'Environmental Hysteria' and 'Endangered Species'
  • Co-chaired Clean and Safe Energy Coalition with Christine Todd Whitman, advocating for nuclear power
  • Chose to represent the Asian logging corporation Asia Pulp and Paper accused of clear cutting rainforests
  • Acts as a policy advisor on climate and energy at The Heartland Institute
  • Moore has denied that climate change is a threat
  • Moore has suggested that global warming may be beneficial as "CO2 is a building block of life"

How much more dirty is the planet because you wasted energy posting this? How much CO2 was created by the computer you are using, both in the creation of that computer, and in the operation of that computer?

Don't you care about the environment? Don't you care how many animals are dying because of how you live?
Get back to us when you've got something real to talk about
Patrick Moore left Greenpeace in 1986, 33 years ago. Since that time his almost every single one of his activities have been antithetical to the environmental movement in general and Greenpeace in particular.

However, during the intervening years, Moore has repeatedly used the claim that he was a founder of Greenpeace to insinuate that he speaks for the organization, that his views are in line with Greenpeace's and that his experience with Greenpeace has made him an effective spokesman for the well being of the environment.

  • Upon his departure from Greenpeace, Moore founded a family salmon farming business and became direct or the Salmon Farmer's Association.
  • He joined the BC Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
  • Moore founded and chaired the BC Carbon Project
  • Board member of Forest Alliance BC, formed by the CEOs of several major forestry companies
  • Developed "Principles of Sustainable Forestry"
  • Founded Greenspirit to "promote sustainable development from a scientific environmental platform"
  • Formed Greenspirit Strategies Ltd, an environmental consulting company
  • Served as a vice-president of Waterfurnace International making and selling geothemal heat pumps
  • Appeared twice on Penn & Teller: Bullshit!: 'Environmental Hysteria' and 'Endangered Species'
  • Co-chaired Clean and Safe Energy Coalition with Christine Todd Whitman, advocating for nuclear power
  • Chose to represent the Asian logging corporation Asia Pulp and Paper accused of clear cutting rainforests
  • Acts as a policy advisor on climate and energy at The Heartland Institute
  • Moore has denied that climate change is a threat
  • Moore has suggested that global warming may be beneficial as "CO2 is a building block of life"

So he is a practical environmentalist, instead of a chicken-little tree hugging twat like you are.

And anyone who really believes carbon is the greatest threat to our environment SHOULD believe in nuclear power.
1) I do believe in nuclear power
2) Carbon in the atmosphere currently IS the greatest threat to our environment
3) Calling Moore a "practical environmentalist" may not be accurate but it is a damn sight closer than characterizing him as a founder of Greenpeace.
1) I do believe in nuclear power
2) Carbon in the atmosphere currently IS the greatest threat to our environment
3) Calling Moore a "practical environmentalist" may not be accurate but it is a damn sight closer than characterizing him as a founder of Greenpeace.

1)Then why did you list it among the things you wanted to smear him with?
2) No, it isn't.
3) Where is the proof he wasn't a founder. So far all you can hit him with is disagreeing with them now on things.

Trying to re-write history is very bolshevik of you.
You don't think it's "spin" for Patrick Moore to make misrepresentative use of his association with an organization he left 33 years ago and from which has otherwise distanced himself as far and as fast as he could?

Moore makes repeated claim to have been a cofounder of Greenpeace because Greenpeace (without him) has earned an enormous amount of respect in the world and Moore wants to use that to make more money.

Moore was a founder of Greenpeace. The fact that Greenpeace has turned into a hypocritical Prog propaganda mill doesn't void his right to speak out as a founder of that organization.
Greenpeace has not altered the views it espoused when Moore was a member. Moore HAS dramatically altered the views he expressed when he was a member. So who is the hypocrite?

And, for the fifth time, the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE PROVES that Moore was not associated with the organization when it was founded and that he applied to be a crewmember on the MV Phyllis Cormack which has just been acquired by the Don't Make a Wave group. You cannot be a founding member of an organization which exists prior to your attempts to join them.
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So by this you mean to suggest that the letter from Moore applying to be a crewmember is a forgery and the absence of his name on the incorporation documentation is due to Greenpeace agents breaking into the Sacramento offices of the California Department of Commerce and removing it?

You need psychiatric help dude.

PS: I bet you were a birther. I bet you still are.
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Greenpeace has not altered the views it espoused when Moore was a member. Moore HAS dramatically altered the views he expressed when he was a member. So who is the hypocrite?

And, for the fifth time, the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE PROVES that Moore was not associated with the organization when it was founded and that he applied to be a crewmember on the MV Phyllis Cormack which has just been acquired by the Don't Make a Wave group. You cannot be a founding member of an organization which exists prior to your attempts to join them.

Having an issue with the quote function, or are you willfully trying to dodge a response?

Well they used to list him among "founders and first members" but have tried to Yezhov him out of the history.
How is it that so many of you fail to understand the function of basic English syntax?

If a list of names is described as being "founders and first member", some people on that list were founders and some were first members. Greenpeace has repeatedly stated that Moore was a "first member". He was not a founder of Greenpeace because he was not present when the organization was founded.

How much simpler does this have to be?

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