Palin tried to ban books

Oh what news.. more hearsay complaints from the libtroll#2

A prior political rival with undocumented and unproven allegations about a typical liberal talking point...

We condemn me too because I fought with the school system about having certain reading materials taken out of middle school libraries.. .No.. Not Huck Finn or 1984.... but things with high sexual content and language issues such as Cosmo magazine and various books with the f-bomb all over the place in them.... hmmm, if the teachers are reprimanded for sexual talk to the students and use of the f-bomb, it probably also should not be readily available in a book in the middle school library... sometimes, in terms of children, it is wise to use censorship

What next??? Kirk starts posting the photoshopped pics of Palin as more 'proof' of some evil republican conspiracy??

I'm dumbfounded, really I am and that's not an easy thing to do to me.

Let me see if I understand this correctly, every bit of information that we will be getting regarding Sarah Palin is to be disregarded OUTRIGHT because it's a left wing conspiracy to smear her and/or just made up stuff by those people whom she either beat in election OR better yet, exposed for corruption? did I get that right?


One thing I find funny though, do you think a child reading Cosmo is going to run out and start fucking? or better, a child who reads a book with the "f bomb" in it is going to suddenly become a degenerate? GMAB already.

what's amazing to me is this IDEA that it's the Dems who want MORE control over the lives of Americans yet it's the Repubs who are continually ATTACKING our freedoms!

this world is turned upside down that's for sure!
And now we're right back where we start :)

We don't have any evidence of a correlation between a discussion about removal of these un-named books from the library and the firing of the librarian.

Governor Palin stated the firing hinged on a merger between the museum and the library.

The librarian has made no statement.

No books were removed and no attempt was made to remove any books. There was a discussion on the procedure if any that would need to be followed if it was deemed neccessary to remove a book.

Conveniently, the New York Times fail to pursue any leads on which books were discussed, if any. And be sure, if we were talking "The Diary of Anne Frank" or James Joyce, the Times would have had that information in large print above the fold.

So really, we don't know anything except for there was a discussion.
We condemn me too because I fought with the school system about having certain reading materials taken out of middle school libraries.. .No.. Not Huck Finn or 1984.... but things with high sexual content and language issues such as Cosmo magazine and various books with the f-bomb all over the place in them.... hmmm, if the teachers are reprimanded for sexual talk to the students and use of the f-bomb, it probably also should not be readily available in a book in the middle school library... sometimes, in terms of children, it is wise to use censorship

Was this a public library? Did you fire the librarian when you were unsuccessful?

Also, I have certain expectations from political candidates. I don't have the same expectations of my neighbors. Our school library pulls books for similar reasons you are discussing, not often but occasionally.

The public library is a different story, it serves the town which includes adults and people of various faiths.

It is hard to believe that every disturbing news item about this woman is supposed to be swept away and ignored. Do you truly believe that?
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We don't have any evidence of a correlation between a discussion about removal of these un-named books from the library and the firing of the librarian..

I provided a direct quote for you on this. Previous page.

SHe was fired for the book thing, according to residents of Wasilla.
I'm dumbfounded, really I am and that's not an easy thing to do to me.

Let me see if I understand this correctly, every bit of information that we will be getting regarding Sarah Palin is to be disregarded OUTRIGHT because it's a left wing conspiracy to smear her and/or just made up stuff by those people whom she either beat in election OR better yet, exposed for corruption? did I get that right?


One thing I find funny though, do you think a child reading Cosmo is going to run out and start fucking? or better, a child who reads a book with the "f bomb" in it is going to suddenly become a degenerate? GMAB already.

what's amazing to me is this IDEA that it's the Dems who want MORE control over the lives of Americans yet it's the Repubs who are continually ATTACKING our freedoms!

this world is turned upside down that's for sure!

Do I think that certain things are inappropriate for teens, pre-teens, and children?? you betcha... do I think young minds are impressionable?? You betcha... Do I think some things are more easily caved into because the cool 'naughty' things described in media, that parents usually don't allow around, are suddenly snuck to get or readily available for giggle fests at middle school? Yep....

Children have no 'freedom' or 'right' to such things... Children are under the control and discretion of the parents/legal guardians... and in terms of children, it is probably best they don't have info on how to give the best blowjob or the 10 things to do sexually to a man to get him off.. probably best they are not allowed access to 'the joy of sex' or 'hustler' in a school library, just for the name of a freedom that we hold dear as adults....

Leave it to a uber-lib to actually protect sexually explicit materials being readily available to hormone raging teens and pre-teens... leave it to a lib to want to have 'colorful language' that can not be said by a teacher to a child, protected because it is in print... hell, why not call for the right of teachers to use the f-bomb all the time in front of a bunch of 7th graders? That seems SO right :rolleyes:
I'm dumbfounded, really I am and that's not an easy thing to do to me.

Let me see if I understand this correctly, every bit of information that we will be getting regarding Sarah Palin is to be disregarded OUTRIGHT because it's a left wing conspiracy to smear her and/or just made up stuff by those people whom she either beat in election OR better yet, exposed for corruption? did I get that right?

this world is turned upside down that's for sure!

I know, next we'll be arguing what the definition of "is" is and it will be a VAST left wing conspiracy.

<Sorry, I couldn't resist>
I find it hard to believe that Cosmopolitan is in middle school libraries.

We had cosmo and actually even some pretty raunchy things in middle school and high school libraries...

I don't hide talk about sex from my daughters, but that is my duty as parent to discuss beliefs about it and the 'rights and wrongs' behind what teens should or should not do (particularly my teen)... I do not hide hell, damn, and other language from my kids, but I certainly do not use the f-bomb at them or with them, as it is inappropriate....

but having certain materials readily available to kids without parental permission or supervision is not a good thing
We had cosmo and actually even some pretty raunchy things in middle school and high school libraries...

I don't hide talk about sex from my daughters, but that is my duty as parent to discuss beliefs about it and the 'rights and wrongs' behind what teens should or should not do (particularly my teen)... I do not hide hell, damn, and other language from my kids, but I certainly do not use the f-bomb at them or with them, as it is inappropriate....

but having certain materials readily available to kids without parental permission or supervision is not a good thing
I dunno, I still can't believe a middle school would have Cosmo.
I read the whole original posting from Anne Killkenny, in the comments section of the Washington Independent and I would call her neither independent nor unbiased. She obviously has an axe to grind with Governor Palin. I would reproduce it here but it is like War and Peace.

Go here and read it for yourself.

So now we have two of Governor Palin's political foes collaborating the others depiction of events.

A suburban Anchorage homemaker and activist &#8212; who once did battle with the Alaska governor when Palin was mayor &#8212; recounts what she knows of Palin's history.

Next rumor.

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And now we're right back where we start :)

We don't have any evidence of a correlation between a discussion about removal of these un-named books from the library and the firing of the librarian.

Governor Palin stated the firing hinged on a merger between the museum and the library.

The librarian has made no statement.

No books were removed and no attempt was made to remove any books. There was a discussion on the procedure if any that would need to be followed if it was deemed neccessary to remove a book.

Conveniently, the New York Times fail to pursue any leads on which books were discussed, if any. And be sure, if we were talking "The Diary of Anne Frank" or James Joyce, the Times would have had that information in large print above the fold.

So really, we don't know anything except for there was a discussion.

Keep lying. It makes you look bad.


Souce: Time (online)

Stein says that as mayor, Palin continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times. "She asked the library how she could go about banning books," he says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate language in them. "The librarian was aghast." That woman, Mary Ellen Baker, couldn't be reached for comment, but news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire Baker for not giving "full support" to the mayor.
Do I think that certain things are inappropriate for teens, pre-teens, and children?? you betcha... do I think young minds are impressionable?? You betcha... Do I think some things are more easily caved into because the cool 'naughty' things described in media, that parents usually don't allow around, are suddenly snuck to get or readily available for giggle fests at middle school? Yep....

and you make children sound like little idiots. I'm not talking about 5 and 6 or even 10 year olds here. I'm talking teens and even pre-teens 11-12 years old. They are exposed to so much garbage just by watching the freakin NEWS so the idea that you can shield them is kind of cute, ina naive sorta way anyway. My daughter is in middle school in fact and they don't have magazines in her library at school, not cosmo anyway. They ahve discovery kids and national georgraphic though and OMG they have pictures of boobies in there!! GASP!! Do I think the kids look at those pictures and laugh? hell yes I do, that's part of growing up. Didn't you sneak a peak at your dad's playboy growing up and get a giggle? I'm a girl and I know I did.

Children have no 'freedom' or 'right' to such things... Children are under the control and discretion of the parents/legal guardians... and in terms of children, it is probably best they don't have info on how to give the best blowjob or the 10 things to do sexually to a man to get him off.. probably best they are not allowed access to 'the joy of sex' or 'hustler' in a school library, just for the name of a freedom that we hold dear as adults....

see that is the problem IMO with conservatives. You think until your kids become 18 they aren't free willed human beings. You HONESTLY do believe that they are under your control and they should behave at YOUR discrestion. NEWSFLASH sweets, that's why Palin's daughter is knocked up! why? because mommy and daddy aren't there all the time to hold their hand and guide them and the JOB of ANY good parent is to recognize that children must be taught responsibility and self-control. You don't achieve that by dictating to them what they MUST do, you achieve that by giving them options and rights within their own life and freedom to express themselves within the bounds that society has set for ALL people.

I do have a question for you though, what the hell kind of school are you sending your kid to anyway? seriously? :lol: It's like you guys take the worst case sceneiro and add about a thousand pounds of hysteria and a pinch of paranoia and that's your reality. It's ridiculous honestly.

Leave it to a uber-lib to actually protect sexually explicit materials being readily available to hormone raging teens and pre-teens... leave it to a lib to want to have 'colorful language' that can not be said by a teacher to a child, protected because it is in print... hell, why not call for the right of teachers to use the f-bomb all the time in front of a bunch of 7th graders? That seems SO right :rolleyes:

yes, that's what I'm advocating, exactly. They should have porn readily available in school libraries across this country. Stop being a knee jerk right winger and actually HEAR (or READ) what I'm saying. I'm saying that IF you've imparted your values to your children and IF you've given them a good and safe foundation NONE of those things will be able to knock them off track. It's the children whose parents don't pay attention, or the parents who are so busy promoting their own life and success that seem to have children who go off the right path.

Personally I see nothing wrong with dropping the f-bomb in front of a 7th grader when it's warranted. Do you think they aren't saying it themselves in the halls between classes, in the lunch room, etc? I think if teachers could interact with children on a level they can relate to they might be able to actually reach them more effectively. Also the f'bomb never hurt anyone, it's just a word. My own daughter drops it once in a while, no biggie to me. Why? because I'm not a hypocrite. I swear.

I've never done drugs, I don't smoke and I don't sleep around. I have the ability to impart my wisdom and reasoning on those subjects on why these things are harmful, hence why I don't do them. She won't look at me and think fuck that shit because she KNOWS I don't do it myself.

Stop treating children like they are morons and start treating them like they have brains, they are smarter than some of the adults running this country (and even on this message board it seems).
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and you make children sound like little idiots. I'm not talking about 5 and 6 or even 10 year olds here. I'm talking teens and even pre-teens 11-12 years old. They are exposed to so much garbage just by watching the freakin NEWS so the idea that you can shield them is kind of cute, ina naive sorta way anyway. My daughter is in middle school in fact and they don't have magazines in her library at school, not cosmo anyway. They ahve discovery kids and national georgraphic though and OMG they have pictures of boobies in there!! GASP!! Do I think the kids look at those pictures and laugh? hell yes I do, that's part of growing up. Didn't you sneak a peak at your dad's playboy growing up and get a giggle? I'm a girl and I know I did.

see that is the problem IMO with conservatives. You think until your kids become 18 they aren't free willed human beings. You HONESTLY do believe that they are under your control and they should behave at YOUR discrestion. NEWSFLASH sweets, that's why Palin's daughter is knocked up! why? because mommy and daddy aren't there all the time to hold their hand and guide them and the JOB of ANY good parent is to recognize that children must be taught responsibility and self-control. You don't achieve that by dictating to them what they MUST do, you achieve that by giving them options and rights within their own life and freedom to express themselves within the bounds that society has set for ALL people.

I do have a question for you though, what the hell kind of school are you sending your kid to anyway? seriously? :lol: It's like you guys take the worst case sceneiro and add about a thousand pounds of hysteria and a pinch of paranoia and that's your reality. It's ridiculous honestly.

yes, that's what I'm advocating, exactly. They should have porn readily available in school libraries across this country. Stop being a knee jerk right winger and actually HEAR (or READ) what I'm saying. I'm saying that IF you've imparted your values to your children and IF you've given them a good and safe foundation NONE of those things will be able to knock them off track. It's the children whose parents don't pay attention, or the parents who are so busy promoting their own life and success that seem to have children who go off the right path.

Personally I see nothing wrong with dropping the f-bomb in front of a 7th grader when it's warranted. Do you think they aren't saying it themselves in the halls between classes, in the lunch room, etc? I think if teachers could interact with children on a level they can relate to they might be able to actually reach them more effectively. Also the f'bomb never hurt anyone, it's just a word. My own daughter drops it once in a while, no biggie to me. Why? because I'm not a hypocrite. I swear.

I've never done drugs, I don't smoke and I don't sleep around. I have the ability to impart my wisdom and reasoning on those subjects on why these things are harmful, hence why I don't do them. She won't look at me and think fuck that shit because she KNOWS I don't do it myself.

Stop treating children like they are morons and start treating them like they have brains, they are smarter than some of the adults running this country (and even on this message board it seems).

They are not free willed and free human beings.. they are children... they do not have the freedom, nor should they have the freedom to just do as they choose... if they do rebel and go against the rules set for them by the parents, it is our duty to teach, punish, or whatever it takes to try and set them on the right path... when they are adult, that is their business

As for your notion that an f-bomb can be warranted to use to or at a 7th grader.... that says a LOT right there.... it is NOT proper, not warranted, and completely uncalled for at ALL times

Did we do things 'wrong'? Yep... Do kids do things wrong and sneak? Yep... does not mean it is best to have it readily there for them....

As for the school... it is a public school...

Restricting kids and having them with distinct rules and boundaries, keeping them from easy access to improper things for kids, is not treating them like morons... My girls learn things first from me and their mom... and when they do sneak a peek or hear things or whatever, thru the various ways that kids get it, then ask questions and we discuss... but certain things are for adults and certain freedoms that adults have, kids don't and should not have

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