Palestinians Sing, Dance, Throw Candy at Deaths


Active Member
Nov 7, 2003
Houston, TX
Has anyone noticed that when the Israeli Gaza Arabs send their children to be blown up with dynamite belts, they dance, sing, fire guns in the air and have parties as they act as if intoxicated or drunk with their children's blood which they find as sweet as wine.


Many people read about these unbelievable events in the Arab villages and streets in their newspapers and TVs.

Would you like to read about the same events written some 1020 years before Jesus missionary activity in Jerusalem? Take a look at these recent events in the KJV at the following site.
As much as credit as people give Nostredamaus, you'd think Isaiah would get more attention. Every one of his prophecies has come true, and they're more specific than Nostredamaus.

As for the Palestinians, I see few more hateful groups in the entire world and could care less what parcels of land they think are theirs. They danced in the streets on 9/11, and they have parties whenever terrorists hit us or Israel. One day, they'll find out how wrong they are, and I wish I could be there to see it.
I pitty them. I hope they find Christ before that day comes; a lot of 'christians' seem to have the attitude which subscribes to the "They'll get THEIRS! yeah!!" position about the day of Judgement.

Yeah, there was some of that in my thoughts, but I was thinking more along the lines of a day when they truly realize the hatred and death that they're sponsoring and attempt to make ammends.
Hobbit said:
As much as credit as people give Nostredamaus, you'd think Isaiah would get more attention. Every one of his prophecies has come true, and they're more specific than Nostredamaus.

As for the Palestinians, I see few more hateful groups in the entire world and could care less what parcels of land they think are theirs. They danced in the streets on 9/11, and they have parties whenever terrorists hit us or Israel. One day, they'll find out how wrong they are, and I wish I could be there to see it.

The way things are going today around the world, you might just be here to see the fulfillment of these prophecies.

There is NO CHANCE that they will change their evil ways, as in my opinion, were placed on earth for this specific purpose. Like in the Bible, they serve as a furnace in which the souls of men are forged into hardened good steel. For without these peoples, who would be here to push each man and women into their chosen paths of good or evil?
ajwps said:
The way things are going today around the world, you might just be here to see the fulfillment of these prophecies.

There is NO CHANCE that they will change their evil ways, as in my opinion, were placed on earth for this specific purpose. Like in the Bible, they serve as a furnace in which the souls of men are forged into hardened good steel. For without these peoples, who would be here to push each man and women into their chosen paths of good or evil?

I see your point, although, as a Christian, I must believe that even they can repent. I don't think it's a realistic goal to convert the entire Middle East, but I have to believe it's possible. What I'm more worried about, though, is Europe. The secularists have left a spiritual gap over there, and it's being filled by Islam. Current trends show that if nothing else is changed by then, Europe will be predominantly Islam by 2050. If Europe turns into the Middle East, we'll have Armaggeddon, and a horriffic battle it will be.
Hobbit said:
I see your point, although, as a Christian, I must believe that even they can repent. I don't think it's a realistic goal to convert the entire Middle East, but I have to believe it's possible. What I'm more worried about, though, is Europe. The secularists have left a spiritual gap over there, and it's being filled by Islam. Current trends show that if nothing else is changed by then, Europe will be predominantly Islam by 2050. If Europe turns into the Middle East, we'll have Armaggeddon, and a horriffic battle it will be.

If the prophets of Israel (Ezekiel, et al) are correct, then there will be a great battle and rearrangement of things but no destruction of the earth and all its people.

The plus is that all mankind will come to know the Creator of the universe and there will be no more questions or suppositions about whether or not He exists. And those messianic prophecies will finally come to be:

King James Version

Isaiah 2:4

4 And He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

Isaiah 65:24-25

24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
25 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the L-RD.

This hopefully will be the future of mankind on earth.

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