Palestinians of Jewish origin are still in Israel

This video's premise is based on a concept of "race" or "ethnicity" that is extremely simplistic. The history of the people of the region did not begin (or end) with the arrival of the ancient Hebrews.

Human populations are almost never genetically static (unless they exist in total separation from the rest of the world's people.) Bloodlines do not remain "pure" for thousands of years - throughout history, various groups have interacted, mixed and blended. This includes the modern Jewish people - there is a lot of non-Hebrew blood in this collective. Some Jews of today undoubtedly carry the blood of the ancient Canaanites, as well as many other groups.

Since ancient times, Palestine has been an extremely important crossroads connecting Europe, Asia and Africa. Thousands of years of migration, conquering armies, immigration, emigration, expulsion, and settlement have all left their marks on the Palestinian population's genetic mix.

So of course there are Palestinians with "Hebrew blood." The modern Palestinian people count among their ancestors every group that has ever lived in the area - "including Jebusites, Canaanites, Philistines from Crete, Anatolian and Lydian Greeks, Hebrews, Amorites, Edomites, Nabateans, Arameans, Romans, Arabs, and European crusaders, to name a few." (-Ali Qleibo, Palestinian anthropologist.)

This video focuses on circumstantial or subjective "evidence" ("the "they light candles on Friday nights," "they share the same DNA," "he looks Jewish," etc.), to support its theory that the Palestinian people are "of Jewish origin." This is utterly simplistic, and ignores the history of the region. Many modern Palestinians and modern Jews may indeed be very closely related, but one did not "descend" from the other.

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