Palestinian killed in Israeli counterterrorism raid on West Bank


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
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According to the Palestinian Health Minister, Abu Ayhour sustained a critical gunshot wound to the stomach and succumbed to his injuries shortly after arriving in the hospital. Another five Palestinians were reportedly injured in the incident.

According to the military, the clashes erupted after an IDF force raided a local business in the Palestinian town that was suspected of funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash to terrorist activities.
Israeli troops who arrived at the scene and seized the money were met with a Palestinian crowd that hurled stones and Molotov cocktails at them. The soldiers employed riot control measures and left the scene unharmed.

Wasted life. It never ends.
I admire the tenacity and dedication of the Palestinian freedom fighters who refuse to bow down to the terrorist state of Israel and its sadistic IDF goon squad. ... :thup:
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