Overthrowing Allies

The Irish Ram

Apr 10, 2011
diagonally parked in a parallel universe
Why is it good Middle East policy to overthrow our allies in favor of radical Islam? What has it benefited us, and what is the benefit of an ally?

Why is an Obama's campaign manager walking the streets of Israel with campaigners trying to unseat Netanyahu? Shouldn't Israel determine who leads them?
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The Pope wants Jerusalem and they are going to get it for him. By whatever means necessary.

The Vatican has always played both sides. Listen - Hitler was hand chosen by the Roman Vatican. They covered their bases by hiding hundreds of Jews ( I think the number was a thousand ) during the holocaust in case Hitler didn't get the job done - those Jews had at least one Catholic parent - this was done to make it appear they were on the side of the Jews in case Hitler lost. And he did. So they cleaned up their image by claiming they saved Jewish lives. They always play both sides. That goes the same for Islam. They are merely pawns in the hands of the Jesuits who are determined to wipe out bible believing Christians who refuse to submit to the authority of the Pope. It is the Vatican that is pushing the agenda of disarmament in America, hate crime laws, laws against free speech, etc. The Jesuits that have infiltrated America's courts, politics, churches, etc on behalf of the Black Pope's orders is approximately 1 million. Only 2% are actually priests. To them? The General of the Jesuits is God. They do what he says without question.

The inquisition they are planning will make the last one look very small. The Roman Catholic Church is now claiming they had very little to do with the Inquisition. Their lies are permitted if it furthers their agenda to deceive the world. If you are looking for a big difference in the true roots of Islam and Catholicism - there is none. The fruit is evil and there is no salvation in either religion.
The Pope wants Jerusalem and they are going to get it for him. By whatever means necessary.

The Vatican has always played both sides. Listen - Hitler was hand chosen by the Roman Vatican. They covered their bases by hiding hundreds of Jews ( I think the number was a thousand ) during the holocaust in case Hitler didn't get the job done - those Jews had at least one Catholic parent - this was done to make it appear they were on the side of the Jews in case Hitler lost. And he did. So they cleaned up their image by claiming they saved Jewish lives. They always play both sides. That goes the same for Islam. They are merely pawns in the hands of the Jesuits who are determined to wipe out bible believing Christians who refuse to submit to the authority of the Pope. It is the Vatican that is pushing the agenda of disarmament in America, hate crime laws, laws against free speech, etc. The Jesuits that have infiltrated America's courts, politics, churches, etc on behalf of the Black Pope's orders is approximately 1 million. Only 2% are actually priests. To them? The General of the Jesuits is God. They do what he says without question.

The inquisition they are planning will make the last one look very small. The Roman Catholic Church is now claiming they had very little to do with the Inquisition. Their lies are permitted if it furthers their agenda to deceive the world. If you are looking for a big difference in the true roots of Islam and Catholicism - there is none. The fruit is evil and there is no salvation in either religion.

What a pack of horseshit this is.

Christianity has a pretty sordid history--but it is history--and the sordid history came about by being united with the power of the government. For example Bloody Mary, a Catholic got her nickname by ruthlessly killing Protestants, and then her sister Good Queen Bess took over, and ruthlessly killed Catholics.

There has been none of that since the West, lead by Thomas Jefferson's Wall of Separation between church and state. Once the power of government was taken away from religion, the religions have lived in relative harmony. Islam has NO concept of such separation and is in bad need of its own Thomas Jefferson. It appears to be about 500 years away.

Obama is the rankest fool ever for his comments at that Prayer Breakfast---or he is secretly a Muslim.
Why is it good Middle East policy to overthrow our allies in favor of radical Islam? What has it benefited us, and what is the benefit of an ally?

Why is an Obama's campaign manager walking the streets of Israel with campaigners trying to unseat Netanyahu? Shouldn't Israel determine who leads them?

Why is Rand Paul's advisor there helping Bibi.
WASHINGTON – Rand Paul’s top digital strategist is working for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s re-election campaig

Vincent Harris, the 26-year-old Austin-based digital strategist, has made two trips to Israel to help the Israeli leader in a stiff fight to win his fourth term as prime minister and has been working for his campaign for more than six weeks, he told the Jerusalem Post.

Harris denied to the Post that he had been sent by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., or Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, for whom he has previously worked, to help Netanyahu.

I have not spoken to Sen. Cruz or to Mitch McConnell about my job here,” Harris told the Post. “My Israeli work is completely separate from my work in the U.S., so what is being reported is not true. I love Israel, and I am excited to be here to help the Likud and the prime minister use digital media in an effective and forward-looking manner.”

Harris did not respond to Yahoo News' request for comment.

Harris, who according to colleagues is skilled at understanding the role of social media in campaigns and in translating technical ideas into plain language, worked for McConnell’s re-election campaign in 2014.

Top Rand Paul aide working for Israeli prime minister s re-election effort - Yahoo News

He is there on "a job". A "job" is a job, wonder if he is a double agent???
Yet you try to unseat Obama?

One man is determining the future of the world at the hands of Islam and using American resources to do it.
America wasn't consulted before one man decided to overthrow our ally Egypt and put his cronies in power. Terrorists that Egypt banned from office in order to keep peace in the volatile region, are Obama's advisors.
We weren't asked whether arming Al-Qaida to overthrow an at peace Libya was a good idea. There are ISIS flags flying in Libya now. Allies are dying to undo Obama's damage. What's up with that Jake?

Jordan left the White House empty-handed when seeking a duel strike against ISIS, and proceeded without our help.
Obama lied to America about not meeting with foreign candidates before elections and Israel is now in his sights.

The truth is Obama has launched boots on the ground in Israel, to unseat Netanyahu. One of his campaign managers and his followers are campaigning in the streets of Jerusalem for "anybody but Bibi."
Democrats are threatening to boycott our ally when He comes here. Why is that Jake?

Why have our allies in the Middle East turned into our enemies, and the terrorists have our support? Other than our Muslim president, who thinks this is a good idea for us or our allies?
Why is it good Middle East policy to overthrow our allies in favor of radical Islam? What has it benefited us, and what is the benefit of an ally?

Why is an Obama's campaign manager walking the streets of Israel with campaigners trying to unseat Netanyahu? Shouldn't Israel determine who leads them?

Why is Rand Paul's advisor there helping Bibi.

To place in a friendly association, as by treaty: Italy allied itself with Germany during World War II.
To unite or connect in a personal relationship, as in friendship or marriage.
To enter into an alliance.
One in helpful association with another.

The question is why is our President overthrowing our allies and arming our enemies? Why is one man running America to the detriment of everyone concerned except Islam?
I think Pres Obama is doing better than most would do. Israel, our allies, please, we do not need their hawk of a PM over talking to our Congress, and its one thing to be friends but another when its one sided, time for them to stand on their own, and all of our politicians that put them first can go to Israel and stay there, along with the evangelical Christians who worship them. Don't ever think Israel will give us a helping hand or aid, have they ever? Please, why they are not fighting the war on ISIS is beyond me, they didn't even help in Iraq.
I think Pres Obama is doing better than most would do. Israel, our allies, please, we do not need their hawk of a PM over talking to our Congress, and its one thing to be friends but another when its one sided, time for them to stand on their own, and all of our politicians that put them first can go to Israel and stay there, along with the evangelical Christians who worship them. Don't ever think Israel will give us a helping hand or aid, have they ever? Please, why they are not fighting the war on ISIS is beyond me, they didn't even help in Iraq.

It has obviously escaped your notice, but the Israelis are pretty clearly the only civilized people in the Mid-East; they are our closest ally over there in that Nutland; and our Congressional Leaders have an absolute right to invite him to elucidate Congress and all Americans citizens on what the Hell is going on over there.

And the citizens ought to take the chance to listen to him, but if they don't care to, that is their right. It is not their right to keep us from hearing him. I wish Iran would send over one of its ayatollahs and let him rattle out some of his Islamic Lunacy. An ayatollah would scare you pinheads more than Netenyahu ever could.

And, it doesn't make a shit if that fool president of ours has got his jimmies rustled over it; and is acting like a very young child about it all.

And, if you were not a pinhead, it would be quite clear to you why Israel cannot and should not go over to Syria/Iraq and jump into that mid-eval lunacy that is Islam.
Well he is a broken record, what more can you hear from him, except Iran is going to have nukes, he knows more than the IAEA apparently .:rolleyes: I really don't think P. Obama cares what he has to say, as he has already heard it. We should not go to war for Israel no longer.
Well he is a broken record, what more can you hear from him, except Iran is going to have nukes, he knows more than the IAEA apparently .:rolleyes: I really don't think P. Obama cares what he has to say, as he has already heard it. We should not go to war for Israel no longer.

So you see Israel as the enemy? How do we stop those Jews from burning people alive and slaughtering children sitting in their class rooms, and sawing people's heads off? And how do we stop the Christians from forcing Muslims in to their mosques and burning them all alive?

When did Americans decide that Iran having the capability of wiping a nation off the map was a good idea?
I think Pres Obama is doing better than most would do. Israel, our allies, please, we do not need their hawk of a PM over talking to our Congress, and its one thing to be friends but another when its one sided, time for them to stand on their own, and all of our politicians that put them first can go to Israel and stay there, along with the evangelical Christians who worship them. Don't ever think Israel will give us a helping hand or aid, have they ever? Please, why they are not fighting the war on ISIS is beyond me, they didn't even help in Iraq.
Israel is helping ISIS in Syria, attacking Syrian Government and Hezbollah positions while Assad and Hezbollah are trying to stave off an ISIS takeover.
Knowing what an asset being an ally of American can and should be, Netanyahu isn't stupid enough to make us anything other than a friend. His distain for Obama began immediately when Obama stood up at a meeting with Netanyahu and left him sitting there while he dined with his family. As opposed to the multi million dollar party Obama threw for the Pres. of Mexico. Obama's hand has been against Israel from the git go, from insisting they give away there land to terrorist groups like Hezbollah, and ISIS in Syria. befriending and supporting a nation that have vowed to wipe a nation of people out of existence, to removing an rulers that were at peace with Israel in 2 different countries, to wanting to sanction Israel until they do what he says......... Gee, what's not to like?
Obama may be a Muslim who hates Israel, just like the rest of the Muslims. But does America need to follow suit? Look up ally, and then strategic, then look at a map, and tell me who is benefiting by America switching sides and playing for the Muslim team. Which poses a bigger threat, the allies we had before Obama, or radical Islam?

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