Osama still alive!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

This could well be the story, not only of the 21st century, but the 2020 election as well.

Trump says Bin Laden is still alive and was not killed by Seal Team 6 under the direction of President Obama.

This is earth shattering! Think of the massive Obama cover up necessary to pull this off. Hillary was involved, and Vice President Biden had to have known, but failed to tell the American people the truth, as did the military, especially the Navy, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This disclosure by Trump is more significant even than President Obama "tapping his wires."

And, what is the genesis of this story? It had to be Fox News, or Limbaugh or Breitbart or OAN. These are the sources of Trump's daily news. He does not trust our national intelligence people, so it would not have come from them.

All of which raises the very important question, Why hasn't Trump gone after Bin Laden and brought him to justice? Time if of the essence!!! By exposing Bin Laden, Trump has also made him aware that he is a target, which means he would go deeper underground. Trump has to know where he is; he admitted that by saying he's alive. Think of the election day coup this would be if Trump hauled him in before November 3rd.

This could well be the story, not only of the 21st century, but the 2020 election as well.

Trump says Bin Laden is still alive and was not killed by Seal Team 6 under the direction of President Obama.

This is earth shattering! Think of the massive Obama cover up necessary to pull this off. Hillary was involved, and Vice President Biden had to have known, but failed to tell the American people the truth, as did the military, especially the Navy, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This disclosure by Trump is more significant even than President Obama "tapping his wires."

And, what is the genesis of this story? It had to be Fox News, or Limbaugh or Breitbart or OAN. These are the sources of Trump's daily news. He does not trust our national intelligence people, so it would not have come from them.

All of which raises the very important question, Why hasn't Trump gone after Bin Laden and brought him to justice? Time if of the essence!!! By exposing Bin Laden, Trump has also made him aware that he is a target, which means he would go deeper underground. Trump has to know where he is; he admitted that by saying he's alive. Think of the election day coup this would be if Trump hauled him in before November 3rd.
Watch them defend this now.

This could well be the story, not only of the 21st century, but the 2020 election as well.

Trump says Bin Laden is still alive and was not killed by Seal Team 6 under the direction of President Obama.

This is earth shattering! Think of the massive Obama cover up necessary to pull this off. Hillary was involved, and Vice President Biden had to have known, but failed to tell the American people the truth, as did the military, especially the Navy, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This disclosure by Trump is more significant even than President Obama "tapping his wires."

And, what is the genesis of this story? It had to be Fox News, or Limbaugh or Breitbart or OAN. These are the sources of Trump's daily news. He does not trust our national intelligence people, so it would not have come from them.

All of which raises the very important question, Why hasn't Trump gone after Bin Laden and brought him to justice? Time if of the essence!!! By exposing Bin Laden, Trump has also made him aware that he is a target, which means he would go deeper underground. Trump has to know where he is; he admitted that by saying he's alive. Think of the election day coup this would be if Trump hauled him in before November 3rd.
Watch them defend this now.
Better yet watch us call you liars now.

This could well be the story, not only of the 21st century, but the 2020 election as well.

Trump says Bin Laden is still alive and was not killed by Seal Team 6 under the direction of President Obama.

This is earth shattering! Think of the massive Obama cover up necessary to pull this off. Hillary was involved, and Vice President Biden had to have known, but failed to tell the American people the truth, as did the military, especially the Navy, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This disclosure by Trump is more significant even than President Obama "tapping his wires."

And, what is the genesis of this story? It had to be Fox News, or Limbaugh or Breitbart or OAN. These are the sources of Trump's daily news. He does not trust our national intelligence people, so it would not have come from them.

All of which raises the very important question, Why hasn't Trump gone after Bin Laden and brought him to justice? Time if of the essence!!! By exposing Bin Laden, Trump has also made him aware that he is a target, which means he would go deeper underground. Trump has to know where he is; he admitted that by saying he's alive. Think of the election day coup this would be if Trump hauled him in before November 3rd.
I think Osama is still alive as well.

Killed by the military and buried as sea?

How about captured by the military and renditioned for infinite interrogation.

That's what I would have done.

This could well be the story, not only of the 21st century, but the 2020 election as well.

Trump says Bin Laden is still alive and was not killed by Seal Team 6 under the direction of President Obama.

This is earth shattering! Think of the massive Obama cover up necessary to pull this off. Hillary was involved, and Vice President Biden had to have known, but failed to tell the American people the truth, as did the military, especially the Navy, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This disclosure by Trump is more significant even than President Obama "tapping his wires."

And, what is the genesis of this story? It had to be Fox News, or Limbaugh or Breitbart or OAN. These are the sources of Trump's daily news. He does not trust our national intelligence people, so it would not have come from them.

All of which raises the very important question, Why hasn't Trump gone after Bin Laden and brought him to justice? Time if of the essence!!! By exposing Bin Laden, Trump has also made him aware that he is a target, which means he would go deeper underground. Trump has to know where he is; he admitted that by saying he's alive. Think of the election day coup this would be if Trump hauled him in before November 3rd.
I think Osama is still alive as well.

Killed by the military and buried as sea?

How about captured by the military and renditioned for infinite interrogation.

That's what I would have done.

I can see killing Laden after they are satisfied they got all the information he has out of him.

However, I don't get the point of eliminating him as well as eliminating all proof that he's gone. There is a reason why the kings of antiquity put the heads of their vanquished enemies on pikes and on bridges. A message to others.
Watch them defend this now.

Yeah man...I'm so far ahead of the curve defending Trump...I traveled back in time and started a thread on this in 2011. :cuckoo:

Given the level of duplicity of the Mulatto Marxist and his henchmen, and the media openly acting as a propaganda arm of the left, nothing would shock me at this point.

I didn't know you were a model?


A day at the beach by Oddball and his photographer.

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