Online creator Chris Chan arrested on incest charge after leaked audio alleged she had sex with her mother


Platinum Member
Oct 21, 2020
  • Christine Weston Chandler, known online as Chris Chan, was arrested on a charge of incest.
  • On Friday, a call leaked online in which Chandler appeared to admit to having sex with her mother.
  • Chandler has a long, complicated online history fueled by trolls.
More here:

  • Christine Weston Chandler, known online as Chris Chan, was arrested on a charge of incest.
  • On Friday, a call leaked online in which Chandler appeared to admit to having sex with her mother.
  • Chandler has a long, complicated online history fueled by trolls.
More here:

I never heard of him before, but he literally sounds like a crazy motherFkr.
I never heard of him before, but he literally sounds like a crazy motherFkr.

I am probably on the internet more than most, which is why i know about stuff like her.

Like did you hear there is a sect in Russia that actually worships a cartoon character?

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Sick Fucking Traitor Supporter, but remember the Traitor once that if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he would bang her.
Yes, you're all outraged about that, but you're more upset about unsupported accusations of Chris being a Trump supporter than the fact she raped her mom.

That moral high ground you believe you're standing on? It's a colossal pile of horseshit.
  • Christine Weston Chandler, known online as Chris Chan, was arrested on a charge of incest.
  • On Friday, a call leaked online in which Chandler appeared to admit to having sex with her mother.
  • Chandler has a long, complicated online history fueled by trolls.
More here:

868 memes last week alone on the tard lol
Oh My Lord. o_O

What's wrong with "these" people?

Always committing atrocities???
Didn't that Ilhan Omar marry her brother or something? Why don't they throw her allah achbar ass in jail?
She is SO hot!


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