One Of The Richest Men Who Ever Lived


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
.....died on this day in 1919


1. Andrew Carnegie, (born November 25, 1835, Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland—died August 11, 1919, Lenox, Massachusetts, U.S.), Scottish-born American industrialist who led the enormous expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century. He was also one of the most important philanthropists of his era.

2. I had occasion to visit the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery and visited his grave. Not a great pyramid....not even a mausoleum....

Reminded me of Thomas Gray's poem "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard": "The paths of glory lead but to the grave."

3. Socialism is on the front burner these days. Carnegie addressed it.
How much money should government take (coerce) from earners to give to dependents?
One of the richest men in our history did a calculation…

"Andrew Carnegie and the Socialist

Andrew Carnegie was once visited by a socialist who preached to him eloquently the injustice of one man possessing so much money. He preached a more equitable distribution of wealth. Carnegie cut the matter short by asking his secretary for a generalized statement of his many possessions and holdings, at the same time looking up the figures on world population in his almanac. He figured for a moment on his desk pad and then instructed his secretary, "Give this gentleman 16 cents. That's his share of my wealth."
Edmund Fuller, ed., Thesaurus of Anecdotes (Garden City, NY; Garden City Publishing Company, 1943)

4. " It was the height of the Gilded Age in 1889, and Andrew Carnegie, a pioneer in the steel industry, laid out why he would be donating the bulk of his wealth – an estimated $350 million (worth about $4.8 billion today). ... That's the reason the Carnegie clan isn't on the new Forbes list of America's Richest Families. "

5. Progressives have figured out how to buy votes, with give-aways that they call ‘entitlements….but it will never be enough. Here’s why:

“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.”
Jonah Goldberg
Carnegie's tremendous business partner, Henry Clay Frick, died the same year and is buried in the Homewood section of Pittsburgh. Frick, as well, gave away huge amounts of property and his tremendous daughter Helen Clay Frick did as well during her career as a philanthropist. Frick's humble abode in New York City was donated to the people of that city as an art museum to allow the teeming masses of the east side to see decent art.
Carnegie's tremendous business partner, Henry Clay Frick, died the same year and is buried in the Homewood section of Pittsburgh. Frick, as well, gave away huge amounts of property and his tremendous daughter Helen Clay Frick did as well during her career as a philanthropist. Frick's humble abode in New York City was donated to the people of that city as an art museum to allow the teeming masses of the east side to see decent art.

Thank you for noting that.

I spent one frigid morn on line at the Frick to see...

Andrew Carnegie helped expand the Industrial Revolution that benefited all of Humanity.
Mass production of Steel impacted all areas of people's lives for the better.
It lifted people out of poverty and it increased everyone's standard of living.
But, the Left loathes the Industrial Revolution.
.....died on this day in 1919

View attachment 373661
1. Andrew Carnegie, (born November 25, 1835, Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland—died August 11, 1919, Lenox, Massachusetts, U.S.), Scottish-born American industrialist who led the enormous expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century. He was also one of the most important philanthropists of his era.

2. I had occasion to visit the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery and visited his grave. Not a great pyramid....not even a mausoleum....
View attachment 373663

Reminded me of Thomas Gray's poem "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard": "The paths of glory lead but to the grave."

3. Socialism is on the front burner these days. Carnegie addressed it.
How much money should government take (coerce) from earners to give to dependents?
One of the richest men in our history did a calculation…

"Andrew Carnegie and the Socialist

Andrew Carnegie was once visited by a socialist who preached to him eloquently the injustice of one man possessing so much money. He preached a more equitable distribution of wealth. Carnegie cut the matter short by asking his secretary for a generalized statement of his many possessions and holdings, at the same time looking up the figures on world population in his almanac. He figured for a moment on his desk pad and then instructed his secretary, "Give this gentleman 16 cents. That's his share of my wealth."
Edmund Fuller, ed., Thesaurus of Anecdotes (Garden City, NY; Garden City Publishing Company, 1943)

4. " It was the height of the Gilded Age in 1889, and Andrew Carnegie, a pioneer in the steel industry, laid out why he would be donating the bulk of his wealth – an estimated $350 million (worth about $4.8 billion today). ... That's the reason the Carnegie clan isn't on the new Forbes list of America's Richest Families. "

5. Progressives have figured out how to buy votes, with give-aways that they call ‘entitlements….but it will never be enough. Here’s why:

“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.”
Jonah Goldberg

Gee, I suspect PC would have praised Frick.
You are a Trump supporter and you say your frigid?

Hmm sort of figures.

I don't know for sure but I think Trumps habit of 'grabbing pussy' will only apply to 'lookers'.
If though your that frigid you have to come out and make public statements, I doubt you'd be a 'looker'.
Poor sad bitch!

Where did you get the idea that President Trump has a "habit" of "grabbing pussy"?
You are a Trump supporter and you say your frigid?

Hmm sort of figures.

I don't know for sure but I think Trumps habit of 'grabbing pussy' will only apply to 'lookers'.
If though your that frigid you have to come out and make public statements, I doubt you'd be a 'looker'.
Poor sad bitch!

Where did you get the idea that President Trump has a "habit" of "grabbing pussy"?
maybe Trump grabbed Oz
You are a Trump supporter and you say your frigid?

Hmm sort of figures.

I don't know for sure but I think Trumps habit of 'grabbing pussy' will only apply to 'lookers'.
If though your that frigid you have to come out and make public statements, I doubt you'd be a 'looker'.
Poor sad bitch!

Where did you get the idea that President Trump has a "habit" of "grabbing pussy"?
O was all over the international news. He dismissed it by saying it was "locker room talk".
Funny really cos when would be the last time that fat git was ever in a locker room?
Don't ask me to bring up the story cos I just can't be asked!
Andrew Carnegie helped expand the Industrial Revolution that benefited all of Humanity.
Mass production of Steel impacted all areas of people's lives for the better.
It lifted people out of poverty and it increased everyone's standard of living.
But, the Left loathes the Industrial Revolution.

It was the gilded age, the rich got richer and the poor remained poor. Read some history, and see not ony the pros but the cons of the Industrial revolution.
Andrew Carnegie helped expand the Industrial Revolution that benefited all of Humanity.
Mass production of Steel impacted all areas of people's lives for the better.
It lifted people out of poverty and it increased everyone's standard of living.
But, the Left loathes the Industrial Revolution.

It was the gilded age, the rich got richer and the poor remained poor. Read some history, and see not ony the pros but the cons of the Industrial revolution.

Actually, the lives of the poor and the middle class were raised tremendously. New opportunities arose for people like my grandfathers who came to America to pursue ground floor opportunities in the coal excavation and transportation field.
Andrew Carnegie helped expand the Industrial Revolution that benefited all of Humanity.
Mass production of Steel impacted all areas of people's lives for the better.
It lifted people out of poverty and it increased everyone's standard of living.
But, the Left loathes the Industrial Revolution.

It was the gilded age, the rich got richer and the poor remained poor. Read some history, and see not ony the pros but the cons of the Industrial revolution.
read the link, and also try to stop using anything made from steel
Andrew Carnegie helped expand the Industrial Revolution that benefited all of Humanity.
Mass production of Steel impacted all areas of people's lives for the better.
It lifted people out of poverty and it increased everyone's standard of living.
But, the Left loathes the Industrial Revolution.

It was the gilded age, the rich got richer and the poor remained poor. Read some history, and see not ony the pros but the cons of the Industrial revolution.

I have never known you to evince the tiniest bit of education.

And, here you are, true to form.

Why must your lack of education be my burden?

Noblesse oblige, I suppose.

From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

1. Modern history presents us with two divergent models of economic arrangement: socialism, and capitalism. One of these appears preoccupied with the common good, and social betterment, the other with profits and production.

2. In its modern beginnings, socialism was optimistic and well intentioned, without the overlay of its contemporary varieties that tend to bemoan prosperity, romanticize poverty, and promote a view that place individual rights are a secondary concern. This is to say that the earliest socialists sought the fullest possible flourishing of humanity, “the common good.”

3. A half-century before Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto, there was Gracchus Babeuf’s Plebeian Manifesto, which was later renamed the Manifesto of the Equals. Babeuf’s early (1796) work has been described as socialist, anarchist, and communist, and has had an enormous impact. He wrote: “The French Revolution was nothing but a precursor of another revolution, on which will be bigger, more solemn, and which will be the last…We reach for something more sublime and more just: the common good or the community of goods! Nor more individual property in land: the land belongs to no one. We demand, we want, the common enjoyment of the fruits of the land: the fruits belong to all.” Here, then, are the major themes of socialist theory. It takes very little interpolation to find that opponents profit at the expense of the environment, and conditions of inequality in society.

4. For Babeuf, socialism would distribute prosperity across the entire population, as it would “[have] us eat four good meals a day, [dress} us most elegantly, and also [provide] those of us who are fathers of families with charming houses worth a thousand louis each.”

5. Oscar Wilde: “Under socialism…there will be no people living in fetid dens and fetid rags, and bringing up unhealthy, hunger pinched children in the midst of impossible and absolutely repulsive surroundings…Each member of society will share in the general prosperity and happiness of the society…”

6. Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong!

Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

Don't be stupid your whole life......take a day off.
Andrew Carnegie helped expand the Industrial Revolution that benefited all of Humanity.
Mass production of Steel impacted all areas of people's lives for the better.
It lifted people out of poverty and it increased everyone's standard of living.
But, the Left loathes the Industrial Revolution.

It was the gilded age, the rich got richer and the poor remained poor. Read some history, and see not ony the pros but the cons of the Industrial revolution.
The mass production of steel led to the inventions of innumerably valuable products.
Even the invention of the Internet can be traced back to the Industrial revolution.
The Internet's beneficial impact on society is also immeasurable.
.....died on this day in 1919

View attachment 373661
1. Andrew Carnegie, (born November 25, 1835, Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland—died August 11, 1919, Lenox, Massachusetts, U.S.), Scottish-born American industrialist who led the enormous expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century. He was also one of the most important philanthropists of his era.

2. I had occasion to visit the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery and visited his grave. Not a great pyramid....not even a mausoleum....
View attachment 373663

Reminded me of Thomas Gray's poem "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard": "The paths of glory lead but to the grave."

3. Socialism is on the front burner these days. Carnegie addressed it.
How much money should government take (coerce) from earners to give to dependents?
One of the richest men in our history did a calculation…

"Andrew Carnegie and the Socialist

Andrew Carnegie was once visited by a socialist who preached to him eloquently the injustice of one man possessing so much money. He preached a more equitable distribution of wealth. Carnegie cut the matter short by asking his secretary for a generalized statement of his many possessions and holdings, at the same time looking up the figures on world population in his almanac. He figured for a moment on his desk pad and then instructed his secretary, "Give this gentleman 16 cents. That's his share of my wealth."
Edmund Fuller, ed., Thesaurus of Anecdotes (Garden City, NY; Garden City Publishing Company, 1943)

4. " It was the height of the Gilded Age in 1889, and Andrew Carnegie, a pioneer in the steel industry, laid out why he would be donating the bulk of his wealth – an estimated $350 million (worth about $4.8 billion today). ... That's the reason the Carnegie clan isn't on the new Forbes list of America's Richest Families. "

5. Progressives have figured out how to buy votes, with give-aways that they call ‘entitlements….but it will never be enough. Here’s why:

“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.”
Jonah Goldberg

Stellar OP! Socialist politicians are the greediest people on the planet
Andrew Carnegie helped expand the Industrial Revolution that benefited all of Humanity.
Mass production of Steel impacted all areas of people's lives for the better.
It lifted people out of poverty and it increased everyone's standard of living.
But, the Left loathes the Industrial Revolution.

It was the gilded age, the rich got richer and the poor remained poor. Read some history, and see not only the pros but the cons of the Industrial revolution.
The mass production of steel led to the inventions of innumerably valuable products.
Even the invention of the Internet can be traced back to the Industrial revolution.
The Internet's beneficial impact on society is also immeasurable.

It also lead to pollution of the environment, black lung disease and the company store.
You are a Trump supporter and you say your frigid?

Hmm sort of figures.

I don't know for sure but I think Trumps habit of 'grabbing pussy' will only apply to 'lookers'.
If though your that frigid you have to come out and make public statements, I doubt you'd be a 'looker'.
Poor sad bitch!

You add so much to the dialogue
Andrew Carnegie helped expand the Industrial Revolution that benefited all of Humanity.
Mass production of Steel impacted all areas of people's lives for the better.
It lifted people out of poverty and it increased everyone's standard of living.
But, the Left loathes the Industrial Revolution.

It was the gilded age, the rich got richer and the poor remained poor. Read some history, and see not ony the pros but the cons of the Industrial revolution.

I love this Wry imitation, it's pitch perfect
Andrew Carnegie helped expand the Industrial Revolution that benefited all of Humanity.
Mass production of Steel impacted all areas of people's lives for the better.
It lifted people out of poverty and it increased everyone's standard of living.
But, the Left loathes the Industrial Revolution.

It was the gilded age, the rich got richer and the poor remained poor. Read some history, and see not only the pros but the cons of the Industrial revolution.
The mass production of steel led to the inventions of innumerably valuable products.
Even the invention of the Internet can be traced back to the Industrial revolution.
The Internet's beneficial impact on society is also immeasurable.

It also lead to pollution of the environment, black lung disease and the company store.

yep, liberals are perennial pessimist
You are a Trump supporter and you say your frigid?

Hmm sort of figures.

I don't know for sure but I think Trumps habit of 'grabbing pussy' will only apply to 'lookers'.
If though your that frigid you have to come out and make public statements, I doubt you'd be a 'looker'.
Poor sad bitch!

Where did you get the idea that President Trump has a "habit" of "grabbing pussy"?
O was all over the international news. He dismissed it by saying it was "locker room talk".
Funny really cos when would be the last time that fat git was ever in a locker room?
Don't ask me to bring up the story cos I just can't be asked!

Since you were abroad, perhaps you didn't here the story in context. Donald J. Trump was trying out some material on Billy Bush, see how well it worked out, whether it was amusing or not to him. He was talking colorfully about how much broads pursue stars and just telling a tale. Trump was not under oath.

And just like Rodney's personal doctor isn't really Dr. Vinnie Boombatz, this isn't true either.

You might not have been entertained by Trump's "pussy grabbing" story, I guess that's why he didn't use it

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