One of the funniest calls in baseball history


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
I read about this one time and literally LOL. I wish I had heard it!

Jerry Coleman, great retired broadcaster for the San Diego Padres made the following call "And there's a deep drive to center. Back goes Winfield, to the wall! He leaps! And he hits his head on the wall! And it's rolling back towards the infield...

Still makes me laugh!
I read about this one time and literally LOL. I wish I had heard it!

Jerry Coleman, great retired broadcaster for the San Diego Padres made the following call "And there's a deep drive to center. Back goes Winfield, to the wall! He leaps! And he hits his head on the wall! And it's rolling back towards the infield...

Still makes me laugh!
A man committed to the play-by-play. A real warrior behind the mic.
In the 70s, Montreal had a guy named Pete Lacock. He had a 2 and 0 count on him when the play by play guy said, "there's two balls on Lacock" and immediately broke up when he realized what he said.

Phrasing! :laughing0301:

I looked but could not find any sound on it.....Please help with my weak google-fu.
My favorite will always be Thom Brennaman calling a home run while in the middle of apologizing and being replaced in the booth for getting caught saying a homophobic slur over the air on a hot mic. The home run comes just as he's talking about his deep religious faith and the transition is absolute perfection. You can't script that type of comedy gold. :lol:

I read about this one time and literally LOL. I wish I had heard it!

Jerry Coleman, great retired broadcaster for the San Diego Padres made the following call "And there's a deep drive to center. Back goes Winfield, to the wall! He leaps! And he hits his head on the wall! And it's rolling back towards the infield...

Still makes me laugh!
It would have been nice to have a link.
In the 70s, Montreal had a guy named Pete Lacock. He had a 2 and 0 count on him when the play by play guy said, "there's two balls on Lacock" and immediately broke up when he realized what he said.

He played for the Cubs!
And it's his birthday today.
Thank you for the correction. I was going by memory, which I obviously think is better than it really is. That's kind of weird how it's his actual birthday today.

He played for the Cubs first, then the Royals. Retired in 1980.
No shame in confusing his team, over 40 years later.
I'm surprised his name rang a bell for me.



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