On The Day American Exceptionalism Launches Astronauts In To Space

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Democrats burn their cities to the ground.

National pride is not part of the Socialist agenda as global competition of ideas is antithetical to Globalization. Let alone self pride. How do you have pride in destroying what you've strived to construct?

There was no bigotry in the collaboration of this engineering masterpiece. All factions of our society came together to pull off a fascinating achievement. Who knew you could fly a rocket with an Ipad?

We have to reject the idea we're like everyone else. We're not. Our embrace of liberty and innovation is so far beyond the shallow politics of low expectations, we can do anything we dream.

Democrats can stay behind and clean the streets while we cruse to Mars and beyond.

Having a private company carry astronauts to the ISS is pretty cool. But it's not as if this was the first time we ever got into space.

The weekends really suck for you guys when your thought leaders are not on the radio to tell you what to think and you post jibberish like the OP.

Having a private company carry astronauts to the ISS is pretty cool. But it's not as if this was the first time we ever got into space.

The weekends really suck for you guys when your thought leaders are not on the radio to tell you what to think and you post jibberish like the OP.
That was an all around simpleminded post there.

Having a private company carry astronauts to the ISS is pretty cool. But it's not as if this was the first time we ever got into space.

The weekends really suck for you guys when your thought leaders are not on the radio to tell you what to think and you post jibberish like the OP.

It is the first time in almost a decade.

While president Trump is aiming for American resurgence, you try to start a race war. We all know who the baddies are here, have known for a good time.

Having a private company carry astronauts to the ISS is pretty cool. But it's not as if this was the first time we ever got into space.

The weekends really suck for you guys when your thought leaders are not on the radio to tell you what to think and you post jibberish like the OP.

Spare us the mental methane, you're just the street sweeper. Just what you aspired to be.
More toward the thread title instead of contrasting, did you see where they test fired another rocket system yesterday about 11:30 AM out at their usual launch facility and it blew up on the pad? Those astronauts had to be aware the company that built their launch vehicle blew on all to hell in a fireball that shook the earth 24 hours ago. First manned launch was a pretty ballsy piece of work. Those guys are exceptional!
As I said back in February. It's not a matter of capability, it's a matter of strategy. Using Russia or SpaceX is cheaper than funding our own manned spaceflight program.

Will SpaceX be around in 10 years? Who knows. That's the problem with relying on private industry to do critical tasks. Its a risk worth taking I think.

Having a private company carry astronauts to the ISS is pretty cool. But it's not as if this was the first time we ever got into space.

The weekends really suck for you guys when your thought leaders are not on the radio to tell you what to think and you post jibberish like the OP.
That was an all around simpleminded post there.

No wonder you understood it (or at least think you do).
More toward the thread title instead of contrasting, did you see where they test fired another rocket system yesterday about 11:30 AM out at their usual launch facility and it blew up on the pad? Those astronauts had to be aware the company that built their launch vehicle blew on all to hell in a fireball that shook the earth 24 hours ago. First manned launch was a pretty ballsy piece of work. Those guys are exceptional!

That was NOT a rocket, but a static test of a rocket engine. There is a difference. No launch vehicles were harmed in that test. Have a nice day!
Quite a study in contrasts. The Trump supported space program launches the first manned space flight in 10 years and the Democrat led cities collapse into chaos because they don't want to protect their citizens or their property. So who are you voting for in November?
I could be wrong Mike, but have you heard one democrat in Congress denounce these riots calling for arrests, accountability and the National Guard?
That's the problem with relying on private industry to do critical tasks.

If there isn't a single company that can do it, you have to question how critical is the task.

There are limits to that.

We set limits on what services we desire to be provided privately. That doesn't mean the limit is intrinsic.

Yep. I was thinking about Blackwater vs. The USMC for example. I'd rather have the USMC.
That's the problem with relying on private industry to do critical tasks.

If there isn't a single company that can do it, you have to question how critical is the task.

There are limits to that.

We set limits on what services we desire to be provided privately. That doesn't mean the limit is intrinsic.

Yep. I was thinking about Blackwater vs. The USMC for example. I'd rather have the USMC.

The concept of mercenary forces is as old as mankind itself.

Having a private company carry astronauts to the ISS is pretty cool. But it's not as if this was the first time we ever got into space.

The weekends really suck for you guys when your thought leaders are not on the radio to tell you what to think and you post jibberish like the OP.

"Private company"............is it? The money has largely came from the government.

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