Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

Arden's mission is submitted

It took me longer to get back to modding than anticipated.

House replaces Aye.

Get your votes in. You have 48 hours.
House replaces Avatar. I sent House Avatar's PM. Just made a typo. My bad. Carry on.


You guys need to send in your votes to approve or reject the mission to go forward.


Here's the team: Arden is the leader. Arden, Wolf, Moonglow, FA, Grandma.

Page 1 has all the missions and descriptions. mission 1 passed, mission 2 failed with 1 fail vote, mission 3 failed with one fail vote, this is mission 4.

Mission 1: Cafe, Grandma, Shaitra Unanimously approved to go forward, 100% pass votes.

Mission 2: Grandma, Josh, Arden, Cafe Cafe ,Avatar disapproved to go forward, rest approved. Failed with one fail vote.

Mission 3: Avatar, Moonglow, Arden, Cafe Cafe, Arden, JoshB, Grandma disapproved to go forward, rest approved. Failed with one fail vote.

Best out of 5 wins. So town must pass 3 or scum must fail 3. Town must vote topass. Scum can vote to pass or fail.

Scum need 2 fails on mission 4 to fail it. If, somehow, the mission is disapproved to go forward 5 times, scum gets a point. If the mission is disapproved to go forward, the next mission leader chooses a team. Team leaders are on page 1.

6 votes are needed out of 10 to approve the mission to go forward. Approval or rejection of the mission to go forward votes must be PM'd but are revealed in thread. The people on the mission must PM their votes and who cast them is secret. The only thing revealed on mission votes is how many passes or fails occur.

If you need anything else, just ask.
I know how Resistance works. This game is like the card game. But I do thank you for the time you took to explain it.
It didn't take long and was a good refresher on who was on what mission and what happened for everyone including myself. I forgot a lot, LOL. :wink:
The mission approved. The game is over. There were two scum on the mission. They reject.
The mission approved. The game is over. There were two scum on the mission. They reject.

Do you mean the mission team was approved to go forward with the mission and there were scum on it and so of course they would reject and the game is over right?

Just to clarify this.

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