‘October Surprise’? Wikileaks’ Assange Plans Tuesday Video Appearance


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Dec 31, 2010
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UPDATED: After canceling a planned announcement in London, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is now planning to appear via video link Tuesday morning at Wikileak’s tenth anniversary celebration in Berlin. He’s a last-minute addition to the roster of festivities taking place this week in Germany.

Jesse Rodriguez


According to @wikileaks, Julian Assange will appear via video link at Berlin press conference on Tuesday AM

2:27 PM - 2 Oct 2016

Wikileaks used its Facebook page to confirm that Assange would speak at the event, which takes place at 3am Eastern time.

Assange himself has also recently hinted publicly that low-level DNC staffer Seth Rich, who was murdered this summer in Washington DC, had been the source for Wikileaks’ document dump on the DNC. And that Rich’s alleged role in the leaks was linked to his death.

There has been no evidence linking Rich to the leak and no evidence that his murder was anything more than a botched robbery.

Nonetheless, the Wikileaks’ cancellation of Tuesday’s announcement in London — and the scheduling of the Tuesday video link in Berlin — has anti-Clinton conspiracy theorists working up a frantic stew of speculation.

Sources close to the event tell Heat Street that Assange may be planning to release some new information his organization has obtained about the U.S. Democratic Party. But Heat Street has yet to receive independent confirmation that Assange plans to dump information specifically on Hillary Clinton.

The news that Assange plans to appear (remotely) in Berlin comes after Wikileaks abruptly canceled a much-anticipated announcement in London that was to be made from the balcony of London’s Ecuadorian Embassy, where Assange has sought sanctuary for years. The cancelation was first reported by NBC News. According to NBC’s Jesse Rodriguez, the announcement was canceled due to “security concerns”.
‘October Surprise’? Wikileaks’ Assange Plans Tuesday Video Appearance After First Canceling Due to ‘Security Concerns’

However Seth's Rich's murder was unusual for a robber. He still had his money, credit cards watch and wallet on him.. What kind of robber forgets the reason they murder the victim? Those who murder for a DIFFERENT reason...
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It's nice he has the opportunity to give Germany some hope at the same time too...
The entire Trump-Messiah-Complex rises or falls based on what a hacker supposedly “uncovers”….
"Conspiracy theorists"

Yeah, because it was a conspiracy that DNC rigged the election. Nope, they are releasing legitimate information regarding the horrific corruption of the Clinton and her pals who enrichen themselves at everyone else's expense. They are heroes.
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