Obama's legacy............the total destruction of the democratic party


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
Well, to be perfectly honest...it began long before obama....say circa 1965 when someone almost as corrupt as hillary gained control of the democratic party(much evidence LBJ was behind the JFK assasintion) after JFK was assasinated....allegedly by a leftwing nut job lee harvey oswald.

The onetime champion of the white working class (democratic party)was taken over by liberal leftwingers who devoted their lives to championing minorities....primarily their beloved darkies....why did they do it?

Simply because they felt a need to be better than other white folk....they had a great need to feel morally superior to white folks(that is what makes liberals liberal aka feeling morally superior)....and in their diseased useless minds they thought championing the poor and ignorant darkies was the way to go about it....aka...becoming morally superior.....and driven by their white guilt and a marxist philosophy they set about indoctrinating the nation into political correctness(cultural marxism)....they did an excellent job of it.

They took over the public schools, they took over the judiciary, they took over hollywood and its state of the art propaganda machine, they took over the mass media and the prestigious universities --primarily on the east coast, and they heavily influenced many religious institutions to the point of control.

Then they incited a cultural war which continues at a ever more accelerated rate....the only thing they have failed to do as of yet...is to launch a civil war....we may be witnessing the beginning of that...certainly a insurrection at some level already exists.

Obama was merely the final straw that broke the camels back.....if we are fortunate and if Trump gets the needed support we will be able to win the cultural war and assign the democratic party to the dustbin of history where it deservedly should be for all time.

Obama's Legacy: The Total Destruction Of The Democratic Party
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LOL Well, I really think that Trump will succeed in doing to our economy in three years what it took 'W' 8 years to do. And the Democratic Party will come roaring back. There will be a new generation of leaders now, and that is appropriate. And they will drive the people on this board nuts, because they will be all colors and religions. President Obama has left us the legacy of 'can do'.
LOL Well, I really think that Trump will succeed in doing to our economy in three years what it took 'W' 8 years to do. And the Democratic Party will come roaring back. There will be a new generation of leaders now, and that is appropriate. And they will drive the people on this board nuts, because they will be all colors and religions. President Obama has left us the legacy of 'can do'.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa can anyone say....'totally deluded'.

All obama did was borrow money...we are in debt to the tune of trillons of dollars. What sort of person thinks that was an accomplishment?????

Liberalism is a form of mental illness...............
Yes, President Obama used Keynesian economics to pull us out of the near depression that the GOP economic policies created. Europe went the route that your people wanted to go, austerity, and they are still in that recession. Our economy is in far better shape for the decisions that President Obama made. Now we will see what kind of decisions Trump will be making. I bet he accomplishes in three yeas what took 'W' eight years.
Fortunately for America, Trump has a "pen and a phone" too. He will undo Obama's Executive Orders within hours of taking office.

Yes, President Obama used Keynesian economics to pull us out of the near depression that the GOP economic policies created. Europe went the route that your people wanted to go, austerity, and they are still in that recession. Our economy is in far better shape for the decisions that President Obama made. Now we will see what kind of decisions Trump will be making. I bet he accomplishes in three yeas what took 'W' eight years.

The fallacy of Keynesian economics: The Central Fallacy of Keynesian Economics
The West Coast was a solid blue wall. Our Democrats have kicked GOP butt ever since the GOP gave the far right a decisive voice in their policy. It is time for our leaders here on the West Coast to take more control of the Democratic Party.
The West Coast was a solid blue wall. Our Democrats have kicked GOP butt ever since the GOP gave the far right a decisive voice in their policy. It is time for our leaders here on the West Coast to take more control of the Democratic Party.

Californicate is well known for nut cases....but you could do no worse than the effete east coast liberals.
The West Coast was a solid blue wall. Our Democrats have kicked GOP butt ever since the GOP gave the far right a decisive voice in their policy. It is time for our leaders here on the West Coast to take more control of the Democratic Party.

Californicate is well known for nut cases....but you could do no worse than the effete east coast liberals.

If i were the great dictator I would cede kalifornia to mexico...put all the illegals out there and let them become our garden state aka.....produce the produce we need at cheap prices. sounds like a good deal for everyone concerned.
The West Coast was a solid blue wall. Our Democrats have kicked GOP butt ever since the GOP gave the far right a decisive voice in their policy. It is time for our leaders here on the West Coast to take more control of the Democratic Party.

Poor old Crock....

You were crowing like a cock up until a few days ago- telling us all how hiLIARy was going to win in a LANDLSLIDE!!

The West Coast was a solid blue wall. Our Democrats have kicked GOP butt ever since the GOP gave the far right a decisive voice in their policy. It is time for our leaders here on the West Coast to take more control of the Democratic Party.

Poor old Crock....

You were crowing like a cock up until a few days ago- telling us all how hiLIARy was going to win in a LANDLSLIDE!!


hehheh Some folks are just always wrong....have some kind of talent for always being wrong...I would like to take one of them to the race track...I could become quite wealthy just doing the opposite of what they say do.
California is the seventh biggest economy in the world. They gave us silicon valley, and they are building the autos of the future there. Portland, Oregon has become the silicon forest, and there are more people moving to Oregon than any other state. Washington state is the home of Microsoft, and a power in it's own right. We are showing the nation how to lead and get ahead. The only area that competes with us is Texas, where they are installing Solar and Wind power in huge amounts. And will continue to do so even if the subsidies are removed. Economics, pure and simple.
California is the seventh biggest economy in the world. They gave us silicon valley, and they are building the autos of the future there. Portland, Oregon has become the silicon forest, and there are more people moving to Oregon than any other state. Washington state is the home of Microsoft, and a power in it's own right. We are showing the nation how to lead and get ahead. The only area that competes with us is Texas, where they are installing Solar and Wind power in huge amounts. And will continue to do so even if the subsidies are removed. Economics, pure and simple.
Smoke another bowl Old Crock.....

The West Coast was a solid blue wall. Our Democrats have kicked GOP butt ever since the GOP gave the far right a decisive voice in their policy. It is time for our leaders here on the West Coast to take more control of the Democratic Party.

Poor old Crock....

You were crowing like a cock up until a few days ago- telling us all how hiLIARy was going to win in a LANDLSLIDE!!

You are right, although by October, I didn't think it would be a landslide. So crow is on my plate. However, Hillary did win the popular vote, and the young people, the future voters, and out protesting the Trump Presidency all over this nation right now. They are the future voters, and they are not going to vote as you people have.
California is the seventh biggest economy in the world. They gave us silicon valley, and they are building the autos of the future there. Portland, Oregon has become the silicon forest, and there are more people moving to Oregon than any other state. Washington state is the home of Microsoft, and a power in it's own right. We are showing the nation how to lead and get ahead. The only area that competes with us is Texas, where they are installing Solar and Wind power in huge amounts. And will continue to do so even if the subsidies are removed. Economics, pure and simple.

but.but.but you use slave labor aka illegal mexican labor.

Illegal Aliens - America's 21st Century Slave Class
The West Coast was a solid blue wall. Our Democrats have kicked GOP butt ever since the GOP gave the far right a decisive voice in their policy. It is time for our leaders here on the West Coast to take more control of the Democratic Party.

Poor old Crock....

You were crowing like a cock up until a few days ago- telling us all how hiLIARy was going to win in a LANDLSLIDE!!

You are right, although by October, I didn't think it would be a landslide. So crow is on my plate. However, Hillary did win the popular vote, and the young people, the future voters, and out protesting the Trump Presidency all over this nation right now. They are the future voters, and they are not going to vote as you people have.

hillary is qualified to have a cup of coffee with al gore who also won the popular vote...hehheh with that and about 5 bucks apiece they could go to starbucks. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
The West Coast was a solid blue wall. Our Democrats have kicked GOP butt ever since the GOP gave the far right a decisive voice in their policy. It is time for our leaders here on the West Coast to take more control of the Democratic Party.

Poor old Crock....

You were crowing like a cock up until a few days ago- telling us all how hiLIARy was going to win in a LANDLSLIDE!!

You are right, although by October, I didn't think it would be a landslide. So crow is on my plate. However, Hillary did win the popular vote, and the young people, the future voters, and out protesting the Trump Presidency all over this nation right now. They are the future voters, and they are not going to vote as you people have.

hillary is qualified to have a cup of coffee with al gore who also won the popular vote...hehheh with that and about 5 bucks apiece they could go to starbucks. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa but your point about changing demographics is taken and we must do something about that...I have several ideas but I do not want to trump trump so to speak.
The West Coast was a solid blue wall. Our Democrats have kicked GOP butt ever since the GOP gave the far right a decisive voice in their policy. It is time for our leaders here on the West Coast to take more control of the Democratic Party.

Poor old Crock....

You were crowing like a cock up until a few days ago- telling us all how hiLIARy was going to win in a LANDLSLIDE!!

You are right, although by October, I didn't think it would be a landslide. So crow is on my plate. However, Hillary did win the popular vote, and the young people, the future voters, and out protesting the Trump Presidency all over this nation right now. They are the future voters, and they are not going to vote as you people have.

She won the popular vote? So what?

She lost Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. All states that, according to the "media", she was going to easily win. Your assumptions were clearly wrong. You and everyone else know exactly "nada" about what is coming in the future or what issues or parties "young people" are going to vote for. Nobody knows what the future holds. So please, Shut the fuck up and eat your crow. You've earned it.

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