President Obama made reference to Senator-Elect Scott Brown's famous truck, noting that the ride may not get anyone to where they want to go.
So effectively Senator-Elect Scott Brown offered the evidence in the victory address:
"I will work with the Senate to get government back on the side of the people who create jobs, and the millions of people who need jobs--and, as President John F. Kennedy taught us, that starts with an across the board tax cut for individuals and businesses that will create jobs and stimulate the economy. It's that simple!"
Stupid Larry Kudlow repeated the mantra, time and again, on Wednesday afternoon TV. This is what the Republicans will do next(?)!
Anyone recalls that Bush II, Term I, tried that prescription: Failing to note that nearly 50% of federal income tax filers actually have zero liability. Nothing gets stimulated from an across-the-board tax cut all. Bush II, Term I, tried that twice. Finally Osama bin laden, apparently of Massachusetts, took pity on the family and directed 19 dead no-accounts to fly airplanes into City of New York buildings. Two basis-free wars were started, and the procurements miracle was on! Massachusetts would be spared(?)!
One miracle of the procurements was whether or not anyone in the field would even get body armor out of the deal.
And so there it was again, January 19, not even a Friday night after a Boston Southie's famous--end of week "nightcap!" Except for some strange allusion to basketball, the Senator-Elect was apparently lucid, and deadly wrong.
The Truck apparently had no GPS after all, and the candidate has no sense of direction!
The Democrats created the refundable "Make-Work-Pay" Tax Credit instead. That was opposed universally by the GOP Senate. Likely JFK would have been on board with the Democrats, and even in calling the candidate Brown all kinds of characteristically, charming names: Out of some sordid past or another.
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Senator-Elect New Light Skinned African-American, electable? Anyone sees the 20% Afrikaner, and the 80%not too up on things!)
So effectively Senator-Elect Scott Brown offered the evidence in the victory address:
"I will work with the Senate to get government back on the side of the people who create jobs, and the millions of people who need jobs--and, as President John F. Kennedy taught us, that starts with an across the board tax cut for individuals and businesses that will create jobs and stimulate the economy. It's that simple!"
Stupid Larry Kudlow repeated the mantra, time and again, on Wednesday afternoon TV. This is what the Republicans will do next(?)!
Anyone recalls that Bush II, Term I, tried that prescription: Failing to note that nearly 50% of federal income tax filers actually have zero liability. Nothing gets stimulated from an across-the-board tax cut all. Bush II, Term I, tried that twice. Finally Osama bin laden, apparently of Massachusetts, took pity on the family and directed 19 dead no-accounts to fly airplanes into City of New York buildings. Two basis-free wars were started, and the procurements miracle was on! Massachusetts would be spared(?)!
One miracle of the procurements was whether or not anyone in the field would even get body armor out of the deal.
And so there it was again, January 19, not even a Friday night after a Boston Southie's famous--end of week "nightcap!" Except for some strange allusion to basketball, the Senator-Elect was apparently lucid, and deadly wrong.
The Truck apparently had no GPS after all, and the candidate has no sense of direction!
The Democrats created the refundable "Make-Work-Pay" Tax Credit instead. That was opposed universally by the GOP Senate. Likely JFK would have been on board with the Democrats, and even in calling the candidate Brown all kinds of characteristically, charming names: Out of some sordid past or another.
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Senator-Elect New Light Skinned African-American, electable? Anyone sees the 20% Afrikaner, and the 80%not too up on things!)