Obama wants input?


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Jul 5, 2004
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Does Obama really want health care input or is he just setting up the Republicans? I vote for the latter...bipartisan is not a real word in the leftie dictionary...


Republicans say they have no idea yet who will be invited to join President Obama later this month to discuss health care reform but they have plenty of ideas if Obama is sincere about wanting to work together.

Republicans say they have no idea yet who will be invited to join President Obama later this month to discuss health care reform but they have plenty of ideas if Obama is sincere about wanting to work together.

"When you learn about it in a press event you have the suspicion it's going to be nothing more than a press event," said Sage Eastman, communications director for Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., who wrote the Republican alternative to the Democratic bill.

FOXNews.com - Republicans Come to Health Care Table Willing to Negotiate
I guess if Obama announced he will consider tort reform, interstate coverage options and other reasonable offerings made by the Republicans before, I'd say good deal. This is what? The third time he has trotted out the, I'm really interested in listening crap. We already know I'll listen means, you better do what I want. What a juvenile play on his part.
Probably just another Saul Alinsky tactic. This President and most of today's Democrats follow Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' with absolute obedience. Probably just another photo-op. I do have some input though..."This President needs to stop lecturing and start listening." Gotta thank Sarah Palin for that one. She really did nail this President over the weekend.
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