Obama refusing to talk the press


Oct 2, 2007
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First you do a power grab, then you silence or take over the press, by fair means or foul, then you disarm the people...

It's straight out of the "How to be a Tyrant" playbook.

Except his attempts to control the media failed miserably. So he's just cutting them out.

What a loser. And what happened to all this "transparency" he went on and on and on and on about? It's like an iron curtain.

Here's part of the article:

"Veteran White House reporters have been grumbling about the lack of access to the president, who as a candidate vowed an unprecedented level of transparency.

On his recent trip to Asia, Mr. Obama took few questions - and none during a session with Chinese President Hu Jintao that the White House dubbed "joint press statements."

Mr. Obama has taken to limiting questions during press conferences with foreign leaders to one question each fromU.S. reporters and foreign correspondents, as he did last week when Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was in Washington. He did the same "one-and-one" with the Japanese prime minister and the South Korean president while in Asia.

In a more unusual move, the president has altered the practice of allowing reporters into the Oval Office for what is called a "pool spray" - a few informal questions after a presidential meeting, often with a foreign leader. Mr. Obama's meeting Monday with Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was closed to the press, even photographers, the White House said.

"It's surprising and quite unusual that President Obama meets with an allied leader like the prime minister of Australia and there's no photo op at the beginning or end of the session," said Mark Knoller, a longtime White House reporter for CBS Radio.

Mr. Obama on Tuesday will announce his new policy on the war in Afghanistan at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. He won't be taking questions immediately afterward.

A White House spokesman bristled when asked Monday about the situation.

"I think the last time we got a question about the president answering questions, if I'm not mistaken, it was - wasn't it couched in the - in the notion that he was overexposed?" press secretary Robert Gibbs said.

"Hard for me to imagine that the president would submit himself to so many questions that the punditocracy would say he was overexposed, but the new thing happens to be that he's not answering enough questions," he said.

Still, the spokesman added: "The president enjoys taking your questions and questions from reporters throughout this process. And I am - assume he'll continue to do so."
'Overexposed' Obama begins to duck the WH press corps - Washington Times
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Likely the staff has figured out he's in so far over his head they have to take precautions against him further indicting himself as a complete bozo.

I pretty much figured a lot of folks would come out of their trances after the election, but wouldn't have bet a dime it'd be this soon and to such a degree. A very pleasant surprise, very pleasant indeed.
The article said they pulled the plug after a couple of very embarassing incidents with the press...the one cited was where he called the white cops stupid for arresting the Harvard professor who went postal on them when they were investigating what they thought was a break-in of his house.
At least Bush had a speech impediment to blame for the things he said...which were often hilarious.

This guy is just a loon who doesn't know what the fuck he's doing except he knows he's-a-gonna DO IT no matter WHAT anyone says.
That avatar is hilarious.
obamalama is punishing the press corps because they had the audacity to stand for a free press, aka stand with Fox.. it's purely punitive and there will have to be some serious belly crawling before the messiah relents.
So some in the media are whining? So what?

They have had 1000 times the access than with Bush diring his first year.
So some in the media are whining? So what?

They have had 1000 times the access than with Bush diring his first year.

ahhhhh but have you ever heard the old saying "The pen is mightier than the sword" your messiah is acting stupidly. :tongue:
At least Bush had a speech impediment to blame for the things he said...which were often hilarious.

This guy is just a loon who doesn't know what the fuck he's doing except he knows he's-a-gonna DO IT no matter WHAT anyone says.

Alley Babbling racist bitch!

Wouldn't matter what this president says, it wouldn't suit you.

As for Bush, he was SUPPOSED to be in the job to lead the country, do the job... All you can see is you were "entertained."

How sad for you that you didn't get the Amos'n'Andy routine you were so looking forward to. It is no wonder the tabloids so rule in this country, you are an example of the nits they are dealing with, I take that back, you aren't as smart as a nit, to call you one is to insult the little crotch crawlers!
Let me get this straight, people bitch how often Obama is in the media. Then, when he's not in the media for once, people bitch about that.

Catch 22 much?
Obama won't talk to the press.

Tiger Woods refuses to talk to the police or press.

What is it with these mulattoes??? :doubt:

As the Alley Babbler said, she'd not being entertained, " WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNE"
:lol::lol: Hilarious, are we getting the point yet?

1. Obama refuses reporters questions in China

2. Obama refuses to meet Dalai Lama in Washington
Obama refuses to meet Dalai Lama in Washington | virtualreview.org

3. Obama refuses to talk about Somali pirates
Obama Refuses To Talk About Somali Pirates | Hiptics.com

4. Obama refuses public photo ops with Netanyahu

5. Obama refuses to talk with Gay media
Gay Paper: Obama Refuses To Talk With Gay Media

My opinion:
Obama 'refuses' to make just about ANY decisions in a timely manner.

Geeeesh, I could list this crap all day long, there just isn't the time or the room.
What kind of 'president' did THEY, not me, elect. Holy KrapOla!

I bet his shorts are full to the top, trying to decide whether or not to take a friggen dump.
Maybe he should change his middle name to REFUSES?
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Let me get this straight, people bitch how often Obama is in the media. Then, when he's not in the media for once, people bitch about that.

Catch 22 much?

Letterman and Leno vs. press. Hmmmmmm, which would cause overexposure?
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were you whining when bush had martha raddatz's mic cut off during a white house press conference for asking about afghanistan?

didn't think so....

carry on.
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