Obama on the second amendment


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2008
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Obama on guns....

I do believe that Obama meant what he said in San Francisco-- that many Americans (code name for 'rednecks') cling to guns and religion to escape the realities of economic distress. Do I agree with it? Not really...I think they own guns for hunting to convey a socially constructed fascade of masculininity and because they genuinely enjoy bonding over hunting (for reasons I will never understand).

But when did the 'values' of rednecks become the 'values' of the country? Ever since the 2004 election, the right-wing rednecks have monopolized 'values.' There are plenty of middle-class Americans who don't share those values and I think it's a disgrace that the moral fabric of our entire country must be embodied by the redneck ideal.

However, if Obama did in fact vote against some of the gun legislation mentioned in the commercial, I would have to disagree with him. The second amendment should stand (with some regulation such as: a gun owner should be competent, psychologically stable, and law-abiding) if, for anything, protection. To tell any American that he does not have the right to protect himself and his family is absurd. Especially in rural areas where police response may be slower since these areas are not densely populated.
Actually its just more partisan anti-Obama trash from you.

So the bills he voted on are a lie? Prove it. Provide us with the actual vote on those bills OR explain to us how those bills did not mean what the add said they mean. Simple process, easy enough for you to disprove if Obama did not do as the add says.
Obama made a mistake in equating guns with economic frustration. While his thinking may have been a fair attempt at understanding, the way it came out was too narrowly focused.

But the piece above is so distorted that one wonders at any listener who could take it seriously. America was founded on freedom not guns and while some may value guns for a variety of reasons, they are not important in most people's lives - thank goodness.

His actual words are below and notice when you hear him quoted the context is avoided.

"...the truth is, is that, our challenge is to get people persuaded that we can make progress when thereÂ’s not evidence of that in their daily lives. You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothingÂ’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. So itÂ’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who arenÂ’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

... I don't get my information from political propaganda.


I can't think of a single news source that doesn't apply a political slant to some degree. If you'd be so kind, I'd love to know of one.
I do believe that Obama meant what he said in San Francisco-- that many Americans (code name for 'rednecks') cling to guns and religion to escape the realities of economic distress. Do I agree with it? Not really...I think they own guns for hunting to convey a socially constructed fascade of masculininity and because they genuinely enjoy bonding over hunting (for reasons I will never understand).

But when did the 'values' of rednecks become the 'values' of the country? Ever since the 2004 election, the right-wing rednecks have monopolized 'values.' There are plenty of middle-class Americans who don't share those values and I think it's a disgrace that the moral fabric of our entire country must be embodied by the redneck ideal.

However, if Obama did in fact vote against some of the gun legislation mentioned in the commercial, I would have to disagree with him. The second amendment should stand (with some regulation such as: a gun owner should be competent, psychologically stable, and law-abiding) if, for anything, protection. To tell any American that he does not have the right to protect himself and his family is absurd. Especially in rural areas where police response may be slower since these areas are not densely populated.

The "values of rednecks" as you like to call them have always been the values of the country, despite the attempts of a minority of liberal elitists who have attempted to brainwash the world into thinking their wacko left views are the views of the majority.

And it's not a masculine thing to my knowledge. It's the same as enjoyment of any toy or hobby that gets people outside and requires a modicom of intelligence to operate, and provides a wide variety of interesting aspects to keep one's attention.

Guns aren't status symbols with anyone I know, including myself (and, btw, I'm not even male).

I'd a hundred rather times have the "rednecks" of the country representing the average american than someone who doesn't understand or respect the American people.
The "values of rednecks" as you like to call them have always been the values of the country, despite the attempts of a minority of liberal elitists who have attempted to brainwash the world into thinking their wacko left views are the views of the majority.

And it's not a masculine thing to my knowledge. It's the same as enjoyment of any toy or hobby that gets people outside and requires a modicom of intelligence to operate, and provides a wide variety of interesting aspects to keep one's attention.

Guns aren't status symbols with anyone I know, including myself (and, btw, I'm not even male).

I'd a hundred rather times have the "rednecks" of the country representing the average american than someone who doesn't understand or respect the American people.

That's all well and good I suppose as long as you realize that there is a cure for redneckedness...and it's called education. :cool:
Oh, so being "educated" will "cure" rednecks of clinging to guns?

Moron. I'm educated. My sister is educated and owns an arsenal. My ex husband is a Rhode's scholar and they have a walk-in gun safe and his brother is an authority on military weaponry. At one point, they owned the only shooting range east of the rockies where the military could test and practice their higher-power rifles.

Yeah, all us conservatives and gun owners are just stupid rednecks.
Oh, so being "educated" will "cure" rednecks of clinging to guns?

Moron. I'm educated. My sister is educated and owns an arsenal. My ex husband is a Rhode's scholar and they have a walk-in gun safe and his brother is an authority on military weaponry. At one point, they owned the only shooting range east of the rockies where the military could test and practice their higher-power rifles.

Yeah, all us conservatives and gun owners are just stupid rednecks.

Wow, that's some mighty power of ignorant inference you got there. First of all, it was a joke. And second of all, I didn't say anything about guns. So you think only rednecks own guns, is that it?

And you call me a moron! :rofl:
It's early, I'm just warming up.
And I'm not convinced it was a joke, but if you say so......
I've seen :cool: with plenty of comments where someone thinks they've made a point using what they consider wit.

But if you didn't mean it I have renewed hope for humanity.

I can't think of a single news source that doesn't apply a political slant to some degree. If you'd be so kind, I'd love to know of one.

You do realize the difference between a "political slant" and blatant partisan propaganda, yes?
So long as the newscasters are open about it, it doesn't matter.

When it's a problem is when the newscasters claim to be neutral, but in reality aren't, and are using every tool at their disposal to promote one side while painting a negative picture (or no picture at all ) of the opposition.
So long as the newscasters are open about it, it doesn't matter.

When it's a problem is when the newscasters claim to be neutral, but in reality aren't, and are using every tool at their disposal to promote one side while painting a negative picture (or no picture at all ) of the opposition.

I agree. That's why I nearly vomit in my mouth every time I hear the phrase "Fair and Balanced."
I've seen :cool: with plenty of comments where someone thinks they've made a point using what they consider wit.

But if you didn't mean it I have renewed hope for humanity.

Jokes can be witty too, no?

Is there a more generally accepted emoticon to convey levity?

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