Obama is now calling for reparations for all black people


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
How black do you have to be to qualify? Anyone know?

I am wondering if i got a real dark suntan , shaved my head and put on an afro wig....could i get mah reparations check?

Irregardless by this call for reparationss obama is helping set the stage for a summer of riots, lootings and burnings by ghetto rats whipped up by obama and the scent of free money.

Just as inevitable as the Sun Setting tonight.

Barack Obama has called for reparations for Black Americans because the ‘wealth of the US was built on slaves’.9

If obama said that he’s either a liar or a fool who is ignorant of history
Barack Obama has called for reparations for Black Americans because the ‘wealth of the US was built on slaves’.9

If obama said that he’s either a liar or a fool who is ignorant of history

People of all races helped build our nation. That is why we are number one in the world as we are the “great melting pot of the world.”

Unfortunately the dens want to separate us into different tribes that all hate each other and of course hate most the terrible white male known as the scourge of the earth.

In passing I am all for paying reparations to anyone who can prove they were a slave during the Civil War.
The South's economy was destroyed by the Civil War. If any reparations are to be paid then it would be from the Confederacy...which is non-existant now and was broke. So I suggest the "Reparations" mob sue the African Chiefs who used their people as a cash crop.

Maybe reparations can be paid as Miners' Rights in the Congo???

Can I identify as black for payola?

Throughout human history people have been enslaved and oppressed. It's nothing new but so far as I know, today's people of color are the first to demand reparations based on past misconduct of others, mostly dead others. From the OP's link:

"The former POTUS also said, ‘It’s perfectly understandable why working-class white folks, middle-class white folks, folks who are having trouble paying the bills or dealing with student loans, or don’t have healthcare where they feel government has let them down wouldn’t be too thrilled with a massive program that is meant to deal with the past but isn’t speaking to their future.’"

No shit, Sherlock. And on top of that, there is NO justice in requiring anyone to pay for someone else's misdeeds, to someone who was not personally harmed. 'Generational effects' doesn't cut it, in this country you can be successful but you gotta work for it or get damn lucky. Blaming your failures on 'generational effects' is bullshit, if we had a gov't that was more concerned with equal opportunity instead of equal outcomes and identity politics than your chances for success would be better than they are. But in too many cases, you're not looking for a hand up, you're looking for a handout on a continuing basis. Well fuck that, if you want to be successful then go earn it.
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How black do you have to be to qualify? Anyone know?

I am wondering if i got a real dark suntan , shaved my head and put on an afro wig....could i get mah reparations check?

Irregardless by this call for reparationss obama is helping set the stage for a summer of riots, lootings and burnings by ghetto rats whipped up by obama and the scent of free money.

Just as inevitable as the Sun Setting tonight.

Sounds to me like he is inciting a race war. Where is the DOJ.
How black do you have to be to qualify? Anyone know?

I am wondering if i got a real dark suntan , shaved my head and put on an afro wig....could i get mah reparations check?

Irregardless by this call for reparationss obama is helping set the stage for a summer of riots, lootings and burnings by ghetto rats whipped up by obama and the scent of free money.

Just as inevitable as the Sun Setting tonight.

My family had nothing to do with slavery. My mom's family came here from Denmark after slavery was made illegal....and my Dad's side of the family were almost all Northern Abolitionists.
I think we should charge anyone who is a descendant from slave-owners and land owners, like Kamala Harris or Barack Obama.
Anyone named Jackson, Washington, Jefferson, Carter, Gore, Clinton, Davis, Douglas, Forrest, Gates, Grant, Harrison, Kinglsey, Lee, Lamont, Manning, Newton, Polk, Smith, Thomas, Tyler.....etc,....
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Reparations is a scam. It's like selling carbon offset credits: You pay money to ease the guilt of having polluted, even though you didn't pollute anything.

Maybe they should call it Racial Offset Credits or something. But the problem is, it's not voluntary. Reparations would come out of the pockets of all taxpayers, no matter if they're white or black. And the only beneficiaries would be those of a specific race. How unconstitutional is that?

Personally, I think the only ones who should involuntarily have to pay for reparations are Democrats, liberals, and progressives. It's their stupid idea, so they should have to fund it.
Reparations is a scam. It's like selling carbon offset credits: You pay money to ease the guilt of having polluted, even though you didn't pollute anything.

Maybe they should call it Racial Offset Credits or something. But the problem is, it's not voluntary. Reparations would come out of the pockets of all taxpayers, no matter if they're white or black. And the only beneficiaries would be those of a specific race. How unconstitutional is that?

Personally, I think the only ones who should involuntarily have to pay for reparations are Democrats, liberals, and progressives. It's their stupid idea, so they should have to fund it.
It's nothing more than another silly idea meant to buy votes....like $15 mw.
Politicians that buy votes should be charged with a felony....because that's election fraud and misappropriation of taxpayers funds...and bribery.
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It looks like it's time for everyone to pull a Rachel Dolezal....

After all, if a man can be a woman just because he identifies as one (and Kamala Harris can pass as "black" even though she's Indian and a descendant of Jamaican slave owners), we should all be able to self-identify as black!!!!

When is the Democrat Party (the party of slavery) sending me my check?????

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