Obama inherited the worst Recession in U.S. history

obama "inherited" nothing. He's not the heir to the presidency.

He actively campaigned for the job. He wanted it. He got it. And what has he done with it: Managed the worst recovery ever.


Doesn't change the fact that Obama inherited the worst recession in U.S. history, and nothing - even Republican incessant whining alibis - will ever change that ...

Obama didn't INHERIT SHIT...he campaigned for the job KNOWING how thing were...

it's your fault you put someone in there that wasn't UP FOR THE JOB

people are pretty much done with all your lame excuses for the man...A MAJORITY now DISAPPROVE of him...live with it

Do you recall during the 2008 campaign when the candidates were called back to Washington? McCain went, but Obama stayed on the campaign trail. I am told that when McCain went back to Washington, they read him the numbers on the economy. After that he seemed to be 'throwing' the election. I don't think he wanted to be elected at that point.

Now, you can check this statement out: The recession had started under Clinton. The series of bank failures started in the early 2000s. That information should still be available on the FDIC website. The chickens of Clinton's policy forcing banks to make loans to people who could not afford them was already coming home to roost.

Obama's handlers know that if he ever tries to address any problem, and if he ever starts to roll up his sleeves and get to work on it he's risking coming under attack from the other side, which leads to a drop in popularity.

He can't afford to drop below Bush levels in the polls.
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obama "inherited" nothing. He's not the heir to the presidency.

He actively campaigned for the job. He wanted it. He got it. And what has he done with it: Managed the worst recovery ever.


Doesn't change the fact that Obama inherited the worst recession in U.S. history, and nothing - even Republican incessant whining alibis - will ever change that ...


I would dispute that this was the worst, I've been through worse.
He did play victim. He claimed he inherited all the bad.

You say he "played victim" - Obama never did - all he or we ever said was Obama inherited the worst recession in U.S. history.

A fact that is etched in concrete.


Showing a single snapshot does not indicate anything at all. That's why I don't trust crap like that. How do you know that is not the norm?

Obama took office in January 2009.

Here is the January 2009 Employment Situation Summary: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/empsit_02062009.pdf

We were bleeding about 600,000 jobs a month when he took office. It would be unrealistic to expect that to stop immediately upon his taking of the oath of office.

Here is the October 2009 Employment Situation Summary: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/empsit_11062009.pdf

And here is the July 2013 Employment Situation Summary: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf

We find full time jobs plummeted to about 110 million by October 2009. They now stand at 116 million.

Part time jobs in October 2009 were 27 million. They now stand at 28 million.

Here is something even more interesting:


If you start at one year into each administration (beginning of 2002 for Bush, beginning of 2010 for Obama), and look at the full time job creation rate during Obama's administration and the job creation rate during Bush's Administration, they trend almost identically. Actually, Obama's is steeper, which is better. And Obama was starting from a lower point.

Not only that, full time jobs are now where they were at five years into the Bush Administration! Obama has caught up, even though he started from a much lower point.

If you look at the part time job creation graph and draw a trend line from 2000, the part time job creation rate is rock steady on the trend line, and has been since 2010. It only fell below the trend line during the entire second half of the Bush administration.

That means Obama has actually made up for those part time job losses during Bush.

So how is this a bad thing?

The collapse of the speculative dot-com bubble, a fall in business outlays and investments, and the September 11th attacks, brought the decade of growth to an end.
Despite these major shocks, the recession was brief and shallow.
Without the September 11th attacks, the economy might have avoided recession altogether.

The subprime mortgage crisis led to the collapse of the United States housing bubble.
Falling housing-related assets contributed to a global financial crisis, even as oil and food prices soared.
The crisis led to the failure or collapse of many of the United States' largest financial institutions: Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers , Citi Bank and AIG, as well as a crisis in the automobile industry.
The government responded with an unprecedented $700 billion bank bailout and $787 billion fiscal stimulus package.
The National Bureau of Economic Research declared the end of this recession over a year after the end date.
List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

October 4, 2008 U.S. lawmakers pass $700 billion bailout bill - CNN.com
The U.S. House of Representatives has passed the revised version of $700 billion bank bailout plan intended to bolster the ailing U.S. financial system.

The Democrat controlled House rejected the original bill on Monday, sending stocks tumbling around the world.
But lawmakers approved the rescue package, backed by U.S. President George W. Bush and Treasury chiefs, Friday after the U.S. Senate passed it by a large majority on Wednesday.
Congress voted 263 to 171 in favor of the bailout bill.
President Bush signed the bill into law Friday afternoon.

I can't find a President who made a faster recovery against the worst Recession in U.S. history.

The one that historians have already labeled the "Great Recession"



And then he added obamacare to the mess he inherited.
Indeed. And the SCOTUS told him it was a TAX when he denied it was.

and remember this what he said about raising taxes?
He was blowing smoke out of his ass as then too as he raised the highest cigarette tax on the people his first year in office and then he went on a all out blitz of tax raising...

[ame=http://youtu.be/OlIiFFr_B8A]Obama Discusses Taxes in 2010 - YouTube[/ame]

people have NO ONE to blame for where we are today BUT OBAMA and his comrades in arms...won't stop them from making these lame ass excuses for him though...it's pathetic really
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Obama didn't INHERIT SHIT...he campaigned for the job KNOWING how thing were...

it's your fault you put someone in there that wasn't UP FOR THE JOB

people are pretty much done with all your lame excuses for the man...A MAJORITY now DISAPPROVE of him...live with it

President Obama is the living proof of what happens when the country is foolish enough to send a boy to do a man's job.

Sadly, TWICE!
And then he added obamacare to the mess he inherited.
Indeed. And the SCOTUS told him it was a TAX when he denied it was.

and remember this what he said about raising taxes?
He was blowing smoke out of his ass as then too as he raised the highest cigarette tax on the people his first year in office and then he went on a all out blitz of tax raising...

[ame="http://youtu.be/OlIiFFr_B8A"]Obama Discusses Taxes in 2010 - YouTube[/ame]

people have NO ONE to blame for where we are today BUT OBAMA and his comrades in arms...won't stop them from making these lame ass excuses for him though...it's pathetic really
The man is a Statist/Progressive/LIAR. Too many people believe his rhetoric...and are paying for it and yet they still applaud him taking their liberty from them piecemeal.

Just stupidity on parade with the electorate.
And then he added obamacare to the mess he inherited.
Indeed. And the SCOTUS told him it was a TAX when he denied it was.

and remember this what he said about raising taxes?
He was blowing smoke out of his ass as then too as he raised the highest cigarette tax on the people his first year in office and then he went on a all out blitz of tax raising...

[ame=http://youtu.be/OlIiFFr_B8A]Obama Discusses Taxes in 2010 - YouTube[/ame]

people have NO ONE to blame for where we are today BUT OBAMA and his comrades in arms...won't stop them from making these lame ass excuses for him though...it's pathetic really

to his diciples he can do no wrong, is always right, is not responsible for anything, is their messiah, they are a pathetic lot. He is shitting in their coffee and they just grin and keep drinking it.
He did play victim. He claimed he inherited all the bad.

You say he "played victim" - Obama never did - all he or we ever said was Obama inherited the worst recession in U.S. history.

A fact that is etched in concrete.


Well, if he knew he couldn't handle the job maybe he never should have run.

Fact is Obama inherited his own economy from his first term. He needs to finally take responsibility,..........but he never will. Because he doesn't know how.
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He did play victim. He claimed he inherited all the bad.

You say he "played victim" - Obama never did - all he or we ever said was Obama inherited the worst recession in U.S. history.

A fact that is etched in concrete.


Well, if he knew he couldn't handle the job maybe he never should have run.

Fact is Obama inherited his own economy from his first term. He needs to finally take responsibility,..........but he never will. Because he doesn't know how.

Because his marxist/communist handlers didn't teach him that. Only the opposite .

You say he "played victim" - Obama never did - all he or we ever said was Obama inherited the worst recession in U.S. history.

A fact that is etched in concrete.


Well, if he knew he couldn't handle the job maybe he never should have run.

Fact is Obama inherited his own economy from his first term. He needs to finally take responsibility,..........but he never will. Because he doesn't know how.

Because his marxist/communist handlers didn't teach him that. Only the opposite .

Are you insinuating he is a mouthpiece with great power that is doing the bidding of others? :lol:

(I agree. The man isn't as bright as he appears).
I wish someone had made an actual count of how many times obama said, 'the previous administration'.

Not often enough
Remember, "Conservatives learn nothing and forget nothing" (Rousseau)

Well, if he knew he couldn't handle the job maybe he never should have run.

Fact is Obama inherited his own economy from his first term. He needs to finally take responsibility,..........but he never will. Because he doesn't know how.

Because his marxist/communist handlers didn't teach him that. Only the opposite .

Are you insinuating he is a mouthpiece with great power that is doing the bidding of others? :lol:

(I agree. The man isn't as bright as he appears).

Without his teleprompter, he doesn't appear bright at all.
Well, if he knew he couldn't handle the job maybe he never should have run.

Well someone had to inherit the Bush/Republican mess, and America was not going to give Republicans another chance to make it worse!

Ever ....


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