Obama has NO record of accomplishments to stand on for his election

Sorry you cant compare the Unibomber to Mussolini - that would be historically ignorant.

No...I'm comparing the Unibomber to you

Your rantings bear a strange resemblance to the Unibomber manifesto

I imagine there will come a day when the FBI seizes the records of this Message Board in an attempt to get inside your twisted mind

And the rest of us will scratch our heads and say....."I always knew he was a little strange"

all nick can do is repeat things, he is too stupid to get beyond internet rants.

I wouldn't be so sure

The rants, the persecution complex, the conspiracy claims, the antisocial lifestyle, the uncontrolled rage, stockpiling of weapons

The guy has Ted Kaczynski written all over him
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No...I'm comparing the Unibomber to you

Your rantings bear a strange resemblance to the Unibomber manifesto

I imagine there will come a day when the FBI seizes the records of this Message Board in an attempt to get inside your twisted mind

And the rest of us will scratch our heads and say....."I always knew he was a little strange"

No you compared the Unibomber to Mussolini...

Only a retard would compare the Unibomber to me ....

Let's do this Nick..

Compare the statements of Obama to those of Mussolini
Then compare your statements to the Unibomber

Let's see which are closer

SO any dissent against Obama is "domestic terrorist" dissent against Obamy???

Only a fucking clown ass spineless progressive would rationalize such a thought..
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No you compared the Unibomber to Mussolini...

Only a retard would compare the Unibomber to me ....

Let's do this Nick..

Compare the statements of Obama to those of Mussolini
Then compare your statements to the Unibomber

Let's see which are closer

SO any dissent against Obama is "domestic terrorist" dissent against Obamy???

Only a fucking clown ass spineless progressive would rationalize such a thought..

Golly Gee Nick......

Maybe I've been too hard on you

Why don't we try this? Lets take some of your postings on this board and send them to a psychiatrist. Then we can bet on how long it takes the FBI to show up at your door.
all nick can do is repeat things, he is too stupid to get beyond internet rants.

I wouldn't be so sure

The rants, the persecution complex, the conspiracy claims, the antisocial lifestyle, the uncontrolled rage, stockpiling of weapons

The guy has Ted Kaczynski written all over him

Then you are insulting Ted. Nick is all talk and nothing more. If he did do anything he would most likely shoot his own head off.

I really don't know. It is difficult to categorize psychotic rage. Is Nick capable of actually harming others? Or is he just posting fantasies?

Is he more Ted Kaczynski or John Hinkley?
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I'm so happy that the Department of Homeland Security has our safety in mind this Thanksgiving.

DHS issues Turkey fryer warning

byCharlie Spiering Commentary Staff Writer
Follow on Twitter:Follow @charliespiering

The Department of Homeland Security is taking any threat seriously during the Thanksgiving holiday, including the ominous threat to our national security posed by turkey fryers.

"How dangerous can turkey fryers be?" asks a warning issued on the official DHS Twitter account. "Make sure the turkey is completely thawed before placing in a fryer, or this may happen."

The department linked to an ominous video highlighting the dangers of deep frying a turkey.

"Use turkey fryers outdoors at a safe distance from buildings." the DHS tweeted, "Never use turkey fryers in a garage or on a wooden deck."

Danger of Turkey Fryers - YouTube

I feel so much safer now that I know that DHS is on the job.

DHS issues Turkey fryer warning | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner
Pee Wee Herman and The Cookie Monster have accomplished 100 times more than Obama has in his entire life. Maybe Pee Wee Should run for President.
None the majority of the public agrees with anyhow. All he has is the blame game and gotcha politics. People have more respect for the Hurricanes that Obama has blamed in the past than they do for him. We can all sit here and play this back n forth game but it wont matter.

Most of you on the left slap him on the back for playing a good political game, problem is the public at large doesnt give a fuck about political gamesmanship, they care about their everyday lives and their ability to feel comfortable in theirs and their childrens future.

Republican or not my business is down 30% as compared to before the collapse that he said and promised he could fix in 3 years. Had he fixed it like he promised I probably wouldnt be here bitching because I would be rolling along with work too busy to care about the menutia of everyday politics. He has failed and will be held to account just as he predicted.

He's right - YouTube

He had 2 years to do anything he wanted as proven by the disaster that is Obamacare. Had he spent that time on the economy he would be reelected.

Children with pre-existing conditions can get health insurance.

Oh, yeah, and we're just about done with Iraq.

We have done this thread a hundred times. We list dozens of accomplishments and you reply FAIL after each one

It's been played out

If you want serious discussion why don't you be honest and list a couple of things you consider as accomplishments then we can discuss the rest

Otherwise, this thread is FAIL

I initially liked Obamas plan for help for homeowners who were current but struggling

Im glad Ghaddaffi is gone

Those are two recent ones. Truth be told I really had hope for Obamas success because his success ment I would continue to succeed. I didnt become this bitter until our economy continued to falter and I began to pay attention to the games played.

Fair enough

The war on terrorism....success or fail?
Americas role in Libya......success or fail?
START treaty....success or fail
Repeal of DAFT.....success or fail?

Great points!

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