Obama Determined to Micro-Manage the Internet


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I don't care what the source of the report is, this clearly lays out the power grab I've been trying to warn about for months now.

The internet is a rampart of Free Speech. A place to exchange ideas and information free of government interference. Political tyrants cannot accept this! They must throttle it so nobody can see their efforts to control us.

I can see right now all the claims that this is nothing more than trying to make things “FAIRER” for everyone. Live your pipe dreams until you too find yourself chained to the Party Line.

Read more @ Republican FCC Member Warns Net Neutrality Is Not Neutral - Breitbart
Let's see, the FCC in charge or Time-Warner? Yep, gotta go with the FCC on that one.
Republicans don't know anything about this. The internet is a big scary boogeyman they don't understand.

They are kneejerking because the government might maintain some influence over the internet.

They don't want some government bureaucrat coming between them and the good screwing they'll be getting from the for-profit providers.
Let's see, the FCC in charge or Time-Warner? Yep, gotta go with the FCC on that one.

You really want the government up your ass in all facets of your life?
When the choice is between a government and a corporation, go with the government. That you at least have a chance with.

And with that post, 16,500, I'm on break. See ya my little morons.
Let's see, the FCC in charge or Time-Warner? Yep, gotta go with the FCC on that one.

You really want the government up your ass in all facets of your life?
When the choice is between a government and a corporation, go with the government. That you at least have a chance with.

And with that post, 16,500, I'm on break. See ya my little morons.

You are a fucking fool. Given the choice, if a corporation wants to control you, they can't. In a capitalist economy, a corporation must worry more a about another corporation. Government is solely focused on your ass.
Republican's hate free market competition. They would rather see a few large monopolies in control of every sector.

And what do monopolies do with their artificially high profits? They pour money into Republican candidates so they have the legal and regulatory infrastructure to continue their monopolies.

I remember when Carter broke up AT&T (ma' bell) in 70s. This is when we saw the birth of the baby bells. As result we have seen sustained competition in telecom for 3 decades. Now, lesser brands like Sprint and T-Mobile are driving over the bones of the living and the dead to give consumers cheaper prices. The result is that Verizon and AT&T have to keep their rates competitive. It also means they have to innovate to keep consumers. Competition is a good thing.

If Republican's have their way there will be no competition on the Internet. It will be controlled by a few massive behemoths who can fuck the consumer without fear of losing customers to a smaller more responsive competitor.

First they passed the Patriot Act, and created the most centralized surveillance state in history. Now they are protecting monopolies from having to compete for their customers.

(Will someone tell the OP to turn off talk radio and take his brain back? One day he is going to wake up and realize that he has been lied to by a party that has done the exact opposite of what it promises - and it gets away with this because people like the OP have been seduced by the most powerful pundit class in history)
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the hatred of corporations by Leftists is incredible. They somehow forget that corporations are made up of PEOPLE!
Usually elderly and retired.

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