Obama Blames Biden


Sep 23, 2010
Understating the obvious:

In his new book, Gates writes that the Vice President "has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."

Biden was wrong about everything. Remember that he opposed the mission that got bin Laden. So even when something went right Biden was wrong.

Biden’s bin Laden hypocrisy
By Marc A.Thiessen, Published: October 8, 2012

Marc Thiessen: Biden?s bin Laden hypocrisy - The Washington Post

Now comes the part you gotta love:

"The President disagrees with Secretary Gates' assessment – from his leadership on the Balkans in the Senate, to his efforts to end the war in Iraq, Joe Biden has been one of the leading statesmen of his time, and has helped advance America’s leadership in the world. President Obama relies on his good counsel every day," National Security Council Spokesperson Caitlin Hayden said in a statement.

White House: Bob Gates Is Wrong About Biden
Caitlin MacNeal – January 7, 2014, 6:13 PM EST

White House: Bob Gates Is Wrong About Biden

Translate the above into Washington-speak and you’ll see that Barack Taqiyya is actually blaming Biden for the Administration’s disastrous foreign policy. There’s nothing new here. Taqiyya the Liar always blames everybody else. And let’s face reality on this one. Who in their right mind wants the credit for this Administration’s foreign policy?

Let’s take a look at a few of Biden’s high points.

The Balkans

Biden originally took credit for pushing Clinton into intervening in a civil war that ended up killing Christians in order to save Muslims. The final score is not in on that one.


Biden was for it before he was against it. After he was against it he, more than anyone else on the talk show circuit, gave the enemy hope for a political victory in Iraq à la Vietnam. In so doing, Biden cost the lives of countless Americans fighting in Iraq. Not satisfied with giving aid and comfort to the enemy during the war his Iraq policy threw away the sacrifices made by all of the men and women who fought in Iraq. Presumably, Biden’s good counsel led to the mess in today’s Iraq AFTER AMERICA WON THE WAR.


During the Bush years Biden himself never stopped complaining about America’s lost respect in the International community. The truth is: Under this Administration respect vanished faster than truth vanishes in Democrat talking points. Respect vanished 100 times faster after he became vice president. Not only did respect evaporate entirely, Biden threw in leadership for good measure.

I’ll admit I’m wrong if Biden is responsible for the president’s bowing and scrapping. Nobody can lead from behind, but it might be possible to lead on your knees.
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See video:

Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer blasted President Obama after former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates’ claimed the president “lost faith” in his Afghanistan troop surge, . . .


The columnist was particularly incensed that Obama sent 33,000 extra troops into Afghanistan without actually believing they would be victorious. “The real issue is: How can a president commit troops if his heart isn’t in it, when he knows that Americans are going to die?” Krauthammer questioned. “Three out of every four Americans who died in Afghanistan have done so under the command and orders of Barack Obama.”

11:54 PM 01/07/2014

Brendan Bordelon​

So far I’ve not heard one public voice make the United Nations distinction between Iraq and Afghanistan. Iraq was NOT a UN-approved military action. Democrats were all for intervening in Iraq so long as the UN was in charge. They only turned against it when Bush invaded unilaterally without the UN’s final approval.

Afghanistan is a UN-approved war. Right from the start Democrats, including Barack Taqiyya, said Afghanistan was the right war. In effect, Americans died for the United Nations in Afghanistan. That’s the answer to Krauthammer’s question although I am not certain where Taqiyya’s heart is.

Now that public support for the war went South they all want to bailout without blaming the UN.

Question: What kind of “good counsel” did Biden offer on troop increases? I don’t have an answer to my question, but I do know that Biden has always been a top stooge for the UNIC (United Nations/International Community). In addition to UN military interventions Biden never saw a UN treaty he didn’t love.
Poor Taqiyya the Liar. He would have been screwed either way:

President Obama’s top aides secretly considered replacing Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. with Hillary Rodham Clinton on the 2012 ticket, undertaking extensive focus-group sessions and polling in late 2011 when Mr. Obama’s re-election outlook appeared uncertain. Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. with Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2010. President Obama’s aides decided that putting Mrs. Clinton on the 2012 ticket would not offer a significant boost, a book says.

The aides concluded that despite Mrs. Clinton’s popularity, the move would not offer a significant enough political boost to Mr. Obama to justify such a radical move, according to a newly published account of the 2012 race.

Book Details Obama Aides’ Talks About Replacing Biden on 2012 Ticket
Published: October 31, 2013


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