Obama Approval Rating up 6% to 53% (Gallup)

he didn't have sex with clinton. oral doesn't count, remember?

:lol: Oh there's so many things I could say to that comment.

So Elvis:

Barack Obama:

Great President or Greatest President? ;)
Well maybe I missed something. What was it that makes Obama so great?

Every time he speaks, a angel has a orgasm.

I would not know about that, but it sure looks like you are beating off behind those bars trying to have an orgasm.

Maybe when you get your next chance to call from prison you could call that Communist Nobel Prize place & ask them.
I would not know about that, but it sure looks like you are beating off behind those bars trying to have an orgasm.

Maybe when you get your next chance to call from prison you could call that Communist Nobel Prize place & ask them.

I'm in prison now? And you didn't get your Nobel Peace Prize in the mail? :eusa_eh:

Just curious, are you a listener of Alex Jones? :lol:
Well maybe I missed something. What was it that makes Obama so great?

Who knows. Too early to tell...

Yet you think he is better than Bush. Oh how your intelligence astounds me.

During his first day in office Obama could have shat in the Oval Office, felt up his secretary and ran naked down Pennsylvania avenue and he still would have been better than Bush. Obama, while not your best president, is certainly better than Bush.

Which reminds me, do you wish me to direct you to threads on this site saying how crap a president Obama was the day after his inauguration?
Who knows. Too early to tell...

Yet you think he is better than Bush. Oh how your intelligence astounds me.

During his first day in office Obama could have shat in the Oval Office, felt up his secretary and ran naked down Pennsylvania avenue and he still would have been better than Bush. Obama, while not your best president, is certainly better than Bush.

Which reminds me, do you wish me to direct you to threads on this site saying how crap a president Obama was the day after his inauguration?

No, because I already know how crappy he was before he was elected. I am asking you what has he done so far as president that is so great or better than previous presidents. Heck even I can name a couple. (1) - He gives some racist black people hope that they are not held back by the white man & they are not owed reparations & everything else.
No, because I already know how crappy he was before he was elected. I am asking you what has he done so far as president that is so great or better than previous presidents. Heck even I can name a couple. (1) - He gives some racist black people hope that they are not held back by the white man & they are not owed reparations & everything else.

1) He has made America likable again, which means it is onside with the rest of the world, which is important in diplomacy.
2) I thought he handled the Haitian earthquake very well (shall we talk Katrina?).
3) He is almost there with your Health plan - whether you like it or not.,at least he is doing something.

That's just off the top of my head.

In my opinion Bush was the worst president in US history.
No, because I already know how crappy he was before he was elected. I am asking you what has he done so far as president that is so great or better than previous presidents. Heck even I can name a couple. (1) - He gives some racist black people hope that they are not held back by the white man & they are not owed reparations & everything else.

1) He has made America likable again, which means it is onside with the rest of the world, which is important in diplomacy.
2) I thought he handled the Haitian earthquake very well (shall we talk Katrina?).
3) He is almost there with your Health plan - whether you like it or not.,at least he is doing something.

That's just off the top of my head.

In my opinion Bush was the worst president in US history.


Thank God for your opinion...otherwise we never would have known that you're an idiot
No, because I already know how crappy he was before he was elected. I am asking you what has he done so far as president that is so great or better than previous presidents. Heck even I can name a couple. (1) - He gives some racist black people hope that they are not held back by the white man & they are not owed reparations & everything else.

1) He has made America likable again, which means it is onside with the rest of the world, which is important in diplomacy.
2) I thought he handled the Haitian earthquake very well (shall we talk Katrina?).
3) He is almost there with your Health plan - whether you like it or not.,at least he is doing something.

That's just off the top of my head.

In my opinion Bush was the worst president in US history.


Thank God for your opinion...otherwise we never would have known that you're an idiot

There are only two things in Texas...steers and queers, and you ain't got horns.....
No, because I already know how crappy he was before he was elected. I am asking you what has he done so far as president that is so great or better than previous presidents. Heck even I can name a couple. (1) - He gives some racist black people hope that they are not held back by the white man & they are not owed reparations & everything else.

1) He has made America likable again, which means it is onside with the rest of the world, which is important in diplomacy.
2) I thought he handled the Haitian earthquake very well (shall we talk Katrina?).
3) He is almost there with your Health plan - whether you like it or not.,at least he is doing something.

That's just off the top of my head.

In my opinion Bush was the worst president in US history.

1) Americas foes like to push him around. Iran has gone off the deep end. He told the peace prizers he was surging troops into Afganistan.
2) Haitian earthquake along with other disasters since he took office are way bigger fuck-ups than Katrina. I have 8 pallets with 300 - 48'x15' tarps that were & are still needed in Haiti. I have posted them on here, Red Cross & the White house response sites yet no response. Clinton was on C-Span asking for tarps I called & no response. $20,000.00 worth of tarps & they sit on their hands. BTW other world leaders IE Putin & Chavez you know the ones you think like us now, they think Obama caused the Haiti quake. So much for your foreign relations theory.
3) That so called health care plan was nothing more than an SEIU union pay bargaining agreement, you nor your elected officials would know that because you did not read it. Let me know when they start working on a real viable health care plan instead of that 2,000 page joke.
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No, because I already know how crappy he was before he was elected. I am asking you what has he done so far as president that is so great or better than previous presidents. Heck even I can name a couple. (1) - He gives some racist black people hope that they are not held back by the white man & they are not owed reparations & everything else.

1) He has made America likable again, which means it is onside with the rest of the world, which is important in diplomacy.
2) I thought he handled the Haitian earthquake very well (shall we talk Katrina?).
3) He is almost there with your Health plan - whether you like it or not.,at least he is doing something.

That's just off the top of my head.

In my opinion Bush was the worst president in US history.

1) Americas foes like to push him around.
2) Haitian earthquake along with other disasters since he took office are way bigger fuck-ups than Katrina. BTW other world leaders IE Putin & Chavez you know the ones you think like us now, they think Obama caused the Haiti quake. So much for your foreign relations theory.
Explain. Also, provide some evidence of these bizzare claims about Putin. Chavez doesn't matter, he's batshit crazy.
3) That so called health care plan was nothing more than an SEIU union pay bargaining agreement, you nor your elected officials would know that because you did not read it. Let me know when they start working on a real viable health care plan instead of that 2,000 page joke.
So, you must have read it, right? Because only a moron would make claims to something that he himself hadn't read.

Now, I have read the bill (it's my job). Please cite where in the bill the evidence of your conspiracy theories lie.
1) He has made America likable again, which means it is onside with the rest of the world, which is important in diplomacy.
2) I thought he handled the Haitian earthquake very well (shall we talk Katrina?).
3) He is almost there with your Health plan - whether you like it or not.,at least he is doing something.

That's just off the top of my head.

In my opinion Bush was the worst president in US history.


Thank God for your opinion...otherwise we never would have known that you're an idiot

There are only two things in Texas...steers and queers, and you ain't got horns.....

LOL...that's all you got? A hundred year old texas joke? You really ARE an idiot.

BTW...how the hell do you know I don't have horns? Or is that just wishful thinkin?

Leave it to a fucking libtard to make fun of gays while they fight for their rights...fucking beautiful....moron
No, because I already know how crappy he was before he was elected. I am asking you what has he done so far as president that is so great or better than previous presidents. Heck even I can name a couple. (1) - He gives some racist black people hope that they are not held back by the white man & they are not owed reparations & everything else.

1) He has made America likable again, which means it is onside with the rest of the world, which is important in diplomacy.
2) I thought he handled the Haitian earthquake very well (shall we talk Katrina?).
3) He is almost there with your Health plan - whether you like it or not.,at least he is doing something.

That's just off the top of my head.

In my opinion Bush was the worst president in US history.

1) Americas foes like to push him around. Iran has gone off the deep end.
2) Haitian earthquake along with other disasters since he took office are way bigger fuck-ups than Katrina. I have 8 pallets with 300 - 48'x15' tarps that were & are still needed in Haiti. I have posted them on here, Red Cross & the White house response sites yet no response. Clinton was on C-Span asking for tarps I called & no response. BTW other world leaders IE Putin & Chavez you know the ones you think like us now, they think Obama caused the Haiti quake. So much for your foreign relations theory.
3) That so called health care plan was nothing more than an SEIU union pay bargaining agreement, you nor your elected officials would know that because you did not read it. Let me know when they start working on a real viable health care plan instead of that 2,000 page joke.

Dr. Gump is a loon with NO grasp of reality and talking points for his basis of logic. If he's a real doctor, he must have bought the degree.

It's unfortunate that you have something to offer and the promised one can't seem to get it done...of course, he hasn't been able to get much of anything done now has he? Even with a controlling congress....LOL....it doesn't take a doctor to figure out what a dismal failure that is....even if you pretend not to notice.
LOL...that's all you got? A hundred year old texas joke? You really ARE an idiot.

BTW...how the hell do you know I don't have horns? Or is that just wishful thinkin?

Leave it to a fucking libtard to make fun of gays while they fight for their rights...fucking beautiful....moron

Do you kiss your Momma with that tongue?

I haven't had the opportunity to kiss my mother in 6 years...she was killed by a drunk driver. But thanks for giving us an inside view into how you treat your mom. Asshole.

1) Americas foes like to push him around. Iran has gone off the deep end. He told the peace prizers he was surging troops into Afganistan.
2) Haitian earthquake along with other disasters since he took office are way bigger fuck-ups than Katrina. I have 8 pallets with 300 - 48'x15' tarps that were & are still needed in Haiti. I have posted them on here, Red Cross & the White house response sites yet no response. Clinton was on C-Span asking for tarps I called & no response. $20,000.00 worth of tarps & they sit on their hands. BTW other world leaders IE Putin & Chavez you know the ones you think like us now, they think Obama caused the Haiti quake. So much for your foreign relations theory.
3) That so called health care plan was nothing more than an SEIU union pay bargaining agreement, you nor your elected officials would know that because you did not read it. Let me know when they start working on a real viable health care plan instead of that 2,000 page joke.

1) Who has pushed him around.
2) There is a lot of help happening in Haiti. The fact that you have not been contacted doesn't mean things are not being done. I think the response was timely and appropriate.
3) Exactly what parts of the plan do you object to?

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