Diamond Member
The following strong words from CIA veteran Michael Scheuer.
"In his response to the al-Qaeda attack in Detroit, Obama echoed the identical analytic path blazed by his fellow interventionists George W. Bush and Bill Clinton:
The would-be bomber was a lone, extremist Muslim who was acting outside the tenets of his Islamic faith the religion of peace and was intent on slaughtering the innocent.
We will do the tracking-down gently so as not to undermine our most deeply held values. (And instead of being an adult and quietly firing those who failed to stop the Detroit attacker, I will blame my subordinates, publicly humiliate U.S. intelligence services, terrorize Americans by alleging "catastrophic" and "systemic" failure, and publicly detail the holes in our security system.)
Obamas prescription for defeating al-Qaeda and like-minded groups maintains continuity with the failed and stubbornly ignorant approach Washington has adhered to since bin Laden declared war on the United States in August, 1996.
Whether we do our tracking/arresting/killing ethically or brutally is irrelevant. Each al-Qaeda attack on the United States successful or not strengthens the hands of those politicians and bureaucrats who will curtail the civil liberties of Americans.
In a statement of less than a quarter-hour, then, Obama demonstrated how thoroughly he slicked Americans in the last presidential election. "
Barack Obama, Interventionist and Ultimate Jihadi Hero by Michael Scheuer -- Antiwar.com
On CNN today, Scheuer also blistered Obama advisor John Brennan as one of those who prevented the US missions against OBL.
"In his response to the al-Qaeda attack in Detroit, Obama echoed the identical analytic path blazed by his fellow interventionists George W. Bush and Bill Clinton:
The would-be bomber was a lone, extremist Muslim who was acting outside the tenets of his Islamic faith the religion of peace and was intent on slaughtering the innocent.
We will do the tracking-down gently so as not to undermine our most deeply held values. (And instead of being an adult and quietly firing those who failed to stop the Detroit attacker, I will blame my subordinates, publicly humiliate U.S. intelligence services, terrorize Americans by alleging "catastrophic" and "systemic" failure, and publicly detail the holes in our security system.)
Obamas prescription for defeating al-Qaeda and like-minded groups maintains continuity with the failed and stubbornly ignorant approach Washington has adhered to since bin Laden declared war on the United States in August, 1996.
Whether we do our tracking/arresting/killing ethically or brutally is irrelevant. Each al-Qaeda attack on the United States successful or not strengthens the hands of those politicians and bureaucrats who will curtail the civil liberties of Americans.
In a statement of less than a quarter-hour, then, Obama demonstrated how thoroughly he slicked Americans in the last presidential election. "
Barack Obama, Interventionist and Ultimate Jihadi Hero by Michael Scheuer -- Antiwar.com
On CNN today, Scheuer also blistered Obama advisor John Brennan as one of those who prevented the US missions against OBL.