NYT bombshell: E-mail told Donald Jr that Russian government wants to aid Trump's candidacy

How will Sanders try to defend Trump tomorrow...?


We do know for a fact that the golden showers dossier was fake, and that benefited hillary.

Nothing burger?


Does the MSM ignore the something burger since it was bad news for them?

We know the answer. Left wingers (all of them) deserve to be shot.
To quote CNN, a total nothing burger. And just as fake, the CNN article is a complete scam.

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If this is true (that particular qualifier must always be used when something involves politics), it's serious. One good smoking gun makes all the other accusations much more believable, and you could damn near stick a fork in the whole thing.

I do love mixed metaphors.
Go ahead and explain to us why it is so serious. Go ahead. I hope they did ask them to dig dirt on her. They sure as hell found it.

Oh yeah. The dirt. Ignore all of that. Make sure the people who revealed the dirt to the American voting public are attacked.

Cause no one on the left tried to find dirt on Trump. Oh yeah, I forgot. All of that was just fine. Even the dirt that turned out to be complete lies.

I keep forgetting. All of that does not matter one bit.

Fucking losers.
If this is true (that particular qualifier must always be used when something involves politics), it's serious. One good smoking gun makes all the other accusations much more believable, and you could damn near stick a fork in the whole thing.
Go ahead and explain to us why it is so serious. Go ahead.
First, I know there is nothing I can say that will convince you that any potentially damaging information is serious, so I know I'm wasting my time. I know how the game is played. But I'll lay it out there, just for fun.

The son and key advisor of the President of the United States is told during the presidential campaign that would ultimately elect his father, that Russia (a) wants to help his father win, and (b) has damaging information on his opponent and wants to meet to tell him about it. The son, instead of doing the right thing and contacting the proper authorities, chooses to attend the meeting.

Sounds like a movie. And it's all within the context of a larger story and narrative that the President's group and Russia engaged in some kind of collusion during the campaign.

Yeah, no big deal there.

As I said, if it's true - and I have no idea that it is - any reasonable person would acknowledge this would be damaging.
I expected a bombshell, why the hell are you only armed with a bag of pop rocks?

This is it, it's the SMOKING GUN--and Trump is DONE. Trump Jr. recieved and EMAIL, that I'lll bet Robert Mueller already has a copy of--that notified him that the Russians were willing to help Trump win the election. Instead of immediately notifying the FBI, he set up a meeting with Jerad Kushner and Paul manafort in attendance--to meet with a Russian Lawyer whom he believed, and has admitted to (after changing his story again) that had damaging material on Hillary Clinton.

There's nothing more to say--he knew this information was coming from Russia.

Hey moron, just because Russia wanted Trump to win, doesn't make Trump guilty of "collusion" or any other crime. China and every communist country, as well as every EU country wanted Hillary to win. Eastern block countries that hate Muslims wanted Trump to win. Many of them, especially China, use their wealth and media power to influence the election to who they favor. It's not like people didn't find "dirt" on Trump, remember the hidden recording of his private conversation on the bus you all lost your marbles over? How was that tape not trying to sway the election? The real dirt on Hillary and the DNC came from an insider and was leaked.
"There is no evidence to suggest that the promised damaging information was related to Russian government computer hacking that led to the release of thousands of Democratic National Committee emails. The meeting took place less than a week before it was widely reported that Russian hackers had infiltrated the committee’s servers."

Another ADMITTED big, fat 'nothing-burger'.
If this is true (that particular qualifier must always be used when something involves politics), it's serious. One good smoking gun makes all the other accusations much more believable, and you could damn near stick a fork in the whole thing.
Go ahead and explain to us why it is so serious. Go ahead.
First, I know there is nothing I can say that will convince you that any potentially damaging information is serious, so I know I'm wasting my time. I know how the game is played. But I'll lay it out there, just for fun.

The son and key advisor of the President of the United States is told during the presidential campaign that would ultimately elect his father, that Russia (a) wants to help his father win, and (b) has damaging information on his opponent and wants to meet to tell him about it. The son, instead of doing the right thing and contacting the proper authorities, chooses to attend the meeting.

Sounds like a movie. And it's all within the context of a larger story and narrative that the President's group and Russia engaged in some kind of collusion during the campaign.

Yeah, no big deal there.

As I said, if it's true - and I have no idea that it is - any reasonable person would acknowledge this would be damaging.

Is it illegal to receive information about the DNC? Don't think so... a nothing burger even if true.

Turn him in to authorities... for what? And who was this guy anyway, just some random Russian lawyer or on Putin's paylist?
If this is true (that particular qualifier must always be used when something involves politics), it's serious. One good smoking gun makes all the other accusations much more believable, and you could damn near stick a fork in the whole thing.
Go ahead and explain to us why it is so serious. Go ahead.
First, I know there is nothing I can say that will convince you that any potentially damaging information is serious, so I know I'm wasting my time. I know how the game is played. But I'll lay it out there, just for fun.

The son and key advisor of the President of the United States is told during the presidential campaign that would ultimately elect his father, that Russia (a) wants to help his father win, and (b) has damaging information on his opponent and wants to meet to tell him about it. The son, instead of doing the right thing and contacting the proper authorities, chooses to attend the meeting.

Sounds like a movie. And it's all within the context of a larger story and narrative that the President's group and Russia engaged in some kind of collusion during the campaign.

Yeah, no big deal there.

As I said, if it's true - and I have no idea that it is - any reasonable person would acknowledge this would be damaging.

You left a couple important things out. It shows intent on the part of the Trump campaign that they are willing to work with Russia in order to win the election. So even if this meeting didn't produce information, they spoke with Russians again after that meeting, and Kushner later wanted to create a back channel with the Russians so they could speak privately. This first meeting just showed how dirty they were willing to get.

And the fact he didn't report the offer at the time? And that he lied about even happening later? In a court of law his credibility would be absolutely shot.
If this is true (that particular qualifier must always be used when something involves politics), it's serious. One good smoking gun makes all the other accusations much more believable, and you could damn near stick a fork in the whole thing.
Go ahead and explain to us why it is so serious. Go ahead.
First, I know there is nothing I can say that will convince you that any potentially damaging information is serious, so I know I'm wasting my time. I know how the game is played. But I'll lay it out there, just for fun.

The son and key advisor of the President of the United States is told during the presidential campaign that would ultimately elect his father, that Russia (a) wants to help his father win, and (b) has damaging information on his opponent and wants to meet to tell him about it. The son, instead of doing the right thing and contacting the proper authorities, chooses to attend the meeting.

Sounds like a movie. And it's all within the context of a larger story and narrative that the President's group and Russia engaged in some kind of collusion during the campaign.

Yeah, no big deal there.

As I said, if it's true - and I have no idea that it is - any reasonable person would acknowledge this would be damaging.

Is it illegal to receive information about the DNC? Don't think so... a nothing burger even if true.
Let's say the country involved was China, the candidate had been Hillary, the child who was contacted was Chelsea, she had attended the meeting, and Hillary, surrounded by layers of China collusion rumors, had won.

That would be a nothing burger too, right?
If this is true (that particular qualifier must always be used when something involves politics), it's serious. One good smoking gun makes all the other accusations much more believable, and you could damn near stick a fork in the whole thing.
Go ahead and explain to us why it is so serious. Go ahead.
First, I know there is nothing I can say that will convince you that any potentially damaging information is serious, so I know I'm wasting my time. I know how the game is played. But I'll lay it out there, just for fun.

The son and key advisor of the President of the United States is told during the presidential campaign that would ultimately elect his father, that Russia (a) wants to help his father win, and (b) has damaging information on his opponent and wants to meet to tell him about it. The son, instead of doing the right thing and contacting the proper authorities, chooses to attend the meeting.

Sounds like a movie. And it's all within the context of a larger story and narrative that the President's group and Russia engaged in some kind of collusion during the campaign.

Yeah, no big deal there.

As I said, if it's true - and I have no idea that it is - any reasonable person would acknowledge this would be damaging.

Is it illegal to receive information about the DNC? Don't think so... a nothing burger even if true.
Let's say the country involved was China, the candidate had been Hillary, the child who was contacted was Chelsea, she had attended the meeting, and Hillary, surrounded by layers of China collusion rumors, had won.

That would be a nothing burger too, right?

Hillary's daughter met a Chinese lawyer once?

Considering she openly did business with the likes of Saudi Arabia, flooded by Saudi Arabian money... sure, a total nothing burger.

Primarily this highlights the rampant racism in the left.
If this is true (that particular qualifier must always be used when something involves politics), it's serious. One good smoking gun makes all the other accusations much more believable, and you could damn near stick a fork in the whole thing.
Go ahead and explain to us why it is so serious. Go ahead.
First, I know there is nothing I can say that will convince you that any potentially damaging information is serious, so I know I'm wasting my time. I know how the game is played. But I'll lay it out there, just for fun.

The son and key advisor of the President of the United States is told during the presidential campaign that would ultimately elect his father, that Russia (a) wants to help his father win, and (b) has damaging information on his opponent and wants to meet to tell him about it. The son, instead of doing the right thing and contacting the proper authorities, chooses to attend the meeting.

Sounds like a movie. And it's all within the context of a larger story and narrative that the President's group and Russia engaged in some kind of collusion during the campaign.

Yeah, no big deal there.

As I said, if it's true - and I have no idea that it is - any reasonable person would acknowledge this would be damaging.

Is it illegal to receive information about the DNC? Don't think so... a nothing burger even if true.
Let's say the country involved was China, the candidate had been Hillary, the child who was contacted was Chelsea, she had attended the meeting, and Hillary, surrounded by layers of China collusion rumors, had won.

That would be a nothing burger too, right?

Hillary's daughter met a Chinese lawyer once?

Considering she openly did business with the likes of Saudi Arabia, flooded by Saudi Arabian money... sure, a total nothing burger.
You wouldn't have said a thing, you would not have cared. Okay, great.
Hillary would NEVER have used any negative information she had received from an outside source against Trump in an effort to defeat him in the election....

Doing so would be unethical / cheating... like righing primaries, like engaging in election fraud during primaries, like cheating during debates, like threatening the lives of Electoral College voters in an attempt to alter the election outcome (something the Russians did nit even do...)
If this is true (that particular qualifier must always be used when something involves politics), it's serious. One good smoking gun makes all the other accusations much more believable, and you could damn near stick a fork in the whole thing.
Go ahead and explain to us why it is so serious. Go ahead.
First, I know there is nothing I can say that will convince you that any potentially damaging information is serious, so I know I'm wasting my time. I know how the game is played. But I'll lay it out there, just for fun.

The son and key advisor of the President of the United States is told during the presidential campaign that would ultimately elect his father, that Russia (a) wants to help his father win, and (b) has damaging information on his opponent and wants to meet to tell him about it. The son, instead of doing the right thing and contacting the proper authorities, chooses to attend the meeting.

Sounds like a movie. And it's all within the context of a larger story and narrative that the President's group and Russia engaged in some kind of collusion during the campaign.

Yeah, no big deal there.

As I said, if it's true - and I have no idea that it is - any reasonable person would acknowledge this would be damaging.

You left a couple important things out. It shows intent on the part of the Trump campaign that they are willing to work with Russia in order to win the election. So even if this meeting didn't produce information, they spoke with Russians again after that meeting, and Kushner later wanted to create a back channel with the Russians so they could speak privately. This first meeting just showed how dirty they were willing to get.

And the fact he didn't report the offer at the time? And that he lied about even happening later? In a court of law his credibility would be absolutely shot.
Jr failed to report someone offering him negative, damaging information on Hillary...and you say that is 'illegal'? :p

No one had to give the Trump's anything negative about Hillary....there are decades worth of damaging information available in recorded history / press to choose from, going all the way back to Watergate...

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