NYC spends $16 million on legal fees for ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The encourages illegals to live in america which is a federal felony as per title section 1324 of the US code.

NYC to Pay $16M for Illegals’ Lawyer Fees, Subways Held Together with Zip Ties - Breitbart

june 30 2017 NEW YORK CITY — As left-wing Mayor Bill de Blasio designates millions of dollars of taxpayer money to pay the lawyer fees of illegal immigrants, New York’s failing subway system is falling into greater disrepair — with a state of emergency being declared by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and one straphanger spotting that her subway train was being held together with a zip tie.
De Blasio earmarked $16 million in his budget proposal in April to pay the legal fees of people in the Big Apple illegally — part of a broader push from de Blasio to remove any serious distinction between legal and illegal immigrants.

Yet that budget, to be finalized this week, comes as the city’s commuters are struggling more than ever. Horror stories of delayed trains and commuters being stuck in carriages for hours are becoming daily fare in New York news outlets. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo declared a state of emergency Thursday after a train partially derailed this week, injuring commuters. Cuomo pledged more money and reforms to help fix the crumbling system.
The encourages illegals to live in america which is a federal felony as per title section 1324 of the US code.

NYC to Pay $16M for Illegals’ Lawyer Fees, Subways Held Together with Zip Ties - Breitbart

june 30 2017 NEW YORK CITY — As left-wing Mayor Bill de Blasio designates millions of dollars of taxpayer money to pay the lawyer fees of illegal immigrants, New York’s failing subway system is falling into greater disrepair — with a state of emergency being declared by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and one straphanger spotting that her subway train was being held together with a zip tie.
De Blasio earmarked $16 million in his budget proposal in April to pay the legal fees of people in the Big Apple illegally — part of a broader push from de Blasio to remove any serious distinction between legal and illegal immigrants.

Yet that budget, to be finalized this week, comes as the city’s commuters are struggling more than ever. Horror stories of delayed trains and commuters being stuck in carriages for hours are becoming daily fare in New York news outlets. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo declared a state of emergency Thursday after a train partially derailed this week, injuring commuters. Cuomo pledged more money and reforms to help fix the crumbling system.

New York is Leftist, so that 16 million dollars is worth paying because the Illegal Immigrants are now a big illegal voting bloc for Leftists, this is why they allow the Illegal Immigrants to have driving licences they register them to vote via the driving licences. I posted an article the other day in a thread about how California has three million Illegal Immigrants with driving licences and how the authorities in California registered them to vote via those driving licences. This is also why they are refusing to hand voter information to The Trump Administration and Jeff Sessions, they know if they do the lid will be blown off their dirty way of rigging elections via Illegal Immigrants voting.

Muh Poor Refugees also are the new Leftist voting bloc, that's in all Western nations this filth is imported to, this is part of the reason Leftist Groups fanatically want Muh Poor Refugees in unlimited numbers, they'll register them to vote for them or just en masse bus them from polling station to polling station so they can illegally vote ten, twenty times per person without the need to show any type of ID to vote.
Obviously, the people of NYC don't mind paying for it

In typical Leftist fashion they have their priorities wrong. That money could be better spent helping already vulnerable people, such as homeless people and the elderly who are below the poverty line.

Leftists being Pathologically Altruistic ignore their own people who need help but are happy to burst a vein to help people who in this instance don't even have a right to be in their vicinity ie. Illegal Immigrants, Leftists also have a severe comprehension problem as they don't seem to understand what Illegal even means, then again Leftists in general hold the law in contempt, except when they are screaming for new laws to shut people up from exercising their right to Free Speech because it might hurt Muh Feelings of all the little Bedwetting Snowflakes and the Mooselimbs.
[I posted an article the other day in a thread about how California has three million Illegal Immigrants with driving licences and how the authorities in California registered them to vote via those driving licences. .

I don't doubt that but you have to wonder if it's even necessary. CA is very far left even with legal voters.

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