NRA applauds Trump's policy on enforcing gun laws, vs. obama who reduced prosecutions....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Attorney General Sessions has increased gun crime prosecutions 23%......after 8 years of reduced prosecutions under obama...

This is how you lower gun crime.....locking up actual gun criminals, not going after normal, law abiding gun owners....

And the NRA supports the efforts of President Trump and his Attorney General to lock up violent gun offenders......

Sessions: Gun crime prosecutions up 23 percent this quarter

U.S Attorney General Jeff Sessions last week credited a shift in priorities in the Justice Department for triggering a big jump in the number of people charged in federal court with weapons violations.

On Friday, Sessions explained the number of defendants charged with unlawful possession of a firearm increased in 2017’s second quarter to 2,637, up from 2,149 in the same period last year. The former Alabama Republican senator, narrowly confirmed in February to his post as the country’s top lawman, attributed the increase in part to a memo he sent in March to federal prosecutors directing them to target violent crime with a concentration on a number of statutes — including several dealing with firearms offenses.

“In the first three months since the memo went into effect, charges of unlawful possession of a gun – mostly by previously convicted felons – are up by 23 percent,” Sessions said. “That sends a clear message to criminals all over this country that if you carry a gun illegally, you will be held accountable. I am grateful to the many federal prosecutors and agents who are working hard every day to make America safe again.”

According to data from the Executive Office for United States Attorneys, in the last fiscal year, some 11,656 defendants were charged with firearms offenses while projected numbers for the current year are on pace to charge 12,626, an overall increase of eight percent. If the figure is reached, officials say it would be the highest number of federal firearms cases since 2005, under the administration of President George W. Bush.

Sessions crafted the memo after input from the newly established DOJ Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety. Established by Executive Order from President Trump just three weeks after his inauguration, Sessions last month expanded the initiative into a partnership with a dozen cities in an effort to combat violent criminals, specifically those involved in gun crime, drug trafficking, and gang violence.

The National Rifle Association, who strongly supported both Trump’s candidacy and Session’s confirmation, applauded the news from DOJ. “The Department of Justice report released today shows the administration’s commitment to getting violent criminals and gang members off our streets,” said Chris Cox, executive director of the NRA’s lobbying arm. “After suffering an all-time low during the Obama administration, federal prosecutions of illegal firearm possession are now being taken seriously.”
I understand it's the role of the Church to teach forgiveness and compassion to restore good faith relations.
It's the job of the State to enforce laws, provide due process and establish justice, for sake of security and policing crime.

The problem is the liberals who don't go through Church to do social work
turn to Govt and use that as their central authority or substitute Church.

That's why liberals depend on govt for health care because they can't see organizing mass health care
through church charities or faith based businesses they have no concept of as Conservatives use their resources for.

Obama and liberals mean well in wanting to include and protect the general welfare for all people equally
regardless of poverty, class or criminal/illegal status.

But the role of the state is to enforce "rule of law" and it's the churches that are supposed to serve neighbors as part of charity.

You can't mandate charity through the state, but that's what Dems do as part of the political religion.

I guess we need a term to define this political religion of using govt to mandate charity.
Why not call Obama and Pelosi "Shariah Democrats" who believe in instituting their
poltiical religion through govt and forcing everyone to pay for charity instead of allowing free exercise of religion.

We need to call out Democrats who are pushing a political religion on the nation through govt
while claiming that other groups should "separate church and state" and keep their beliefs out.

This is discrimination by creed, similar to Islamists who want to control govt and punish Christians
and others for not complying with things against their beliefs.

This is clearly abuse of govt to impose and establish a religion for others against their consent and equal freedom of religion.

See also the Democratic Party platform that recognizes the right to health care as a party BELIEF:

Texas Democratic Party - Healthcare

"Texas Democrats believe health care is a right, not a privilege reserved for those able to pay for it."

Democratic Party on Health Care

"We believe accessible, affordable, high quality health care is part of the American promise, that Americans should have the security that comes with good health care, and that no one should go broke because they get sick. We enacted landmark reforms that are already helping millions of Americans, and more benefits will come soon."

1. BELIEVING something is a right not a privilege constitutes a political belief.

2. Conservatives who are Constitutionalist BELIEVE in limited Govt and that federal govt has no authority without an amendment to the Constitution granting them power reserved to people and states otherwise.

3. Since these are competing BELIEFS, so govt has no right to endorse and ESTABLISH one belief over another.
Or else it's a violation of the First Amendment, the Fourteenth Amendment, the Civil Rights laws against discrimination by CREED,
and the Code of Ethics for Govt Service 96-303 barring federal employees from putting PARTY before public service, which includes citizens of Constitutional beliefs, and duty to the Constitution as when Obama, Pelosi and other federal officials took their oaths of office:

"I. Put loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department.
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