Notice How Democrats are Never Indicted?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Notice How Democrats are Never Indicted?

By William L. Gensert ~~ In a display of raw federal power unseen since Barack Obama rappelled from a Blackhawk helicopter to personally beat Bin Laden to death with an autographed copy of The Audacity of Hope, Roger Stone was arrested at his home by a 29-man, 17-vehicle tactical unit of the FBI.
Another Trump figure has fallen -- the end is near, and the noose is tightening. All Trump associates now fear for their lives and freedom. Yet some people who have committed crimes much more serious than any of the Mueller indictments remain, as always, unafraid. That list, by no means comprehensive, includes, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Clapper, Brennen, Steele, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Ohr (Mr. and Mrs.), Rice, and Yates.
Some are guilty of lying to Congress or the FBI, mishandling classified information, obstruction, conspiracy, destroying evidence, and much more. A case could be made that the Mueller investigation itself destroyed evidence when it wiped clean the Strzok and Page cellphones to delete text messages requested by IG Horowitz. Yet being a Democrat means never having to say you’re sorry because the rule of law only applies to Republicans and conservatives. There are no pre-dawn, guns-drawn raids to arrest Democrats..... Apparently, in America today the only people who should fear prosecution are those who disagree with the “ones we’ve been waiting for” because if you’re a Democrat, you can’t get arrested in this town.

We've seen it for years. Four names that immediately pop up are Lois Lerner and John Koskinen, who weaponized the IRS for Democrat advantage, then of course, both Bill & Hillary Clinton. Their Podesta lap dogs come soon after that.
Going smaller, is Ms. Brenda Snipes, Broward County Election official. You know, the one who supervised attempts to steal elections last year over in Florida. She should be locked up too.
Most times, the GOP are either too meek or too inept in a legal sense to make anything of these very obvious crimes. That, or the Globalists in the GOP agree with what Lois, Brenda, John, Hillary and Bubba were doing.
American justice has often been described as the best money can buy. Even the "best" lawyers are not particularly gifted in the law, they just have the judges - many of whom are clueless, lazy, and just make up the law as they see fit - they practice in their pockets through bribes, political connections, or social connections. All the while the litigants are being fleeced with more billable hours than there are in a 24 hour day and the fees mount up and multiply, the outcome has already been decided and the fleeced loot divided up in chambers or after hours in the local bar (the drinking bar, not the legal bar). Legal ethics are situational at best, and a complete oxymoron in most circumstances.
Incessant attacks by Progressive Marxist Socialist ideologists infiltrated into our Judicial system are destroying our Constitutional Republic. There is no real separation of powers, nor is there any true or effective oversight of the Judiciary. We are ruled by judicial tyrants, just as they have intended since Marbury v Madison.
Kompromat is the currency of the PMS Globalist Democrat Deep State.
No I don't notice how democrats "never" get indicted..... Do you consider impeachment not an indictment?
Notice How Democrats are Never Indicted?

By William L. Gensert ~~ In a display of raw federal power unseen since Barack Obama rappelled from a Blackhawk helicopter to personally beat Bin Laden to death with an autographed copy of The Audacity of Hope, Roger Stone was arrested at his home by a 29-man, 17-vehicle tactical unit of the FBI.
Another Trump figure has fallen -- the end is near, and the noose is tightening. All Trump associates now fear for their lives and freedom. Yet some people who have committed crimes much more serious than any of the Mueller indictments remain, as always, unafraid. That list, by no means comprehensive, includes, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Clapper, Brennen, Steele, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Ohr (Mr. and Mrs.), Rice, and Yates.
Some are guilty of lying to Congress or the FBI, mishandling classified information, obstruction, conspiracy, destroying evidence, and much more. A case could be made that the Mueller investigation itself destroyed evidence when it wiped clean the Strzok and Page cellphones to delete text messages requested by IG Horowitz. Yet being a Democrat means never having to say you’re sorry because the rule of law only applies to Republicans and conservatives. There are no pre-dawn, guns-drawn raids to arrest Democrats..... Apparently, in America today the only people who should fear prosecution are those who disagree with the “ones we’ve been waiting for” because if you’re a Democrat, you can’t get arrested in this town.

We've seen it for years. Four names that immediately pop up are Lois Lerner and John Koskinen, who weaponized the IRS for Democrat advantage, then of course, both Bill & Hillary Clinton. Their Podesta lap dogs come soon after that.
Going smaller, is Ms. Brenda Snipes, Broward County Election official. You know, the one who supervised attempts to steal elections last year over in Florida. She should be locked up too.
Most times, the GOP are either too meek or too inept in a legal sense to make anything of these very obvious crimes. That, or the Globalists in the GOP agree with what Lois, Brenda, John, Hillary and Bubba were doing.
American justice has often been described as the best money can buy. Even the "best" lawyers are not particularly gifted in the law, they just have the judges - many of whom are clueless, lazy, and just make up the law as they see fit - they practice in their pockets through bribes, political connections, or social connections. All the while the litigants are being fleeced with more billable hours than there are in a 24 hour day and the fees mount up and multiply, the outcome has already been decided and the fleeced loot divided up in chambers or after hours in the local bar (the drinking bar, not the legal bar). Legal ethics are situational at best, and a complete oxymoron in most circumstances.
Incessant attacks by Progressive Marxist Socialist ideologists infiltrated into our Judicial system are destroying our Constitutional Republic. There is no real separation of powers, nor is there any true or effective oversight of the Judiciary. We are ruled by judicial tyrants, just as they have intended since Marbury v Madison.
Kompromat is the currency of the PMS Globalist Democrat Deep State.

I'm thinking the deep state is a little too optimistic thinking at this point.
Our federal government is full of elected and appointed globalists....if you have globalist tendencies which dems can get away with murder.....
Notice How Democrats are Never Indicted?

By William L. Gensert ~~ In a display of raw federal power unseen since Barack Obama rappelled from a Blackhawk helicopter to personally beat Bin Laden to death with an autographed copy of The Audacity of Hope, Roger Stone was arrested at his home by a 29-man, 17-vehicle tactical unit of the FBI.
Another Trump figure has fallen -- the end is near, and the noose is tightening. All Trump associates now fear for their lives and freedom. Yet some people who have committed crimes much more serious than any of the Mueller indictments remain, as always, unafraid. That list, by no means comprehensive, includes, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Clapper, Brennen, Steele, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Ohr (Mr. and Mrs.), Rice, and Yates.
Some are guilty of lying to Congress or the FBI, mishandling classified information, obstruction, conspiracy, destroying evidence, and much more. A case could be made that the Mueller investigation itself destroyed evidence when it wiped clean the Strzok and Page cellphones to delete text messages requested by IG Horowitz. Yet being a Democrat means never having to say you’re sorry because the rule of law only applies to Republicans and conservatives. There are no pre-dawn, guns-drawn raids to arrest Democrats..... Apparently, in America today the only people who should fear prosecution are those who disagree with the “ones we’ve been waiting for” because if you’re a Democrat, you can’t get arrested in this town.

We've seen it for years. Four names that immediately pop up are Lois Lerner and John Koskinen, who weaponized the IRS for Democrat advantage, then of course, both Bill & Hillary Clinton. Their Podesta lap dogs come soon after that.
Going smaller, is Ms. Brenda Snipes, Broward County Election official. You know, the one who supervised attempts to steal elections last year over in Florida. She should be locked up too.
Most times, the GOP are either too meek or too inept in a legal sense to make anything of these very obvious crimes. That, or the Globalists in the GOP agree with what Lois, Brenda, John, Hillary and Bubba were doing.
American justice has often been described as the best money can buy. Even the "best" lawyers are not particularly gifted in the law, they just have the judges - many of whom are clueless, lazy, and just make up the law as they see fit - they practice in their pockets through bribes, political connections, or social connections. All the while the litigants are being fleeced with more billable hours than there are in a 24 hour day and the fees mount up and multiply, the outcome has already been decided and the fleeced loot divided up in chambers or after hours in the local bar (the drinking bar, not the legal bar). Legal ethics are situational at best, and a complete oxymoron in most circumstances.
Incessant attacks by Progressive Marxist Socialist ideologists infiltrated into our Judicial system are destroying our Constitutional Republic. There is no real separation of powers, nor is there any true or effective oversight of the Judiciary. We are ruled by judicial tyrants, just as they have intended since Marbury v Madison.
Kompromat is the currency of the PMS Globalist Democrat Deep State.

democrats are SOOOOOOO fkn evil......


I'm getting tired of conservative blood libel

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