Nothing new- just more rancorous


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
This is from 4 mos ago- I found it here

in this particular article

The Last Time a Contested Presidential Election Nearly Tore the Country Apart

For all the consequences of that outcome and its contribution to the partisan polarization that still dominates our politics today, there wasn’t much sense at the time that the choice between Bush and Al Gore was some sort of historical turning point. According to a Pew survey asking Americans if it “really matters who wins the presidential election,” or “things will be pretty much the same regardless of who wins,” only 46 percent of Democrats and 56 percent of Republicans said it really mattered in 2000. At this point in the 2020 cycle, by contrast, 85 percent of Democrats and 86 percent of Republicans think the outcome really matters. Al Gore accepted the highly dubious SCOTUS decision in Bush v. Gore quickly, and with words it would be hard to imagine a major-party candidate uttering in similar circumstances today:

From the comments-

Watch out for that "Perfectly Valid" assertion about mail-in ballots. This is the first primarily mail-in election ever. There are no precedents other than absentee ballots, for almost all states. The simple problem is that any ballot not signed by the actual registered voter, or else not postmarked, is NOT Valid, "perfectly" or otherwise. As a long-time Democrat who has worked in many Democratic primary contests, I can confirm that attempts to treat unsigned ballots as only "technically" deficient are common. Furthermore, ballot-stuffing -- collecting ballots in bulk and bringing them to the election board or recorder at the last minute -- has often proved an effective way to slip into the final vote count large numbers of unsigned or not-postmarked absentee ballots. This is not fair, but it is most often assumed in Democratic primaries that two or more candidates will attempt to use these tactics -- in part to offset what thye believe their opponents will do. There is little doubt in my mind that Republicans have much less experience of seeing these tactics used in their GOP primaries. This puts my estimate of Biden's chances at 95%, no matter what he says or does.

And in reply

"Democrats are seasoned election fraudsters, this puts my estimate of Biden's chances at 95%, no matter what he says or does."

Have I accurately summarized your comment?

: I suspect, partisans have always been around- but, it's also obvious the deviousness of ruining an election, therefore losing what little trust existed will only get worse- it's always darkest just before the storm and all the posturing or lying or deceit in the world won't change that- and please, spare us the sanctimonious denials of the obvious- it's not flattering to the denier(s), in this case, democrat zealots-
This is from 4 mos ago- I found it here

in this particular article

The Last Time a Contested Presidential Election Nearly Tore the Country Apart

For all the consequences of that outcome and its contribution to the partisan polarization that still dominates our politics today, there wasn’t much sense at the time that the choice between Bush and Al Gore was some sort of historical turning point. According to a Pew survey asking Americans if it “really matters who wins the presidential election,” or “things will be pretty much the same regardless of who wins,” only 46 percent of Democrats and 56 percent of Republicans said it really mattered in 2000. At this point in the 2020 cycle, by contrast, 85 percent of Democrats and 86 percent of Republicans think the outcome really matters. Al Gore accepted the highly dubious SCOTUS decision in Bush v. Gore quickly, and with words it would be hard to imagine a major-party candidate uttering in similar circumstances today:

From the comments-

Watch out for that "Perfectly Valid" assertion about mail-in ballots. This is the first primarily mail-in election ever. There are no precedents other than absentee ballots, for almost all states. The simple problem is that any ballot not signed by the actual registered voter, or else not postmarked, is NOT Valid, "perfectly" or otherwise. As a long-time Democrat who has worked in many Democratic primary contests, I can confirm that attempts to treat unsigned ballots as only "technically" deficient are common. Furthermore, ballot-stuffing -- collecting ballots in bulk and bringing them to the election board or recorder at the last minute -- has often proved an effective way to slip into the final vote count large numbers of unsigned or not-postmarked absentee ballots. This is not fair, but it is most often assumed in Democratic primaries that two or more candidates will attempt to use these tactics -- in part to offset what thye believe their opponents will do. There is little doubt in my mind that Republicans have much less experience of seeing these tactics used in their GOP primaries. This puts my estimate of Biden's chances at 95%, no matter what he says or does.

And in reply

"Democrats are seasoned election fraudsters, this puts my estimate of Biden's chances at 95%, no matter what he says or does."

Have I accurately summarized your comment?

MY OPINION FOR THE INTENTIONALLY BLIND: I suspect, partisans have always been around- but, it's also obvious the deviousness of ruining an election, therefore losing what little trust existed will only get worse- it's always darkest just before the storm and all the posturing or lying or deceit in the world won't change that- and please, spare us the sanctimonious denials of the obvious- it's not flattering to the denier(s), in this case, democrat zealots-
Bad things happen in REALLY cheated elections. Take Kennedy. His God damned father had him killed in reality with Sinatra. Cheaters lose it just takes time.

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