(not the Onion)...actual headline from liberal paper: "The influx of financially-affluent white students entering DC could dilute its “chocolate city"

I'm beginning to think these are all parodies...apparently not!

And these are the college students who are the leaders of the future. We are all doomed!!

I have to hand it to the Marxist. That was smart to take over the colleges and take over the education. Infiltrate through propaganda and mind control. And they will never know they are being taken over.
I think that we are dealing with gentrification (Caucasians moving back to the city).

Here in Los Angeles, there was some minor unpleasantness when young Caucasians moved into a predominately Latinx area (some vandalism against Caucasian-owned stores).

The City Council rep for that area is a Latinx. He deplored any violence and reminded the residents that demographics change and that we must all adjust to them in a peaceful manner.

Perhaps those young Caucasians can find other places to settle in and leave "Chocolate City" to its current residents. I am guessing that those Caucasians are well-meaning liberals who really, really, really believe that multiculturalism can work.

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