No wonder conservatives hate evolution

1st post
A new study shows that evolution selects cooperation over selfishness, to the point that selfish individuals will one day die out.


The conservatives certainly don't hold the monopoly on selfish and greedy people. I really hope you do not actually believe this.

The Democrats are usually just better at disguising themselves as "out to help others", etc. There are good Dems (of course) just like there are good Republicans. Can't think in such black/white terms.

Remember, those Gov't tax dollars don't just disappear into charityland; they often make certain companies and the services and products they provide very profitable.

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A new study shows that evolution selects cooperation over selfishness, to the point that selfish individuals will one day die out.


The conservatives certainly don't hold the monopoly on selfish and greedy people. I really hope you do not actually believe this.

The Democrats are usually just better at disguising themselves as "out to help others", etc. There are good Dems (of course) just like there are good Republicans. Can't think in such black/white terms.

Remember, those Gov't tax dollars don't just disappear into charityland; they often make certain companies and the services and products they provide very profitable.

Of course I don't believe that either side holds a monopoly on greed. Don't be silly.

In general, though, I DO believe that liberals are better at collaborating with non-liberals to get what they want, than conservatives are at collaborating with non-conservatives. Although that discussion could easily take up one or more threads on its own.
Of course I don't believe that either side holds a monopoly on greed. Don't be silly.

With all do respect, I was just responding to your post that was suggesting "conservatives" will die off because a random study that suggests cooperation is a better survival trait than selfishness. It is a silly post, hence you might get some silly responses.

In general, though, I DO believe that liberals are better at collaborating with non-liberals to get what they want, than conservatives are at collaborating with non-conservatives. Although that discussion could easily take up one or more threads on its own.

Not sure I agree, but do you distinguish between "conservatives" and Republicans? I don't think it's fair to group the two into one gigantic category.

The amazing thing is that Liberals reproduce, it boggles the mind that they're able to do that without any government assistance
5th post
A new study shows that evolution selects cooperation over selfishness, to the point that selfish individuals will one day die out.


We already knew you were stupid, you didn't have to prove it. Can you explain how someone pointing a gun at your head and telling you what to do is in any way related to cooperation?
Of course I don't believe that either side holds a monopoly on greed. Don't be silly.

With all do respect, I was just responding to your post that was suggesting "conservatives" will die off because a random study that suggests cooperation is a better survival trait than selfishness. It is a silly post, hence you might get some silly responses.
It's tongue-in-cheek, I'll give you that.

In general, though, I DO believe that liberals are better at collaborating with non-liberals to get what they want, than conservatives are at collaborating with non-conservatives. Although that discussion could easily take up one or more threads on its own.

Not sure I agree, but do you distinguish between "conservatives" and Republicans? I don't think it's fair to group the two into one gigantic category.

Sure, I make the distinction, but most Republicans - especially those in public life - seem to think that their party has a monopoly on conservatism.
A new study shows that evolution selects cooperation over selfishness, to the point that selfish individuals will one day die out.


Did you ever read the essay Ice People, Sun People?
It addresses this very issue and is widely regarded as one of the most racist writings to ever be published.
Yes conservatives seem to be anti-science to the point of going back to the 20th century. On the other hand their idea's are in agreement with solid economic reality.

Science is important
but economics is the leftist stake through the ass.
I'm a conservative who believes in evolution. Your ignorant OP's premise is faulty from the start.


Was the title of the thread "No wonder the conservatives don't believe in evolution?"

Of course there are those who do; they just don't like it because it works against them.

A new study shows that evolution selects cooperation over selfishness, to the point that selfish individuals will one day die out.


We already knew you were stupid, you didn't have to prove it. Can you explain how someone pointing a gun at your head and telling you what to do is in any way related to cooperation?

Hey, kid. Will you ever man up enough to admit that the only issue that you actually care about is trying to show USMB how snide and sarcastic you can get?
A new study shows that evolution selects cooperation over selfishness, to the point that selfish individuals will one day die out.


We already knew you were stupid, you didn't have to prove it. Can you explain how someone pointing a gun at your head and telling you what to do is in any way related to cooperation?

Hey, kid. Will you ever man up enough to admit that the only issue that you actually care about is trying to show USMB how snide and sarcastic you can get?

Where did I ever say anything else?
15th post
We already knew you were stupid, you didn't have to prove it. Can you explain how someone pointing a gun at your head and telling you what to do is in any way related to cooperation?

Hey, kid. Will you ever man up enough to admit that the only issue that you actually care about is trying to show USMB how snide and sarcastic you can get?

Where did I ever say anything else?
I appreciate your honesty, but I have some sad news for you: USMB doesn't care.
Hey, kid. Will you ever man up enough to admit that the only issue that you actually care about is trying to show USMB how snide and sarcastic you can get?

Where did I ever say anything else?
I appreciate your honesty, but I have some sad news for you: USMB doesn't care.

You do, otherwise you wouldn't have said something.

By the way, have you figured out how pointing a gun at your head and demanding something fits in with the article's comments about evolution selecting for cooperation?
A new study shows that evolution selects cooperation over selfishness, to the point that selfish individuals will one day die out.


Makes sense, liberals in theory act as if they care, but want someone else to do the lifting, so in reality they are really selfish, yeah you have a good point, the liberal way of thinking will become extinct, maybe in this century...

On the other hand conservatives, the so called selfish ones, give more to charity 10 to 1 versus liberals and get labeled as selfish, only in a liberals mind does this make sense...

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